September 2, 2021 Core Team Meeting Minutes

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September 2, 2021 Core Team Meeting

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

September 2, 2021


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 10:16am.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

William Sickner, Trustee


Kathy McLean, Treasurer

Jaynee Germond, Trustee

Larry Brozowski, Trustee

Molly Adkins, Trustee


Packet to Legislators

We are presenting a packet intended to be sent to a majority of the State of Michigan’s governmental workers, and so we went over everything in it’s entirety, and these are the following notes upon this subject. This will be long, and I’ll (Jessica) do my best to make them as concise as possible.

  • ● Opening Letter/Cover Letter (from Carrie Mullins)
    • • Talks about the items to be covered in the packet.
    • • It is a personal letter from Carrie.
    • • It covers some details from each Addendum 1-5 (with a 6th potential addendum added)
    • • 6th Addendum will be added, and needs to be reflected in this cover letter/opening letter
    • • Perhaps add a “D” next to Detroit Mayor Duggan’s name, to represent the fact that he is a
    • • Will have to send this packet as a certified piece of mail (or restricted mail even) to the
      Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State.
  • ● General Notes
    • • These will be from all of us at Alcona County Republicans
    • • Carrie took what Jeff had written and edited it a little bit for one of the resolutions here.
    • • Signatures will come into play for these addendums
    • • In order to save a lot of money on stamps, we are hoping to take a trip to Lansing to hand
      deliver these packets
    • • Hardest part will be to get everyone’s signatures onto the original packet. (Before signed
      copies are made to distribute.) Might do a “baton pass” type of signing thing.
    • • This packet will also be sent to the Board of Commissioners for Alcona County. (Not
      against them, but to keep them apprised of our actions.)
    • • A Press Release will be paid for to announce this packet.
    • • We all hope to have the packet finalized and ready to send/deliver by the end of this month
  • ● Addendum 1
    • • Read aloud to those who attended the meeting by Carrie.
    • • This demands a Full Forensic Audit of the Michigan Democratic Party, Michigan
      Republican Party, and all the legislators of the House of Representatives and the Senate, as
      well as, the Governor, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General of Michigan.
    • • Carrie will rewrite the wording in paragraph 4, to include a reference to addendum 3.
    • • Carrie would like to add “Jocelyn Benson” to the 6th paragraph to this. (“Yet, you want the
      people of Michigan to simple be quiet and accept the word of a few Senators with no
      relevant expertise, over those of actual experts?”) We would insert her into the “the word of
      a few Senators & Jocelyn Benson”.
    • • Add Benson to the list, with a D by her name. Put down she graduated from Magdalen
      College in Oxford, UK, with a degree into Sociology. She also graduated from Harvard,
      before moving to Detroit to become a law clerk. Wording for this will need to be refined.
    • • Page 2, paragraph 1, add “nor is Benson” at the end of it.
    • • Page 2, paragraph 4, add the full section (from Dr. Turek) to this part. (The addendum,
      passed in 2018, proposal 3)
    • • Page 2, paragraph 9, add executive branch to “we call for the MRP, MDP,…”
    • • Page 3, paragraph 1, change “24 pages” to “the following attached pages”
  • ● Addendum 2
    • • page 2, paragraph 2, “read the following report”
    • • page 2, paragraph 2, change “didn’t” to “did not”
  • ● Addendum 3
    • • Some minor syntax changes (comma’s at the end of the “WHEREAS” statements)
    • • “prescribed by law” will be bolded and underlined
    • • 5th whereas, the wording has to be the same as the copy that people have signed.
    • • Adding “per the report” after “clear weaknesses in our election system” in the second
      “therefore” clause.
    • • Conclusion: first paragraph, “that need solved” to be changed to “needs solving” or
      something similar. (which require remedy)
    • • Second paragraph of conclusion, add “when there were so many Problems?”, after Benson’s
    • • Third paragraph, change the first “conducted” to “performed”.
    • • Third paragraph, change “up and up” to “either legitimate or accurate”.
    • • Third paragraph, change “hereon” to “from this time forward”
    • • Last line of conclusion, capitalize and bold “not” in “we will not go away”, and also change
      the period of that statement to an exclamation point.
  • ● Addendum 4 (Censure Resolution)
    • • Carrie motions to re-accept Addendum 4 because Kathy resigned as Treasurer, and Chris
      Wagener is appointed to the position of Treasurer until a Special Election can be held. (See
      more about this below the section of “New Treasurer”)
    • • Greg Anderson seconds the motion to re-accept Addendum 4 with changes specified.
    • • Roll Call Vote
      • 1. Carrie Mullins – Yes
      • 2. Jeffrey Dobbs – Yes
      • 3. Jessica Dobbs – Yes
      • 4. Chris Wagener – Yes
      • 5. Greg Anderson – Yes
      • 6. Kris Anderson – Yes
      • 7. William Sickner – Yes
      • 8. Larry Brozowski – Absent
      • 9. Jaynee Germond – Absent
      • 10. Molly Adkins – Absent
    • • Motion Passes.
    • • Will add “Addendum 4” to the top of the page
    • • Add Chris Wagener’s name to the document to replace Kathy’s name
    • • Will correct Jeff’s name to “Jeffrey” instead of “Jeffery”
  • ● Addendum 5 (Resolution to Withhold Monetary and Provisional Support from GOP)
    • • This is a resolution to withhold physical and material support from the republican party and
      legislators in the state of Michigan
    • • This one needs the most editing.
      MICHIGAN” to include MIGOP, Legislators who have not done anything to move anything
      forward. (Only grassroots movements have really done anything.)
    • • This current edition of this resolution came from the 11th Congressional District.
    • • “Monetary and Provisional support from” (instead of “physical and material support from”)
    • • “who are derelict of their duties” (to be inserted in after “legislators”)
    • • add commas to the end of each “whereas”
    • • sixth whereas to add quotations around the title of the article quoted
    • • will try to find an article from Michigan to quote instead of the Tennessee star one. (we
      found one from “The Michigan Star”)
    • • 5th where as to change “Michigan board of canvassers” to “Wayne county board of
    • • we want to validate the 8th whereas before including it.
    • • 7th whereas to have “by Michigan state board of canvassers” after “certified”
    • • Carrie will go through the minutes of the state board of canvassers to find the part where the
      vote was flipped, and reference them in the 7th whereas.
    • • 9th whereas to add “November” to “November and December respectively”.
    • • Page 2, paragraph 1, make it reflect the new title, (withhold material and promotional
      support part)
    • • Page 2, paragraph 3, change “MIGOP” to “MRP”
    • • Once edited as prescribed above, will come to a vote for approval.
  • ● Addendum 6 (Censure of Michigan Senate and House of Representatives)
    • • Originally came from the 11th Congressional District
    • • Title to change “Censorship” to “Censure”
    • • Title to remove “Leadership” from both Senate and Representatives
    • • Last line (9th paragraph) of this resolution to change “Censorship” to “Censure”
    • • Change “the United States and State Constitutions” to “Constitution of the United States of
      America and the Michigan State Constitution”
    • • Third paragraph, put the quoted portion into italics.
    • • Maybe add the leadership names to the resolution in a whereas or in the introduction, to
      better specify whom we are censuring.
    • • This one will go out for a digital vote
  • ● Motion to Accept the Amended Addendums 1-3
    • • Kris Anderson motions to accept the amended addendums 1-3
    • • Greg Anderson seconds the motion.
    • • Roll Call Vote
      • 1. Carrie Mullins – Yes
      • 2. Jeffrey Dobbs – Yes
      • 3. Jessica Dobbs – Yes
      • 4. Chris Wagener – Yes
      • 5. Greg Anderson – Yes
      • 6. Kris Anderson – Yes
      • 7. William Sickner – Yes
      • 8. Larry Brozowski – Absent
      • 9. Jaynee Germond – Absent
      • 10. Molly Adkins – Absent
    • • Motion passes.

Lincoln-Reagan-Trump 2021 Dinner

We’re hoping that Greg can see if we can rent out the Masonic Lodge to host this dinner. Carrie really wants the “Swiss Steak Dinner” from there if we can rent it out. Other options for venues are welcome to recommended to Carrie.

Harrisville Labor Day Parade

The Harrisville Labor Day Parade is this Sunday at 1pm. Line up for the parade on 6th St. at 12pm (noon). Carrie will have candies and other grab-bags to give away to the parade-goers.

Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup

Our portion of the M-65 Highway is due for another cleanup activity from Alcona Republicans! At the next meeting we will discuss the day and time that we’ll plan to gather and make our part of M-65 gorgeous. The dates under consideration are from September 25th – October 3rd. The stretch is a 2 mile stretch near McCullum and Buck roads. (It’s a total of 4 miles to clean up. 2 miles on either side.)

New Treasurer

Unfortunately, our Treasurer, Kathy McLean, has to resign from her position. Her husband is worse off than she thought, and requires more of her time and care, which leaves her little to no time to be our Treasurer. As such, the position of Treasurer is open.

Carrie Mullins nominated Chris Wagener to become the next Treasurer. Chris Wagener accepts this nomination. Kristina Anderson motions to vote Chris into the position of Treasurer. Jeffrey Dobbs seconds this motion. A roll call vote was held.

  • • Carrie Mullins – Yes
  • • Jeffrey Dobbs – Yes
  • • Jessica Dobbs – Yes
  • • Greg Anderson – Yes
  • • Kris Anderson – Yes
  • • William Sickner – Abstain
  • • Larry Brozowski – Absent
  • • Jaynee Germond – Absent
  • • Molly Adkins – Absent

The motion passes, and therefore, Chris Wagener is our new Treasurer. Congratulations!

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:


  • – Update: Harrisville Labor Day Parade
  • – Update & Vote on Packet to be Sent to Lansing, etc.
  • – Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup
  • – Lincoln-Reagan-Trump 2021 Dinner
  • – Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed



Motion to adjourn, called by Carrie, seconded by Jess at 12:43pm. Next core team meeting to be held on September 7, 2021 at 1pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center. Next open meeting to be held on September 27, 2021 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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