May 13, 2022 Meeting Minutes

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Alcona County Republicans – Meeting Minutes – May 13, 2022


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 10:07am.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Chris Wagener, Treasurer

Drew Wagener, Deputy Treasurer

Jaynee Germond, Youth Vice Chair

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

Molly Adkins, Trustee

Larry Brozowski, Trustee

Rich Germond, Trustee


Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

William Sickner, Trustee

Jim White, Trustee


Reimbursement for Gas for Delegates & Alternates who Attended the State Convention (Q7:Y4)

A motion was made for $100 to Gary, Larry, and Bruce each, to reimburse for their gas costs (pending receipts) when they attended the State Convention. Motion made by Jaynee, and seconded. Roll call vote was called and is as follows:

• Carrie Mullins – YES

• Jeff Dobbs – ABSENT

• Jess Dobbs (Digitally) – YES

• Kris Anderson – YES

• Greg Anderson – YES

• Chris Wagener – YES

• Molly Adkins – YES

• Rich Germond – YES

• Drew Wagener – YES

• Jim White – ABSENT

• William Sickner – ABSENT

• Jaynee Germond – YES

• Larry Brozowski – YES

Motion passes unanimously.

Having Candidates Speak to our Group

We want to invite more Republican Candidates running in the upcoming Midterm election to speak for our group. Invitations have been sent to several candidates, and some have accepted, while others have declined. Most of the Republican Governor Candidates have declined, due to our Endorsement of Ryan Kelley, however, a few are still unsure. We would also like to invite candidates for County Commissioner and other local elections to speak to our group as well. This is an open invitation, and we highly encourage all Candidates, regardless if their position has been endorsed by our party or not, to come and speak to the people of Alcona County.

Donating to Endorsed Republican Candidates

Carrie read off how much candidates are getting regards to fundraising from Ballotpedia. She wants to compile a list of candidates, check our budget, and see where the money will be most well spent. She wants to know which seats are under threat versus those that are “locked in” if you will. There was a motion to send $200 to the campaigns of Kristina Karamo for Secretary of State and Matt DePerno for Attorney General. A roll call vote was called for each candidate, and is follows:

• $200 to Kristina Karamo for Secretary of State Roll Call Vote

◦ Carrie Mullins – YES

◦ Jeff Dobbs – ABSENT

◦ Jess Dobbs (Digitally) – YES

◦ Kris Anderson – YES

◦ Greg Anderson – YES

◦ Chris Wagener – YES

◦ Molly Adkins – YES

◦ Rich Germond – YES

◦ Drew Wagener – YES

◦ Jim White – ABSENT

◦ William Sickner – ABSENT

◦ Jaynee Germond – YES

◦ Larry Brozowski – YES

• Unanimously approved

• $200 to Matt DePerno for Attorney General Roll Call Vote

◦ Carrie Mullins – YES

◦ Jeff Dobbs – ABSENT

◦ Jess Dobbs (Digitally) – YES

◦ Kris Anderson – YES

◦ Greg Anderson – YES

◦ Chris Wagener – YES

◦ Molly Adkins – YES

◦ Rich Germond – YES

◦ Drew Wagener – YES

◦ Jim White – ABSENT

◦ William Sickner – ABSENT

◦ Jaynee Germond – YES

◦ Larry Brozowski – YES

• Unanimously approved

Local Candidates who are Running for Election and Helping Them

Carrie wants to get more information from our County Clerk, so we can get a list of the Candidates running, ask them to speak, potentially endorse them, and potentially donate to their campaigns. She hopes to have this information by the next meeting.

Alcona County Fair Table Staffing & Request for Ticket Takers

$35 to get the table, Carrie already sent in the check for this. The fair will take place August 9-13th. She will send an email with the time blocks, and there will be 2 shifts per day of the fair. Kevin Boyett was hoping we could send volunteers to help man the ticket booth as well as direct traffic for one of the days. (Wed/Thurs/Fri). Carrie will have Kevin pick the day and we’ll go from there. There is usually a parade on the first day, and we will participate in that parade.

Resolution Regarding Extending the Record Keeping Deadlines for the 2020 Election

22 Months is the current deadline and it is quickly approaching. Carrie is going to look into US Code 51 of Federal Law, as well as any laws on the Michigan law books while composing this resolution. She will email this resolution out for approval and digital voting once it has been completed.

Secure MI Vote Petition – Final Push

3 weeks are left to collect signatures for this petition. There has been rumors of the democrats paying republican petition collectors to NOT collect signatures. (Unable to verify this rumor.) We hope to send some volunteers to collect signatures at the Mikado Gun Show, tomorrow.

Carrie’s Hard Drive Catastrophe

Her hard drive crashed and she lost a lot of data, for not only the Alcona County Republican party, but also her personal business and Mikado Township data as well. She has sent her Hard Drive in to be serviced and is hoping they’ll be able to recover the lost data. It was roughly about 800+GB of Data.

$200 for Rent to CRCC

A motion to pay $200 rent to CRCC, motioned and seconded. Roll call vote is as follows:

• Carrie Mullins – YES

• Jeff Dobbs – ABSENT

• Jess Dobbs (Digitally) – YES

• Kris Anderson – YES

• Greg Anderson – YES

• Chris Wagener – YES

• Molly Adkins – YES

• Rich Germond – YES

• Drew Wagener – YES

• Jim White – absent

• William Sickner – absent

• Jaynee Germond – YES

• Larry Brozowski – YES

Unanimously approved

Good of the Order

“2000 Mules” will be showing tonight in Alpena at 7pm, at the Harborside Mall.

Heritage Side Baptist Church is showing “Monumental” tonight, about the founding of the nation.

Adam Brege is not being challenged as of yet, for his County Commissioner seat.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

– Alcona County Fair Update

– “2000 Mules” Movie Night?

– Resolution to Extend Election Records Retention Beyond 22/24 Months

– Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Drew, seconded by Jaynee at 11:08am. Next open meeting to be held on May 23, 2022 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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