January 24, 2022 Core Team Meeting Minutes

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January 24, 2022 Core Team Meeting

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Alcona County Republicans

Core Team Meeting Minutes

January 24, 2022


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 7:09pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Drew Wagener, Deputy Treasurer

Jaynee Germond, Youth Vice Chair

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

Molly Adkins, Trustee

William Sickner, Trustee

Jim White, Trustee

Rich Germond, Trustee

Larry Brozowski, Trustee


Chris Wagener, Treasurer


Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given.

Endorsement Letters – Ryan Kelley for MI Governor

There was a motion by Jaynee to endorse Ryan Kelley for MI Governor, using the letter written by Jess & Jeff Dobbs. This was seconded by Jim. The motion passed unanimously.

Endorsement Letters – Kristina Karamo for MI Secretary of State

There was a motion by Jaynee to endorse Kristina Karamo for MI Secretary of State, using the letter written by Jess & Jeff Dobbs. This was seconded by Greg. The motion passed unanimously.

Endorsement Letters – Matt DePerno for MI Attorney General

Motion by Jaynee to table his endorsement until after the debate, seconded by Jim. Motion passes.

Attorney General Debate on February 18, 2022

Geyer Baylog is putting together a debate, and he wants Carrie to be one of the moderators for this debate. As such, we cannot have an endorsed candidate at this point, if she is to moderate the debate. The debate itself will be between Matt DePerno, Tom Leonard, and Ryan Berman, all of whom are running for MI Attorney General. It will be held at the Alpena Community College in the auditorium.

RNC and the Log Cabin (LGBT) Coalition

Gary Wnuk put together a resolution to censure the RNC over their coalition with the Log Cabin (LGBT) Republicans. Carrie wants to censure Ronna for forming the coalition against what is stated within the party’s platform. Because Carries resolution is not written yet, discussion only was had.

However, Gary motioned to accept his written resolution to censure the RNC over the coalition with the Log Cabin (LGBT) Republicans. Drew seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. Gary amended his motion, to table the vote until everyone has had a chance to read over his resolution. The motion to table the resolution was passed.

Secure MI Vote Petitions

Due to a ruling from the MI Supreme Court, these petitions (that Carrie has at the meeting itself) need to update and include an additional stipulation for the circulators. As such, today is the last day to sign the current petitions that Carrie currently possess, until the updated ones can be obtained.

Unlock Michigan 2 Petitions

This petition is amending public health law to disallow the Governor and other people from doing lockdowns. (First one passed and repealed the 1945 law.) This one is so the Governor cannot have other agencies like MIDHHS, doing his/her dirty work for them.

However, Carrie read aloud to the group a warning from Ryan Kelley on this matter. ( https://ryandkelley.com/unlock-michigan-2-0-statement ) From this statement by Ryan Kelley, we can see that he is against this petition. Carrie does have petitions in case anyone wishes to sign them anyhow.

Lincoln-Reagan-Trump Dinner Announcement

The 2022 LRT Dinner will not be held in conjunction with the Alpena Republicans. The Chair of Alpena GOP gave his consent before he had had a chance to bring it before their board. The board voted against it. As such, we are looking for a new venue for this to be held. We would love to host it at the Lost Lake Woods Golf Club. The date is still April 2nd.

MIGOP Update

Upcoming Conventions:

  • County Convention is on April 11th
  • April 23rd in Grand Rapids is the State Convention
  • State Primary is on August 2nd and Election is on November 2nd
  • August 11th another County Convention
  • August 27th in Lansing for State Convention

There will be recruitment for Poll Challengers.

Redistricting Training – February 11th

There are three maps on www.mi.gov/micrc that you can go over. We will likely have house majority, but we’re not sure on the senate.

April 1st Deadline for Precinct Delegates

Make sure you have your Affidavit of Identify forms in before this date, to the County Clerk! Everyone within the clerks’ office is a notory.

Good of the Order

These are comments by those in attendance:

  • Bob Turek was brainstorming on a few different ideas for the elections.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

  • Discussing Items From Winter Break
  • Planning LRT Dinner
  • Discussing April Endorsing Convention
  • Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Carrie, seconded by Jessica at 9:01pm. Next open meeting to be held on March 28, 2022 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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