August 15, 2024 Meeting Minutes – County Convention

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

August 15, 2024


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Alcona EMS Building on M72 at 7:02pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman/Treasurer

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Judy French, Trustee

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee


Danica Jamieson, Junior Trustee

William Sickner, Trustee

Andy Jamieson, Trustee


Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Judy French.

Appointment of Chair & Secretary for Convention

Motion to appoint Carrie Mullins as Chairwoman of the Convention and Jessica Dobbs as Secretary of the Convention by Judy French and seconded by Jess Dobbs. No discussion. Motion passes.

Oaths of Office given by Jeff Dobbs.

County Convention Business

Motion to waive reading of the call to convention by Jeff Dobbs and seconded by Greg Anderson. No discussion. Motion passes.

Carrie Mullins and Jim White are the two who want to go to the August 24th Convention in Flint. There are no convention fees this time. Registration starts at 8am.

Motion to accept Carrie Mullins and Jim White as voting delegates to the State Convention in Flint made by Greg Anderson and seconded by Jeff Dobbs. No discussion. Motion passes.

Motion to appoint Kris Anderson & Greg Anderson as Precinct Delegates for Haynes Township by Jeff Dobbs and seconded by Judy French. No discussion. Motion passes.

Motion to accept Kris Anderson as a voting delegate to the State Convention made by Jeff Dobbs and seconded by Judy French. No discussion. Motion passes.

Our voting delegates are as follows:

  1. Carrie Mullins
  2. Jim White
  3. Kris Anderson


Motion to adjourn, called by Greg, seconded by Jeff at 7:39pm. Next open meeting to be held on August 26, 2024 at 7pm at the Alcona County EMS Building on M72. (2600 E. M-72, Harrisville, MI 48740.)

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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