September 26, 2022 Meeting Minutes

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

September 26, 2022


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 7:06pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Chris Wagener, Treasurer

Drew Wagener, Deputy Treasurer

Kris Anderson, Trustee

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms


Larry Brozowski, Trustee

Jim White, Trustee

William Sickner, Trustee

Molly Adkins, Trustee


Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Gary Wnuk.

Approval of Agenda

Carrie went over the agenda for the meeting and then Chris Wagener moved for it to be approved for the meeting. Jeff Dobbs seconded the motion. The motion was passed, and the agenda for the meeting was approved.

Cam Cavitt – Candidate for 106th State Representative

Cam Cavitt came to speak to our group. You can find his speech here:

Rick – Proposition 3 Initiative

Rick with the Proposition 3 Initiative came to speak to our group, to pass out materials, as well as to inform our group on the dangers of Proposition 3 that will be on the November ballot. Be sure to check out the attachments to these minutes to see scanned copies of the materials that were handed out.

Voter Guide – Handout

Carrie created a voter guide handout, and you can find it attached to these minutes. We have a silent majority, so be sure to hand these out to everyone you know to help encourage them to vote.

Door Knocking/Phone Banking – Campaign Sidekick App

There is a phone app, as well as a web browser version, of Campaign Sidekick. You can use your laptop computer and smart phone, to do both Door Knocking and Phone Banking. You can do Phone Banking from your Desktop computer as well. Carrie will happily train people and set them up with the information they need should they wish to help get the word out about our Republican candidates.

Propositions 1, 2, & 3

No one in the general public seems to know what the proposals are, or what their content contain. We must get the word out on these propositions. Attached to these minutes are the exact wording for each proposal, provided by Carrie.

One thing to note about Proposition 1, is that no where in the MI Constitution, does it specify how long the terms are. This proposition would change Representatives terms from 2 year terms, to 4 year terms.

The ballot language is heavily misleading and we are appalled that these proposals were passed by the Board of Canvassers, with such intentional vagueness.

Proposition 2 is all about no voter ID. It would prohibit poll workers from asking for photo ID because that would be considered harassment to the voter. Also, there would be 9 days of in-person early voting. This will heavily impact rural areas, such as most of Alcona County, because of needing to pay for a building and the poll workers that run that building for 9 extra days.

Proposition 3 is about more than abortion. Rick filled us in pretty well during his talk and you can find more information in the attachments to these minutes.

Poll Challengers Needed – Carrie to Email Link to RSVP

We need more Republicans registered as Poll Challengers. There is a training on Wednesday, September 28th at 6:30pm for in-person voting. Tomorrow afternoon (the 27th), is a training for absentee ballots. Carrie will try to attend that meeting to share what she learns with us all.

Poll Workers Needed – Poll Inspector Application

Fill out the form and hand it in to the Alcona County Clerk’s office. The deadline is October 15th, and you can find the form online to print out, here:

Talking Points – Handout

The Commitment to America, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy wrote this handout. Carrie was going to write one for herself, but found this instead. It gives you talking points to consider and to learn more on. You can find it attached to these minutes.

Signs – Announcement

Only a select few of Tudor Dixon, more of Kristina Karamo, Matt DePerno, Jack Bergman, as well as some for Michelle Hoitenga, Cam Cavitt, and Tami Carlone. It is to be noted that the MIGOP only allotted Alcona County 5 Tudor Dixon Signs. Carrie is trying to find more.

Call to November Convention for the Election of the Executive Committee

If you wish to run for the Executive Committee of the Alcona County Republicans, you must inform Carrie of your intention to run, so she can add you to the list of Candidates.

Potential Multi-County Event

Carrie has been planning this event. It would be a meet & greet of Republican candidates, right before the Midterm Elections. She’s thinking of doing Oscoda County Fairgrounds, and would like it to be during the week of October 23-29th sometime. She would like it to be within a 5 hour window, with some events, a BBQ, etc. More details to come.


Have till Sunday to clean our stretch of M-65. It is planned to be done on Friday at 10am. Everyone who wishes to help is to meet at Bugg Road and M-65 at 10 am.

Treasurer’s Report

See attached report.

Greg motioned to accept the report. Jeff seconds. The motion is passed and the report is accepted.


Jess has the last set of minutes on the website. Greg motioned to accept those minutes. Drew seconds. The motion is passed and the minutes are accepted.

September 6th Labor Day Parade, Curran Black Bear Festival Update

Labor Day Parade went well, but because it was rainy, there weren’t many people. Curran Black Bear Festival is a smaller festival, but was a lot of fun and seemed to have a decent turnout.

Reimbursement for Parade Candy

$81.60 for Parade Candy and New Buckets to use for passing out candy, was purchased by Carrie. Drew motions to reimburse Carrie for these purchases. Kris seconds. Roll Call Vote:

  • Carrie Mullins – Yes
  • Jeff Dobbs – Yes
  • Jess Dobbs – Yes
  • Kris Anderson – Yes
  • Greg Anderson – Yes
  • Chris Wagener – Yes
  • Drew Wagener – Yes

The motion passes and Carrie will be reimbursed for her purchases.

Dates for November Convention & Potluck Party

After much discussion, we will have the end of the year Potluck Party and the November Convention to elect the Executive Board Committee on November 28, 2022 at 7pm.

Resolutions: No Zuckerbucks & ACCOA Improprieties

No Zuckerbucks Resolution: Will be sent for a digital vote, because not enough of the board was at the meeting for an in-person vote.

ACCOA Resolution from the Alcona County Grassroots Conservatives group: It basically calls out Lenny Avery and the ACCOA board for not doing their job overseeing the Director as he spent money he was not supposed to spend, at the Alcona County Fair. See the resolution attached to these minutes.

Carrie wishes to write a resolution in support of the Alcona County Grassroots Conservatives groups’ resolution, and will send it out for a digital vote.

Alcona Conservatives – News Website

Jeff & Jess Dobbs have put together a new website, called Alcona Conservatives, in order to publish local news for the conservatives within our County and State. Feel free to visit it at . If you want anything to be shared and/or written about, please contact them there.

Good of the Order

Andy (I forgot his last name, sorry dude!):

  • Who else is running for School Board aside from Lisa Turek?
  • Everyone can go to , scroll down to “What’s on the ballot”, and then look up your jurisdiction to see who is running.
  • Steve & Vicki are already holding seats on the board.
  • We don’t know much about Charley.

Gary Wnuk:

  • There are 3 write-in Candidates for Fairview School Board

Bob Turek

  • Bob has put his application in to be on the ACCOA Board, and is hoping to lend more oversight on that board.

No other comments.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

  • Multi-County Event Update
  • Adopt-a-Highway Update
  • Midterm Election Update
  • Resolutions Updates
  • Good of the Order
  • Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Greg, seconded by Jess at 8:40pm. Next open meeting to be held on October 24, 2022 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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