May 27, 2024 Meeting Minutes

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

May 27, 2024


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Alcona EMS Building on M72 at 7:08pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman/Treasurer

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Judy French, Trustee

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

Andy Jamieson, Trustee

Danica Jamieson, Junior Trustee


William Sickner, Trustee


Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Todd Smalenberg.

Chairman’s Welcome & Updates

Carrie went over the list of Candidates for the 2024 August Primary election that she received from the Alcona County Clerk. Some seats, like the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th districts do have competitions, where as others do not.

Carrie discussed about becoming a Poll Challenger. If you’re interested, be sure to contact Morgan Ray via to sign up for training.

Carrie also mentioned and how you can audit your address. She encouraged everyone to do so, as this small step can help in a big way with election integrity. Voter rolls in Alcona County currently are showing 125 more people registered to vote than what showed up on the past Census.

Main Topics: Precinct Delegates

Judy didn’t file to become a Precinct Delegate because she’s moving to a different precinct, but will still remain in Alcona County. Carrie talked about write in candidates for Precinct Delegates, and if anyone is interested, the deadline is July 26th to run as a write in candidate.

The Democrats went nuts this year on Precinct Delegates. Practically all of their PD slots are filled.

Main Topics: Debate

The past debate was discussed. Carrie talked about Cam Cavitt’s response to it, and even read aloud his text messages between her and him on the subject. He claimed he was never officially “invited” to the debate, despite knowing about it and still not showing up. Todd Smalenberg was able to speak on his own behalf about the debate, and provided evidence of sending Cam certified mail requesting a debate back in March. Todd was invited to the debate by the Montmorency County GOP, and accepted and showed up. That was the extent of his involvement in the debate that Cam missed out on.

However, there is a debate that both Cam and Todd have been invited to and accepted to do, and that’ll be on July 23rd at 10am on a radio station.

Main Topics: Letter & Resolution to Endorse Todd Smalenberg

Jess Dobbs put forth a letter and resolution of Endorsement for Todd Smalenberg, and read both aloud to everyone in attendance. Jeff Dobbs moves to accept the letter and resolution of Endorsement for Todd Smalenberg. Kris Anderson seconds the motion.

There was a lot of discussion. During the discussion, it was revealed that Todd Smalenberg is against the housing push in NE Michigan. Cam Cavitt is for low income housing being brought into the area, so long as it doesn’t have DEI attached to it. Andy Jamieson is for endorsing candidates prior to the Primary, as we want to get better Republicans elected, not just “Republicans Elected”. Andy also mentioned that it was good to know that most of the funding that Todd has received has been within the district, opposed to Cam, who is majorly funded by sources outside of the district. Carrie read aloud the texts she had exchanged with Cam Cavitt regarding the housing push in NE Michigan. Afterwards, the discussion continued, but started to veer off topic. Carrie ended it and called the question.

Roll Call Vote:

Jeff Dobbs: Yes

Jess Dobbs: Yes

Kris Anderson: Yes

Andy Jamieson: Yes

Greg Anderson: Yes

Judy French: Yes

Carrie Mullins: No

Danica Jamieson: Yes

The motion passes. Carrie asked if the Precinct Delegates in attendance wanted to add their names to the vote for the letter and resolution.

Roll Call Vote:

Gary Wnuk: Yes

Craig Johnston (Nominee Member): Abstain

Lisa Turek: Yes

Robert Turek: Yes

Main Topics: Resolution to Oppose NEMHA Plan for New Housing

Jess Dobbs presented the resolution and read it aloud to everyone in attendance. Jess moves to accept the resolution as presented. Kris seconds the motion. Discussion followed.

During discussion, Gary Wnuk commented that it’s not just an Alcona County issue. Craig Johnston talked about how the “plan” is very cookie cutter and does not address individual county needs, which is bad. Danica asked what the general response from the County Commissioners were regarding the plan. Jeff said most people are against it. Todd agreed, stating that because it’s made with half-truths, it’s appealing at first, until people look into the details, and then are turned away from it. This isn’t about helping the poor, it’s about pushing an agenda. Craig mentioned that Lenny Avery from Target Alpena wants to help the Commissioners do this stuff, at a cost, to get involved, but no one is breaking down doors to schedule a presentation on the project. Gary mentioned the 50 home outside of Hillman being built, and that NEMSCA and others were a part of that push. Carrie offered a friendly amendment to make the resolution more non-partisan. Jess agrees to the friendly amendment to her motion. Kris Seconds the friendly amendment.

Motion is as follows: To accept the resolution as amended.

Roll Call Vote:

Jeff Dobbs: Yes

Jess Dobbs: Yes

Kris Anderson: Yes

Andy Jamieson: Yes

Danica Jamieson: Yes

Greg Anderson: Yes

Carrie Mullins: Yes

Judy French: Yes

The motion passes. Carrie asked if the Precinct Delegates in attendance wanted to add their names to the vote for the resolution.

Roll Call Vote:

Gary Wnuk: Yes

Craig Johnston: Abstain

Lisa Turek: Yes

Robert Turek: Yes

Main Topics: Target Alpena Plan Responses from 106th District Candidates

Cam Cavitt is for low income housing being brought into the area, so long as it doesn’t have DEI attached to it. (Sent via text message to Carrie.)

Todd Smalenberg is strongly against the housing push, because our area needs more jobs to support any new growth that would occur from housing. His official statement is attached to these minutes.

Reports: Treasurer’s Report


Reports: Minutes

Can be found on the website.

New Business: Alcona GOP 2A Day Event

Jess went over all the details she has currently for the event.

Jeff moves to approve the event for July 27th of this year, and the expenditures that lay within. Kris seconds the motion. No discussion. Motion passes via voice vote.

Jess talked about a deal she had discussed with the Save Our Guns PAC, partnering up with the Alcona GOP for this event.

Jeff moves to approve the deal with the Save Our Guns PAC as presented by Jess. Kris seconds the motion. Discussion ensued.

Jeff amends his motion to include clarification on the terms and the extent of the involvement of the PAC. Kris seconds the amended motion. Motion passes unanimously.

Jeff moves to set ticket prices at $150 per individual, and $250 per couple. Judy seconds this. No discussion. Motion passes by voice vote.

New Business: 1st Congressional District Dues

Our dues are $120, or $30 per voting delegate for conventions. Since we are allotted 4 voting delegates, our total is $120.

Jess moves to pay our dues to the 1st Congressional District. Andy seconds the motion. No discussion.

Roll Call Vote:

Jeff Dobbs: Yes

Jess Dobbs: Yes

Kris Anderson: Yes

Andy Jamieson: Yes

Greg Anderson: Yes

Judy French: Yes

Carrie Mullins: Yes

Motion passes. (Danica did not vote, due to being a junior member.)

New Business: Adopt-a-Highway Summer Clean-up

After brief discussion, it was decided to host the Summer Clean-up for Adopt-a-Highway on July 17, 2024 at 10 am, with lunch to follow at the Lunchbox Restaurant. Jess will do a flyer.

Good of the Order (Public Comment)

Robert Turek:

  • He couldn’t understand how Cam Cavitt didn’t know about the housing plan, as it has been out for over 4 months now. It has been talked about in the local newspapers, and on TV at least twice. He also noted that DEI is mentioned in the “plan” documents too.

Todd Smalenberg:

  • He wanted to thank us all for all we do. He said our Party is filled with leaders, and is proud to work with us. He respects Carrie and where she stands, and is thankful for all she does for our county party.

Craig Johnston:

  • He wonders if the Alcona GOP can set up a debate between himself and Bill Thompson.

Gary Wnuk:

  • Wondering why he never heard anything about the recall effort after signing the petition. Wonders why the Republican Party has a platform that doesn’t seem be followed. He finds it appalling that no one seems to be following the Constitution.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

  • August 6th Primary Election

  • Upcoming County Convention

  • Alcona 2A Day Event Updates

  • Alcona County Fair Booth Volunteers Needed

  • 4th of July Parades

  • Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Andy, seconded by Jeff at 9:04pm. Next open meeting to be held on June 24, 2024 at 7pm at the Alcona County EMS Building on M72. (2600 E. M-72, Harrisville, MI 48740.)

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

May 27, 2024 Meeting Minutes AttachmentsMay 27, 2024 Meeting Minutes Attachments

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