August 23, 2021 Meeting Minutes

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Aug. 23, 2021 Monthly Meeting

4th Monday of the Month

Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

August 23, 2021


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 7:07pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

Jaynee Germond, Trustee

William Sickner, Trustee


Kathy McLean, Treasurer

Larry Brozowski, Trustee

Molly Adkins, Trustee

Guest Speaker:

Ryan D. Kelley, Candidate for Governor ( )

Ryan spoke for about an hour and a half. He finished at 8:32pm.


Full Forensic Audit Resolution

We are presenting a letter demanding a Full Forensic Audit to the Michigan Democratic Party, Michigan Republican Party, all legislators in the House of Representatives and Senate, as well as the Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State. This letter is to officially advocate and demand a Full Forensic Audit of the 2020 General Election in the State of Michigan. We feel that Benson has not done any audit as defined by her office. We have a grassroots petition that was available to sign at the Alcona County Fair, that will also be included in this letter.

Alcona County Fair Report

The fair this year was rather slow, because the company who was to provide rides for fair-goers to enjoy, backed out of their job, two days before the fair was to take place. However, our booth was present at the fair, and it seems those who attended, enjoyed their time there to talk to people who are interested in what we are up to and all about. We also had some new members join our party because of the fair. Both of our silent auctions sold as well. Congratulations to those who won the auctions!

Censure of McBroom, Theis, and Bizon

It was discussed about censuring McBroom, Theis, and Bizon, for violating their oaths of office for authoring a report that included the following statement: “The Committee recommends the attorney general consider investigating those who have been utilizing misleading and false information about Antrim County to raise money or publicity for their own ends.” This statement in their report goes against the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. They are asserting that anyone who disagrees with their assessment of the 2020 General Election, should be investigated by the Attorney General. In doing so, they have weaponized the State against Citizens who disagree with them. Jaynee Germond motioned to approve this Censure letter. Jessica Dobbs seconded the motion. The vote was done by a roll call. It stands as such:

  • Carrie Mullins – Yes
  • Jeffrey Dobbs – Yes
  • Jessica Dobbs – Yes
  • Kathy McLean – Absent
  • Greg Anderson – Yes
  • Lawrence (Larry) Brozowski – Absent
  • Jaynee Germond – Yes
  • William Sickner – Yes
  • Molly Adkins – Absent
  • Kristina Anderson – Yes

The motion is tabled as of now until the three absent members can vote on this issue. Should this motion pass, Precinct Delegates will be emailed a copy of this letter, so they can add their names to it as well, should they wish to do so.

Treasurer’s Report

Carrie will transfer the money needed for the domain name of the website for the Alcona County Republicans to stay active and registered to our party. (Treasurer was absent today, so no report other than that, at this time.)

Board of Canvassers Recommendations

Jessica Dobbs, Drew Wagener, and Jaynee Germond all volunteered to be recommended for the Board of Canvassers. Carrie will submit these names to the County Clerk.

Redistricting Update

Livingston County might be split up into 3 parts. Redistricting meetings are open to the public, and the next meeting will be held on September 9, 2021 at 3pm. It will be held in the same room that the Board of Commissioners meetings are held. The new software that they’re trying to use for the redistricting efforts, are straight from Jocelyn Benson’s office.

Kristina Anderson as Trustee

There was a hiccup at the last meeting. We thought we went through the official process to have Kris become a Trustee, but we messed up and somehow overlooked that. Whoops! So, tonight we took a roll call vote to make her a Trustee. The motion was called by Greg, and seconded by Jeff. The vote went as follows:

  • Carrie Mullins – Yes
  • Jessica Dobbs – Yes
  • Jeffrey Dobbs – Yes
  • Greg Anderson – Yes
  • William Sickner – No
  • Jaynee Germond – Absent
  • Molly Adkins – Absent
  • Lawrence (Larry) Brozowski – Absent
  • Kathy McLean – Absent

The motion was passed, and Kristina Anderson is officially a Trustee. Congratulations!

Harrisville Labor Day Parade

The Harrisville Labor Day Parade is coming up this Sunday, and we plan to attend! It will be held on September 5, 2021, and lining up starts at 12pm on 6th Street. We plan to have a float in this parade. The parade itself will begin at 1pm. If you would like to join us in the parade, please contact Carrie Mullins.

Lincoln-Reagan-Trump 2021 Dinner

Jessica Dobbs motions to have the Lincoln-Reagan-Trump 2021 Dinner on October 2nd, 2021. Kristina Anderson seconds this motion. Those still in attendance to the meeting (William, Jess, Jeff, Greg, Kris, and Carrie) all voted yes, and the motion passed. More details to follow.

Grand Traverse County Resolution

Grand Traverse County passed a resolution for medical freedom. Dr Turek and his wife will be presenting the same resolution to the Board of Commissioners on September 1, 2021. Alcona County Grassroots Conservatives will be presenting a similar resolution that piggybacks off of this one.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

  • – Update: Harrisville Labor Day Parade
  • – Update & Vote on Letter by Jeffrey Dobbs for Election Audit
  • – Alcona County Fair Staffing
  • – Lincoln-Reagan-Trump 2021 Dinner
  • – Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Carrie, seconded by Jeff at 9:28pm. Next core team meeting to be held on September 2, 2021 at 10am at the Chosen Ranch Community Center. Next open meeting to be held on September 27, 2021 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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