A Prayer of Invocation – For Our Year of 2025

Categories Chairman's Corner, InvocationPosted on

Dear fellow patriots, friends, and brothers & sisters in Christ.

I wish you all a Happy New Year (apologies it is belated) and am hoping you will join with me for this – a prayer of invocation – for our year of 2025.

While I do feel this year is going to be a year of chaos and uncertainty…

I, for one, feel blessed to have you all here. We are called to be right where we need to be, to get what needs to be done, done. Know that there is no place I would rather be, and no one else I would rather stand with.

Jeff Dobbs, Chairman

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come to You this day, in prayer, through your Son, Jesus Christ. We wish to ask for guidance and strength this year, and always, as we work to do Your will for our Townships, County, State, and Nation…

Some of us, Lord God, are going to need courage to do what is right – to do Your will. We ask You to give us this courage and that we allow ourselves to willingly accept it, as You guide us to do what is right in Your eyes. We know that doing what is right is rarely easy, often requires sacrifice, and is almost never the comfortable choice… Let our actions reflect Your courage, to do what is Your will and not ours.

Others Lord, are going to need humility & kindness. Let us receive these with a humble & welcoming spirit. Let us always know that everything we do, is for You, Your world, and Your children. We are not here for ourselves. We are not here to gain status. We are here to be leaders in our community. Keep us humble and may we seek only Your favor in all we say and do.

Some may need motivation to see that we need to stand up and be “the one” to do Your work. We ask you provide the ambition & guidance to work for You Lord, and put aside all that may hinder our work for our community. When You call us, we ask that we recognize the call. This work is not often fun. But it is critical. Allow us to do what needs to be done according to Your will.

Finally, Lord, we ask that those who simply need You, will soften their hearts and open up their souls to willingly receive the blessings of Your Love and your saving Grace. Without You, we are nothing.

Please guide us with Your wisdom, in all we say and do. Know that Your will be done, and that this land and all of the blessings we reap from it, is Yours and without You we would be nothing. This USA was founded under principles guided by You.

Allow us the strength and courage to bring us back to our foundation.

Thank you, Jesus, for every blessing, and the ability to selflessly serve you.

In God We Trust. In your Holy Name,

God’s abundant blessings to you all!

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