March 27, 2023 Meeting Minutes

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

March 27, 2023


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 7:13pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

William Sickner, Trustee

Larry Brozowski, Trustee

Judy French, Trustee


Drew Wagener, Treasurer

Chris Wagener, Deputy Treasurer

Gary Wnuk, Youth Vice Chair

Andy Jamieson, Trustee

Danica Jamieson, Junior Trustee


Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Judy French.


Judy French lead us in prayer.


There were five (5) resolutions that Carrie had and wanted to present to everyone for a vote. However, one contained a censure, and there were not enough to vote on that particular resolution. A few others were not finalized, and so Carrie stated that she would finalize them and send them out for a digital vote, or for a vote at the next meeting.

Violation Warnings

Carrie talked to us about the Color of Law violation warnings that are starting to make their way around to elected officials. We need to do more research on this process before we entertain any thoughts of proceeding with it.

Elected Leadership for MIGOP and 1st Congressional District

Carrie handed out the information for contacting the leadership within the MIGOP and the 1st Congressional District. These were all the people elected at the Caucus and Convention in February in Lansing.

Issues Committee from the 1st Congressional District (Larry Hull)

Carrie talked about some stuff Larry Hull from the 1st Congressional District’s Issues Committee brought up to her.

Announcement – April 6th Alpena Meeting with MIGOP Chairwoman Kristina Karamo

Location will be at the Alpena Public Library in their 3rd floor conference room. Jeff Dobbs will be recording and livestreaming the meeting and speech.

Announcement – April 14th Save Our Guns Event in Alpena

Geyer spoke on this event, and the flyer is attached to these minutes. It’s a fundraiser for 2nd Amendment candidates, like Sheriffs, County Clerks, Township Clerks, County Commissioners, and more within the 106th district. Part of the Save Our Guns PAC.

Announcement – April 15th 1st Congressional District Kick-Off Fundraiser

See the attached flyer to these minutes. The 1st Congressional District’s new team is holding their first fundraiser of the term.

Announcement – April 21st Alpena Reagan Day Dinner

See flyer attached to these minutes. Will be at JJ’s Phoenix Room in Alpena. $50/person.

Announcement – Neil Friske’s Freedom Shoot Event

Registration due by April 14th. See the flyer attached to these minutes for more information.

Announcement – Calendar of Events for the Year

Carrie would like to see a calendar of events placed on the website of the 2023 sessions for our legislature. (Information can be found on

Carrie placed the Alcona County Fair date on the website in the right sidebar. Should would like us to sponsor the fair at the $100 level. This will get us an honorable mention, a sign on the fairground fence, and two weekly passes.

Kristina moves that we sponsor the fair at the $100 level. Judy seconds.

Roll Call Vote:

  • Judy: Yes
  • Kris: Yes
  • Jeff: Yes
  • Jess: Yes
  • Carrie: Yes
  • Greg: Yes
  • Larry: Yes
  • William: Yes

The motion passed.

Reports: Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report is attached to these minutes.

Drew & Chris both have put in their 60 day notice to find a new Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer, due to new job constraints keeping them unable to assist in this capacity any longer.

Jess moved to accept these resignations. Kris seconded. Motion passed with all yeses from those present.

Reports: Minutes

Carrie went over the minutes briefly for everyone in attendance. Greg motioned to approve the minutes. Kris seconded. All approved and motion passes.

Reports: State Convention

It was fun, even though it was a little bit different this time due to the three rounds of voting on Saturday’s convention, versus two rounds as it had used to be done in the past. Carrie gave an overview of all the events that took place.

Because of the new fees for the convention, Carrie paid for Jess and Kris to attend as alternate delegates, which was $100. Jeff moves that we reimburse Carrie. Kris seconds.

Roll Call Vote:

  • Judy: Yes
  • Kris: Yes
  • Jeff: Yes
  • Jess: Yes
  • Carrie: Yes
  • Greg: Yes
  • Larry: Yes
  • William: Yes

Motion passes.

New Business: LRT Dinner Planning

We need to start planning our Lincoln Reagan Trump Dinner and Fundraiser. We need dates, and the thought of having the dinner in June seems the best. Also, would like to have it at Lost Lake again. Either on a Friday or a Sunday. More details to come.

New Business: New Place for Meetings

Frank with the CRCC would no longer like to associate with the GOP party. He’s disappointed in the Republican Party and feels that Republicans have not been stepping up to support Donald Trump, in regards to the upcoming indictment.

After tonight’s meeting, the meetings for the Alcona County Republican Party will be held at the EMS building on M72, and we’re already scheduled until December of 2023 for our regular meetings there. Also, it’s free to use, so no more rent payments.

New Business: Final Payment to Chosen Ranch

Carrie would like to pay the final rent payment that is needed for January’s meeting, and tonight’s meeting, which would be $100. However, she would also like to add a $50 tip for Frank treating us so well. Kris moves to pay $150 to the Chosen Ranch. Jeff seconds.

Roll Call Vote:

  • Judy: Yes
  • Kris: Yes
  • Jeff: Yes
  • Jess: Yes
  • Carrie: Yes
  • Greg: Yes
  • Larry: Yes
  • William: Yes

Motion passes.

Good of the Order (Public Comment)

William: He wants a Sunday night for the LRT dinner.

Jess: Feels we should submit/send a statement on supporting Trump with impending litigation. She will work on this in her free time, so it can be voted on at the next meeting.

Carrie: Would like to see them add Political Persuasion on the Civil Rights Act, since they already added all the LGBTQ+ stuff.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

  • We NEED a Treasurer

  • Resolutions (2A, Censure)

  • Getting Speakers

  • Election Integrity, Trainings

  • LRT Dinner Updates

  • Calendar of Events for 2023

  • Website Updates

  • Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Greg, seconded by William at 8:35pm. Next open meeting to be held on April 24, 2023 at 7pm at the Alcona County EMS Building on M72. (2600 E. M-72, Harrisville, MI 48740.)

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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