Hello, last night we held our Executive Committee elections at our County Convention, and elected our newest committee to run the Alcona County Republican Party. There was one race in particular, that had three people running for, which was exciting to see how it played out and who won the seat of Vice Chair! However, I’m sure you’re hoping to see the results, and so, here they are:
(In order from left to right)
Chairman: Jeff Dobbs
Vice Chair: Dr. Robert Turek
Trustee: Jim White
Secretary: Jess Dobbs
Trustee: William Sickner
Trustee: Judy French
Sergeant-at-Arms: Nelson French
Treasurer: Carrie Mullins
Trustee: Frank Grubbs
Trustee: Andy Jamieson (Not Pictured)
This Executive Committee will be in office from November 25, 2024 until the next election in 2026! Please wish them all a warm welcome, and pray that they are able to do their utmost best for Alcona County. We’re eager to get the Local Action started to create some National Impact. It all starts here at home and we’re excited to work together to Make America Great Again! ♥️