November 09, 2021 Core Team Meeting
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Alcona County Republicans
Meeting Minutes
November 09, 2021
The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 10:02am.
Carrie Mullins, Chairman
Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman
Jessica Dobbs, Secretary
Chris Wagener, Treasurer
Drew Wagener, Deputy Treasurer
Jaynee Germond, Youth Vice Chair
Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms
Kris Anderson, Trustee
Molly Adkins, Trustee
William Sickner, Trustee
Jim White, Trustee
Rich Germond, Trustee
Larry Brozowski, Trustee
Virtual Conference Call with Matt DePerno, MI Attorney General Candidate
Some notes from this Conference Call with Matt DePerno:
- Running for Attorney General for MI
- He has been an attorney for about 23 years, constitutional law, in Kalamazoo
- He has been after many state and federal agencies
- Has experience litigating claims on constitutional grounds
- Because of the Whitmer Administration, around May/June 2020, he started counseling clients that we’re being shut down due to lock downs, etc. Helping them to know their rights and what not to fight against the lockdowns.
- “Can you ever be above your creator?” The answer is no, and somehow government is now above us, the people, and works against the people. The lockdowns were an extension of that.
- This all led to the November 3, 2020 election. Lawsuit in Antrim County, Bill Bailey, Joe Biden won about 65% in Antrim County. Many people didn’t believe those results were accurate. County Clerk was ready to certify those results, because she/he believed what the machine put out to them.
- Because of the lawsuit, they learned a lot about the system and the machines, etc. We continue to see a real overreach of government and erosion of rights.
- Down ballot issues is what really concerned his client, Bailey. Especially school board races. Issues that concerned local people and communities.
- He’s amazed at how the Dems and Marxists were able to infiltrate the school boards. And how it all comes full circle to the election and the manipulation of votes in Antrim County.
- Best way to attack a country would be to attack the school boards, and teach Marxist ideas in schools, etc. Which is what we’re seeing now. Saw it play out in the Bailey case as well.
- Elections have consequences. (Look at the Biden Administration.)
- We need to eliminate electronic voting machines. Vulnerable, susceptible to fraud, security problems.
- The reports that were put out by DePerno and team, was used in all kinds of other states, and was even used to help get the audits in AZ started.
- Nessel was trying to say that she was going to criminally investigate anyone who is trying to do law work against the 2020 election. That was DePerno’s last straw, and what led him to run for MI AG.
- Gave a speech 3 weeks ago, and Rachel Maddow and Morning Joe, played clips from that speech, and they interviewed Dana Nessel, and she said she was terrified of the speech and was fearing for her own safety because of that.
- His Platform is to:
- Eliminate Mask Mandates
- Eliminate Vaccine Mandates
- Eliminate CRT
- Eliminate Voter Fraud
- Restore the State to a Constitutional Republic
- No longer allow our state to be run by un-elected dictators
- We saw that these issues are so big with the US populace, that it completely flipped Virginia on it’s head.
- He sees that Republicans are starting to wake up.
- He’s getting ready to file a lawsuit in Kalamazoo to eliminate the mask mandates in Kalamazoo. Kindergarten to 12th grade has to wear masks.
- The legislative branch has given it’s plenary authority to the Governor, who has further given it to un-elected County officials. (health department) This is unconstitutional.
- Clean up the state and eliminate the corruption, across the state, regardless of party.
- Our state is the most corrupt in the country. (big shock lol)
- No transparency in Michigan, with how the government interacts with The People.
- 3 republicans in Lansing, told him he’s not the candidate for our party. He told them that the AG isn’t there to protect a certain political party. (IE: Like Nessel does for the Democrats)
- We get our rights from God, and the Constitution protects those rights. (his belief.)
- Jim White Asked about this: The Constitution was amended in 2018, that any citizen has the right to audit any election, and should be construed in the way of the voter. The amendment also states that congress has the ability to enhance these rights, but shall not pass any law that diminishes these rights. The legislature passed an enabling statute that the SOS has the right to control all elections and offices. (Which limits the constitution) He’s working with Jovan Pulitzer to appeal that statute. He hopes to get it completed by December 15, 2021, to get the required signatures to get it to be a citizens initiative (180 days before the election of 2022) Still looking at how to fund the audit? (Will this bill be veto proof? Will it go into a referendum.) Yes, once we get the bill introduced to the canvassing board, and they approve the language, the legislative has the chance to pass the bill, and Whitmer will not be able to veto it. If they don’t take it up, then it’s a citizen referendum and will be put to the ballot.
- He doesn’t necessarily like citizens referendums either because it does move us more towards a democracy, but that’s what we’re working with right now. Republican led legislature did not take up the initiatives (like marijuana stuff), instead they did nothing and the dems got the required signatures and, he doesn’t feel that’s how our republic should operate. But we do need to work within these parameters. (Gary Wnuk asked about this.)
- He wants to get rid of these rules that allow for Mob Rule. (Referencing the point above.)
- Carrie said, he was endorsed by Donald Trump. Tom Leonard is who the MIGOP wants. What strategies does he have to win this campaign? Matt DePerno’s answers:
- 1) Meeting with district chairs, and calling delegates across the state, to see if we have more delegates than the establishment for the convention next year. They look good with grassroots across the state right now.
- 2) After the convention, he believes he’s the best candidate to beat Dana Nessel. Election Integrity, Mandates, and CRT are the biggest issues, and that’s what people really care about. The other two candidates say they’ve seen no election fraud at all. They’ve done nothing about the mandates at all. Tom Leonard admitted he’s been in his basement the last two years (in a news story). The only thing they’re pushing and talking about right now is the redistricting issue. They’re not gonna be able to campaign on any of the three main issues that are on everyone’s minds right now.
- Drew Wagener: Lawmakers are not making laws. They’re now Regulators. Like, OSHA is going to enforce the vaccine mandates. What are your thoughts? DePerno agrees, and has been pushing with the legislatures, under the 9th and 10th amendments have powers that are reserved to the states, and the people. Includes all issues relating to elections. Unfortunately, our legislature has not grasped or taken hold of all those powers they have. Over the years, they’ve given power to judicial and executive branches. He’s deeply concerned by this. They seem to only want to focus on campaigning. We need to change that. He feels that the AG has a role in that, in how the AG will enforce regulations, mandates, and EO’s. He wants to eliminate that. DoE, doesn’t want to get rid of CRT, we can eliminate the Department of Education. The AG’s office is supposed to be there to protect the people. But the AG’s office is always representing the the agencies against the people.
- Rich Germond, how would you have these people enforcing what they’re supposed to? Trump had issues with the DoJ, so how will DePerno overcome that? He’s gonna work with the different agencies who have been there forever through multiple admins, and these career assistant AG’s are liaisons, and they need to be let go. (IE: Do we have the same problem like Blinken did when Afghanistan). He says we can fire them in Lansing. One of Trump’s huge problems was he was blocked repeatedly by un-elected bureaucrats. We need to change this.
- Drew: If you were AG today, given the Biden OSHA mandate that came down, what are the 3 steps you would take? Join the other republican AG’s in fighting that mandate. (Got a favorable ruling in the 5th circuit last week.) Biden might issue an EO on shutting down Line 5. We have an AG who does nothing against Biden because she agrees with him.
- Get all the delegates out in the spring!
Update on Mailing of Full Forensic Audit Packet
They were received. The response has been zip. Sue Allor said to Kris Anderson, she received several copies of it. Because some people forwarded their copies to her, thinking they were from her area, so must be for Sue. Maybe get them from Sue and see if she still has them, so we can get them to the “correct” people… again.
Lincoln-Reagan-Trump Dinner
GOP endorsement convention is in April of 2022. So Carrie is hoping to have the LRT Dinner beforehand, to allow the candidates a chance to speak before the convention. Potential date is Saturday, April 2, 2022. Motion made by Carrie, Seconded by Gary Wnuk, Discussion ensued: 5-6pm drinks and mingling, 6pm dinner, 7pm silent auction, speakers, etc., usually 8-830pm end time. Carrie might contact Alpena to (Kevin Osbourne, new county chair for Alpena) share with Alpena at the Aplex. Jeff & Jess to donate a 1 hour family session. Dessert Auctions for the LRT dinner? (Kevin likes the idea.) Motion passes unanimously for the date to be April 2, 2022, and to work with Alpena.
Discussion on Bylaws & Endorsements
Article 8, Section 4. Jeff thinks a stolen election would constitute an exceptional circumstance. One thing we’re all upset about is the MIGOP trying to do endorsements. Do we want to endorse before the primary or not? Jeff does. We have time, and we want people to have a chance to vet the candidates. We should answer the MIGOP. Endorse them, but tell people why you are and where they stand. Maybe do an electronic questionnaire to the candidates with a phone call follow up. Rate them based on that perhaps?
November 22, 2021 Potluck Party Meeting
Jim has 3-5 candidates for precinct delegates will go to that meeting, he wants them sworn in first before everything else goes under way at the next meeting. Carrie is adding this to the agenda. Gary as Chairman of the Alcona County Grassroots Conservatives group, wants to advertise his Constitutional Class at Family Heritage Baptist Church on January 8 & 9, 2022. Carrie added that to the agenda as well.
Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:
- Appointing Precinct Delegates
- Constitutional Class Advertisement
- Maybe some Non-Food Stuff
- Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed
Motion to adjourn, called by Gary, seconded by Greg at 11:33am. Next open meeting to be held on November 22, 2021 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.
Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs