August 26, 2024 Meeting Minutes

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

August 26, 2024


The meeting was called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Alcona EMS building on M72 at 7:04pm.

Executive Committee Present:

Carrie Mullins

Jeff Dobbs

Jess Dobbs

Judy French

Andy Jamieson

Greg Anderson

Kris Anderson


William Sickner

Danica Jamieson

Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance:

Pledge of Allegiance done, and Invocation given by Jeff Dobbs.


Chairman’s Welcome

Carrie talked a little about the State Convention that she, Jim White, and Kris Anderson were elected to attend.

MRP State Convention Results

For the convention, they pre-appointed the Chair and Secretary for the convention. The parliamentarian for the MIGOP was chair of the convention. Dave Chandler of Iosco County tried to make a motion to object to Pete Hoakstra as chair of the MIGOP, and unfortunately was ruled out of order. Carrie went a few other things that happened, before announcing the following results from the convention.

Winners of the Nominating Convention:

Supreme Court – 4 Year Position:

Patrick O’Grady

Supreme Court – 8 Year Position:

Andrew Fink

State Board of Education – 2 Spots:

Tom McMillin

Nikki Snyder

Wayne State Board of Governors – 2 Spots:

Michael Busuito

Sunny Reddy

U of M Regent – 2 Spots:

Sevag Vartanian

Carl Meyers

MSU Board of Trustees – 2 Spots:

Mike Balow

Julie Maday

Signs, Signs, Signs

We have over 100 Trump signs that need to be distributed.

Voter Guide

Jess Dobbs to design a voter guide to be distributed online, at businesses, and to have it published in the paper. Larry will print the voter guide for us.

Treasurer’s Report

See attached.

Discussion on the Minutes

They can be found on the website, .

New Business: Labor Day Parade

Carrie wants to hand out signs and printed voter guides if we do the Labor Day Parade, on Sunday September 1st, at 1pm, with line up being no later than 12:30pm. It is for the Harmony Weekend in Harrisville. Many volunteered to attend and hand out both signs and voter guides. (Carrie, Nelson, Jeff, Jess, Jim, Andy, Bob, Lisa)

New Business: Pro-Trump Ads in Alcona Review Newspaper

Jeff makes a motion to buy two pro-Trump ads in the Alcona Review after an approved design is made. Seconded by Kris.


Timing is very important. 30 days out from Absentee Ballot voting. The ad’s should be placed on September 18th for Early Voting and then potentially October 2nd, should be the latest we should do. $160 was donated by Ron Edwards towards this endeavor. Friday at 4pm the week prior is their deadline to make it in for the following weeks’ paper. It will say Paid for by Alcona County Republican Party.

Roll Call Vote:

Jeff: Yes

Jess: Yes

Carrie: Yes

Greg: Yes

Kris: Yes

Judy: Yes

Andy: Yes

Motion passes.

Carrie motions to also pay for 2 more ads, to publish ACR Voter’s Guide in the Alcona Review, limited to $200. Judy seconds the motion.


Use scissor outline for people to cut it out like a coupon. These ads to run opposite weeks than the ones above that are simply Pro-Trump. So, October 9th and September 25th. Maybe even a third for October 16th. We should send the voter guide to each person listed on our voter guide, so they can share it too.

Jess makes a friendly amendment to the motion to increase the ad count to 3, and to increase the max expenditure to $250. Carrie & Judy accept the friendly amendment.

Roll Call Vote:

Jeff: Yes

Jess: Yes

Carrie: Yes

Greg: Yes

Kris: Yes

Judy: Yes

Andy: Yes

Motion passes.

Good of the Order:

Robert Turek

Talked about potential contested races within Alcona County. Doesn’t know some of the candidates, and feels it’s a shame they don’t attend our meetings so we can get to know them. Wonders if the local radio station plays political ads, and was answered, “No.”

Andy Jamieson

Mentioned that if anyone needs any Trump signs, that the Germonds also have a few they’re handing out.

Craig Johnston

Mentioned that Bill Thompson might do a write in campaign against him.


Motion to adjourn, called by Jeff, seconded by Judy at 8:31pm. Next open meeting to be held on September 23, 2024 at 7pm at the Alcona County EMS building on M72. (2600 E. M-72, Harrisville, MI 48740.)

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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