October 25, 2021 Monthly Meeting
4th Monday of the Month
Alcona County Republicans
Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2021
The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 7:03pm.
Carrie Mullins, Chairman
Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman
Jessica Dobbs, Secretary
Chris Wagener, Treasurer
Drew Wagener, Deputy Treasurer
Jaynee Germond, Youth Vice Chair
Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms
Kris Anderson, Trustee
Larry Brozowski, Trustee
Molly Adkins, Trustee
William Sickner, Trustee
Jim White, Trustee
Rich Germond, Trustee
Special Election Convention
Some new positions were filled, along with current acting positions were officially filled. See notes below:
- • Vice Chair – Jeff Dobbs
- ◦ Nomination by: Carrie
- ◦ Accepts nomination
- ◦ Precinct Delegates & Executive Board Roll Call Vote:
Rich – Yes
Jim – Yes
Linda – Yes
William – Yes
Jaynee – Yes
Molly – Yes
Chris – Yes
Drew – Yes
Kris – Yes
Larry – Yes
Jeff – Yes
Jess – Yes
Greg – Yes
Carrie – Yes
- • Secretary – Jess Dobbs
- ◦ Nomination by: Carrie
- ◦ Accepts nomination
- ◦ Precinct Delegates & Executive Board Roll Call Vote:
Rich – Yes
Jim – Yes
Linda – Yes
William – Yes
Jaynee – Yes
Molly – Yes
Chris – Yes
Drew – Yes
Kris – Yes
Larry – Yes
Jeff – Yes
Jess – Yes
Greg – Yes
Carrie – Yes
- • Treasurer – Chris Wagener
- ◦ Nomination by: Carrie
- ◦ Accepts nomination
- ◦ Precinct Delegates & Executive Board Roll Call Vote:
Rich – Yes
Jim – Yes
Linda – Yes
William – Yes
Jaynee – Yes
Molly – Yes
Chris – Yes
Drew – Yes
Kris – Yes
Larry – Yes
Jeff – Yes
Jess – Yes
Greg – Yes
Carrie – Yes
- • Deputy Treasurer – Drew Wagener
- ◦ William motioned to Reopen Convention. Jim seconded. Motion carried. Chris nominated Drew to be Deputy Treasurer.
- ◦ Drew Accepts Nomination
- ◦ Precinct Delegates & Executive Board Roll Call Vote:
Rich – Yes
Jim – Yes
Linda – Yes
William – Yes
Jaynee – Yes
Molly – Yes
Chris – Yes
Drew – Yes
Kris – Yes
Larry – Yes
Jeff – Yes
Jess – Yes
Greg – Yes
Carrie – Yes
Lisa – Yes
Bob – Yes
- • Event Planner – ???
- ◦ N/A
- • Trustee – Jim White, Rich Germond
- ◦ Both Nominated by Jaynee Germond
Jim White: Accepts nomination (gave a short 60 second speech)
Rich Germond: Accepts nomination (gave a short 60 second speech)
- ◦ Precinct Delegates & Executive Board Roll Call Vote (for Jim):
Rich – Yes
Jim – Yes
Linda – Yes
William – Yes
Jaynee – Yes
Molly – Yes
Chris – Yes
Drew – Yes
Kris – Yes
Larry – Yes
Jeff – Yes
Jess – Yes
Greg – Yes
Carrie – Yes
Lisa – Yes
Bob – Yes
- ◦ Precinct Delegates & Executive Board Roll Call Vote (for Rich):
Rich – Yes
Jim – Yes
Linda – Yes
William – Yes
Jaynee – Yes
Molly – Yes
Chris – Yes
Drew – Yes
Kris – Yes
Larry – Yes
Jeff – Yes
Jess – Yes
Greg – Yes
Carrie – Yes
Lisa – Yes
Bob – Yes
- ◦ Both Nominated by Jaynee Germond
- • Youth Vice Chair/Director – Jaynee Germond
- ◦ Jaynee Offered to be Youth Director since Frank stood down.
- ◦ Jaynee gave a short 60 second speech about why she feels she would fit this position.
- ◦ Precinct Delegates & Executive Board Roll Call Vote:
Rich – Yes
Jim – Yes
Linda – Yes
William – Yes
Jaynee – Yes
Molly – Yes
Chris – Yes
Drew – Yes
Kris – Yes
Larry – Yes
Jeff – Yes
Jess – Yes
Greg – Yes
Carrie – Yes
Lisa – Yes
Bob – Yes
Gary Wnuk Announcement
Alcona County Grassroots Conservatives, will be holding a Constitution Class the second weekend of January 2022. Talked a little about how horrible the State Department is and how entrenched they are with the opposition. He is running for County Commissioner 5th District as a Republican Party member. He gave a great shout out to Jim White.
Upcoming November Elections Notice
None this year!
Meet & Greet with Kristina Karamo
Meet Kristina Karamo on Saturday, November 6, 2021 at 10am at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (483 E. Traverse bay State Rd, Lincoln, MI 48742), while also enjoying some donuts and cider! Kristina is running for Michigan Secretary of State.
Meet & Greet with Ryan Kelley
Meet Ryan Kelley and Kristina Karamo on Saturday, November 6, 2021 at 12pm noon at 910 E. Bay Street (US-23), East Tawas, MI 48730. Pizza and pop will be served. Ryan Kelley is running for Michigan Governor. If you can, please RSVP with Maureen at maureen@tawasbay.net, however you are still welcome to join if last minute plans allow you to do so.
National Popular Vote Movement – HB5343
Today, October 25, Carrie received an email about this movement from the Michigan Republican Party. They sent her a letter and a resolution that opposes this movement to share with everyone. This movement will literally strip the voice of everyone in the states not named “New York, California, or Texas.”
We need everyone to contact the Michigan Board of Canvassers at mdos-canvassers@michigan.gov and tell them to vote NO!!!
Carrie read aloud the resolution that was included in the email.
Some more details from the last minutes about this issue:
- There is currently a Bill introduced into the Michigan House of Representatives, by State Representative, Matt Koleszar [D] from the 20th District, which is to enter into the agreement among the States to elect the President of the US by National Popular Vote… versus by the Electoral College as it currently works. This is something we should all look into for ourselves, as it will be on the ballot in 2022, should the Bill itself, sit unaddressed within the Michigan Legislature.
- Link to House Bill No. 5343: http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2021-2022/billintroduced/House/htm/2021-HIB-5343.htm
- It is important also, to note that Nevada did not pass this, even with a Democrat Governor. On November 3, 2020, Colorado voters were the first State in the Country to vote on this initiative, and they voted for it.
Precinct Delegates
Carrie gave an overview of the spots that are still open. Jim White nominated Gary Wnuk for Mitchell Township Precinct Delegate. Jaynee seconded the nomination. Gary accepted the nomination.
- • Precinct Delegates & Executive Board Roll Call Vote:
- ◦ Rich – Yes
- ◦ Jim – Yes
- ◦ Linda – Yes
- ◦ William – Yes
- ◦ Jaynee – Yes
- ◦ Molly – Yes
- ◦ Chris – Yes
- ◦ Drew – Yes
- ◦ Kris – Yes
- ◦ Larry – Yes
- ◦ Jeff – Yes
- ◦ Jess – Yes
- ◦ Greg – Yes
- ◦ Carrie – Yes
- ◦ Lisa – Yes
- ◦ Bob – Yes
Treasurer’s Report
Please see her report as attached below. The report is still waiting on the check from mailing the packets to Lansing to be added.
Minutes Report
Meeting Minutes can be found on the Website. Carrie motions to accept them as presented on the website. Jaynee seconds. Minutes accepted.
November 22nd – Last Meeting for 2021
Yes, this is Thanksgiving week. It will be the last meeting of 2021, and will also be a Potluck Party. Bring a dish to pass, anything will do, and enjoy the company of your fellows before the winter break.
Lincoln-Reagan-Trump Dinner 2022
Dates will be finalized at the Core Team Meeting in November. Potential Dates to consider: May 14, 15, 21, 22 of 2022. We have some interest from candidates who wish to speak at this dinner already.
Good of the Order
- Jaynee Germond – Update on Youth Groups
- The kids are learning about the constitution, branches of government, etc. They’re enjoying the material and it’s encouraging to see them learning about how our government should work. Jaynee took a stand against masks, and is not following the mandate at the school. The Director called her and told her to be discreet. Jaynee told the children that the government has no right to tell them what to do with their bodies, but that their parents did. And if their parents told them to wear it, then to keep it on, otherwise they could remove their masks. The kids ripped the masks off right away.
- Jeff Dobbs – Letter to MI GOP
- At the last meeting, Jim brought up writing a letter to the 1st Congressional District, Jack Bergman, and the Michigan GOP, to oppose their blatant support for Chief James Craig for Governor. Jeff wrote this letter on Jim’s behalf. Jeff read it aloud for those gathered to hear, and you can find it attached to the minutes below the Treasurer’s Report. Some amendments need to be made to the letter, but it had overwhelming support from everyone gathered. Jaynee motioned to send the letter out after the amendments were made. Gary seconded this motion. We did a roll call vote, and it was unanimously approved.
- Rich Germond – Local Canvassing
- Rich recommended that everyone go home and think about people who would be fit to run for School Board and other important areas of our local government.
- Linda Eberline – Quick Note
- Remember to email about voting against the National Popular Vote movement!!!
Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:
- Maybe some Non-Food Stuff
- Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed
Motion to adjourn, called by Carrie, seconded by Jim at 8:30pm. Next open meeting to be held on November 22, 2021 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.
Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs
Account Balances as of October 23,2021
Beginning Balance ACRC Checking Account (Share Draft) as of September 30, 2021 – $911.04
9/29/2021- Deposit $30.00
Total Income – $30.00
ACRC Checking Account Balance before Debits: $941.04
10/4/2021 Building rent $200.00
Total Debits $200.00
Total Available Cash Assets ACRC Checking Account 938-040 $741.04
Beginning Balance ACRC Savings Account (Regular Shares) as of September 30, 2021 $335.89
Income: (interest) – $0.11
Total lncome: $0.11
ACRC Savings Account Balance before Debits:
Sub Total: Cash (Savings) Assets – $336.00
*Held in escrow of Oscoda County, not included in totals ($208.47)
Total Available Cash Assets ACRC Savings Account 938-000* $127.53
Total Available Cash Assets ACRC Account as of October 23,2021 – $868.57
Corporate checking account beginning balance on September 30,2021 – $105.05
Total cash assets corporate checking account 058-040 – $105.05
Corporate Savings account balance on September 30, 2021 – $5.00
Total cash assets corporate savings account 058-000 – $5.00
Corporate account total assets as of October 23, 2021 – $110.05
Submitted by Christine Wagener–Treasurer
To whom it may concern,
This local group of Republicans from Alcona County Michigan have some important questions to ask of the MIGOP regarding the Establishment Party’s broad support for a Gubernatorial candidate who is not for the people, not America First, and most importantly not Michigan First.
Why are you supporting James Craig for Governor of Michigan? Why are you choosing a “recently converted Democrat” above what We the People see as a much better choice for our conservative beliefs?
Do you really want to support the candidate who stood lock step with Governor Whitmer and the Democrats as they knowingly obliterated our rights and freedom during the 300+ days of “15 Days to Slow the Spread”? Do you really wish for someone in office who sees his job as one that requires invasive surveillance of his constituents? Do you really wish to support a candidate for office who’s police department knowingly prevented Republican Poll Watchers from doing their job on the night of (and days following) the election? James Craig is that man.
What real Republican voters see this as, is nothing more than trying to obtain a meager 15-25% of the Detroit Vote (from the MIGOP’s own “internal polling” per Jason Roe)… all at the expense of sacrificing every single value that the real America & Michigan First Constitutional Conservatives believe in.
Here’s a glowing record of just a few of Chief James Craig’s recent “accomplishments” in Detroit…
- Advocated for, and worked for the implementation of CCP style facial recognition technology throughout the city at the expense of taxpayers who’s privacy was invaded by this policy. It seems that most citizens within Detroit did not stand with the Chief on this, as there was a big backlash from both sides of the aisle. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2019/07/15/craig-promotes-4-m-expansion-real-time-technology-amid-concerns/1736277001/
- James Craig aggressively enforced Whitmer’s unconstitutional COVID-19 mandates and fines. Which caused Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy to dismiss 1681 cases once the mandate had ended because they lacked legal basis for proceeding. Never once did he speak out against this tyranny until it was over. https://m.metrotimes.com/news-hits/archives/2021/02/01/worthy-dismisses-1681-cases-involving-violations-of-gov-whitmers-lockdown-order
- Actively used his police force to prevent legal Republican Poll Watchers from gaining entry into the TCF Center on the evening of 3 November 2020. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/exclusive-video-republican-poll-watchers-prevented-entering-detroit-ballot-counting-center-local-officials-say-due-covid-concerns-video/
Not only the above, but James Craig does not seem to want to stand with the people in our desire to facilitate of Full Forensic Audit of the 2020 General Election in Michigan. Weak platitudes that reflect the inadequate position of the MIGOP regarding election integrity is not enough.
We ask that you simply stand back. Outwardly supporting no candidate is a far better choice than supporting the wrong one.
Thank you.
Alcona County Republicans