January 26, 2023 Meeting Minutes

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2023


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 7:07pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Gary Wnuk, Youth Vice Chair

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

William Sickner, Trustee

Larry Brozowski, Trustee

Judy French, Trustee

Andy Jamieson, Trustee

Danica Jamieson, Junior Trustee


Drew Wagener, Treasurer

Chris Wagener, Deputy Treasurer


Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Lena Epstein.


Gary Wnuk lead us in prayer.

County Convention – Voting for Delegates to Send to State Convention

Motion by Gary to make Carrie Mullins Convention Chair and Jessica Dobbs Convention Secretary. Seconded by Kris. Unanimous yes, motion passes. Oaths were given.

Motion to skip reading of the Call to Convention by Gary, seconded by William. Unanimous yes, motion passes.

There is a $50 fee for each delegate who is to attend the convention. ACR may be covering that fee.

When asked who would like to attend the Convention as a voting Delegate, William, Andy, Carrie, and Jeff all volunteered. As such, Larry motions to accept these four as our four Voting Delegates. Motion seconded by Jess. Roll call vote:

  • Larry – Yes
  • Andy – Yes
  • Danica – Yes
  • Bill – Yes
  • Jeff – Yes
  • Judy – Yes
  • Gary – Yes
  • Kris – Yes
  • Greg – Yes
  • Jess – Yes
  • Carrie – Yes
  • All yes, motion passes.

Gary motions to nominate Jess to be the 1st Alternate. Jess accepts. Judy seconds the motion. Roll call vote:

  • Larry – Yes
  • Andy – Yes
  • Danica – Yes
  • Bill – Yes
  • Jeff – Yes
  • Judy – Yes
  • Gary – Yes
  • Kris – Yes
  • Greg – Yes
  • Jess – Yes
  • Carrie – Yes
  • All yes, motion passes.

Gary motions to nominate Kris to be the 2nd Alternate. Kris accepts. Carrie seconds the motion. Roll call vote:

  • Larry – Yes
  • Andy – Yes
  • Danica – Yes
  • Bill – Yes
  • Jeff – Yes
  • Judy – Yes
  • Gary – Yes
  • Kris – Yes
  • Greg – Yes
  • Jess – Yes
  • Carrie – Yes
  • All yes, motion passes.

Jess motions to nominate Gary to be 3rd Alternate. Gary accepts. Judy seconds the motion. Roll call vote:

  • Larry – Yes
  • Andy – Yes
  • Danica – Yes
  • Bill – Yes
  • Jeff – Yes
  • Judy – Yes
  • Gary – Yes
  • Kris – Yes
  • Greg – Yes
  • Jess – Yes
  • Carrie – Yes
  • All yes, motion passes.

All contact details from the Delegates and Alternates then confirmed.

Danica mentions she wishes to attend as a guest with her father, Andy. Everyone agrees this would be a wonderful experience for her.

Carrie motions to adjourn the County Convention, and it is seconded by Gary. Unanimous yeses, and the convention is adjourned.

Carrie on the State and Welfare of the MIGOP

Carrie talked about the current state and welfare of the MIGOP. She wanted to be sure that everyone knows what’s going on here and urges us all to get along and not jump to quick judgment.

Candidate Review for the 1st CRDC and MIGOP

Carrie covered the last page of the Convention packet which talked about the MIGOP Candidates. She mentioned there was still 1 slot for the State Committee Members of the Lower Peninsula, as well as 2 Executive Committee Member slots open. Jess signed up to be an Executive Committee Member candidate.

MIGOP Chair Endorsements

Went over the list of candidates within the convention packet. Carrie recommends we search each one, and noted that they will be calling/texting/emailing delegates. When asked if we should endorse anyone for Chair, most agreed on a “not yet” approach. Trump has endorsed Matt DePerno for MIGOP Chair.

Announcement – MIGOP Chair Debate on Friday, January 27, 2023 at 6pm

Location for this debate will be in Alpena at the College Campus. 665 Johnson St., Alpena, MI, at the Granum Theatre, Newport Center CTR 107. All MIGOP Chair Candidates have been invited to this debate. It will be live streamed by Jeff.

Reports: Treasurer’s Report

Drew & Chris could not be here today. Only thing different from the last report is a $100 donation check deposit from Lena Epstein, according to Carrie.

Reports: Minutes

Gary motions to accept the Minutes from November 28, 2022 as presented by Jess on the ACR Website. Greg seconds this motion. Unanimous yeses, motion passes.

New Business: Presentation of the Bylaws & Vote

Carrie noticed and mentioned some changes that were missed by the Bylaws Committee. Motion to accept the Amended Bylaws by Kris, and seconded by Gary.

Discussion: Andy was curious about executive meetings via phone call, etc. and members never showing up. However, he is happy with the new verbiage regarding that which can be found in Art. 2, Sec. 7, Attendance in the new Bylaws.

Roll call vote:

  • Larry – Yes
  • Andy – Yes
  • Danica – Yes
  • Bill – Yes
  • Jeff – Yes
  • Judy – Yes
  • Gary – Yes
  • Kris – Yes
  • Greg – Yes
  • Jess – Yes
  • Carrie – Yes
  • All yes, motion passes.

New Business: Resolution to Censure Cam Cavitt

This resolution was originally presented and passed within Presque Isle County. Jess amended the resolution to speak for the ACR. Jess motions to accept this resolution, and Andy seconds this motion. Roll Call vote:

  • Larry – Present
  • Andy – Yes
  • Danica – Yes
  • Bill – Present
  • Jeff – Yes
  • Judy – No
  • Gary – No
  • Kris – No
  • Greg – No
  • Jess – Yes
  • Carrie – No
  • Motion fails.

Jess motions to have Jeff write a letter to Cam to express our disappointment in voting for a Democrat Speaker of the House. Gary seconds this motion. Unanimous yeses, and the motion passes.

New Business: Possibility of ACR Covering Convention Fees and/or Gas

Motion to make a $250 check for Convention fees made by Gary, to cover the $50 fee for the four voting delegates and Danica as a guest. Seconded by Kris. Roll call vote:

  • Larry – Yes
  • Andy – Yes
  • Danica – Yes
  • Bill – Yes
  • Jeff – Yes
  • Judy – Yes
  • Gary – Yes
  • Kris – Yes
  • Greg – Yes
  • Jess – Yes
  • Carrie – Yes
  • All yes, motion passes.

Good of the Order (Public Comment)

Carrie: Program called SLACK, free, and it’s not messenger. It’s a way to communicate online. Both on computer and cell phone. She wants to open a channel for us. SLACK seems to be invite only even to get onto it. She’s gonna set it up for us and we’ll all see if it works for us better than Messenger or not.

Gary: Disappointed tonight. Problem with people not voting yes or not. You have to have prior approval for a present or abstain vote.

William: Received an email w/zoom meeting from JD Glaser campaign. Some changes, and they even had a parliamentarian there. They do a vote, and top two go forward, where as all others are left off. And then second round, whoever wins, wins Chair. They want to change that to have as many rounds as needed until someone gets a majority.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

  • MIGOP Convention

  • Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Gary, seconded by Jess at 9:05pm. Next open meeting to be held on March 27, 2023 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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