September 15, 2022 Core Team Meeting Minutes

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2022


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 11:11am.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Chris Wagener, Treasurer

Drew Wagener, Deputy Treasurer

William Sickner, Trustee

Molly Adkins, Trustee


Larry Brozowski, Trustee

Jim White, Trustee

Kris Anderson, Trustee

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms


Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Gary Wnuk.

Update on State Convention

Grassroots won the day overall at the recent State Convention. There wasn’t any overt shenanigans this time around. The massive amount of boos aimed at Ron Weiser were appreciated by all fellow grassroots Republicans.

Reimbursement for Convention

No reimbursements requested nor given.

Rent for CRCC

$300 to make rent good until January 31, 2023.

Jaynee moved to pay CRCC $300 for rent. Jeff seconds.

Roll Call Vote as follows:

  • William – Yes
  • Drew – Yes
  • Chris – Yes
  • Molly – Yes
  • Jeff – Yes
  • Jess – Yes
  • Carrie – Yes

Motion passes unanimously.

Politician Signs Available

Carrie has some signs available for people to take home and place in their yards. These include signs for Kristina Karamo, Michelle Hoitenga, and Cam Cavitt.

Handout for Props 1, 2, & 3

Carrie will add the Proposition Information handout to the voter guide. (See attached.) Carrie also has the exact wording for Propositions 2 & 3, but could not find the exact verbiage for Proposition 1. It is to be noted that State Sen. Jeremy Moss (D-11) and Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R-16) are in support of Prop 1. And it was also recommended to the Republican Chairs that the people go to their churches and ask them to get involved by taking a stance and to hand out literature regarding Proposition 3.

Information About Proposition 1

Proposition 1 is about Term Limits. It will reduce the maximum length a lawmaker can serve from 14 years, to 12 years, but would allow them to serve the full 12 years in one chamber. Since the Senate only has 38 seats and the House 110, currently most House Reps never make it to the Senate. Therefore, it actually doubles a State Rep’s ability to serve from 6 years to 12 years and Senators from 8 years to 12 years.

Information About Proposition 2

Proposition 2 is about Promote the Vote. It includes:

  • Allows nine days of early in-person voting – less oversight
  • More absentee ballots/drop boxes – less oversight, higher expense
  • No state ID required to vote – potential for non-citizens to vote
  • Allows public sources/charities to fund elections – potential for financial manipulation (Zuckerbucks)
  • Establishes post-election audits can ONLY be conducted by state/local officials; denies citizens access to election records – potentially making it a crime to ask questions about election accuracy.

Information About Proposition 3

Proposition 3 is about Abortion or “Reproductive Freedom for All”. It includes:

  • Allows abortion up to birth, including partial-birth abortion and the termination of babies that survive abortions.
  • Allows minor children to obtain abortions, sterilization, puberty blockers, & sex change surgery without parental knowledge or consent.
  • Eliminates screenings of women coerced into abortion
  • Removes health and safety requirements of abortion facilities

Resolution to Prevent Private Money Entering Our Elections

This resolution would ask Jurisdictions to not accept Money, Grants, Property, etc., towards our elections. It was read aloud by Carrie. Jaynee motions that we accept the resolution. William seconds the motion. Motion to table the vote on the Resolution due to not having a quorum of 2/3 for the in-person vote, by Jess. Seconded by Carrie. Motion passed.

Hosting Multi-County Event Mid-October

It is to be noted that Tudor Dixon has backed off and out of certain events due to the abortion stir. It has been going around that she has not attended events that may have pro-abortion protesters at those events. However, Carrie would like us to host an event, along with the 36th Congressional District, as a big candidate Meet & Greet. We currently have no date or location planned, but are hoping to get this together soon.

Curran Black Bear Festival

To be held on Saturday, September 24th in Curran. It will be the last parade of the year for us to attend. We will also have a table inside the festival location for handing out materials and literature for our Republican candidates. The parade line up will begin at 12:30pm and the parade itself will start at 1pm. We are looking for a volunteer to man the table while the parade is going on. The festival itself runs from 9am until 6pm.

Campaign Sidekick App

Carrie can train people on how to use this app. You can do both phone banking and walk books with this app. She will see if any Precinct Delegates wish to have a walk book ready, and can also add people as a user for phone banking.

Poll Worker/Challengers

There is still time for people to become an Election Inspector (Poll Worker), which is a paid position. Form is online at the Secretary of State. ( ) The deadline is October 15, 2022. Alcona County Clerk is doing at least one more training this year. Poll Challengers must be certified by their political party.

Good of the Order

Gary Wnuk:

  • Alcona County Grassroots to send a resolution, to NEMSCA, and all Townships in regards to how ACCOA is running itself. (Chair got a Federal grant for 25 million, it’s next to the Alcona Health Center on Barlow Road) Would like some support on it from ACR
  • When he was at the Senior Meeting, he talked to Dan O’Conner, and they’ll be doing a Constitution Training this upcoming Monday. He got some constitutions from Bergman and others to hand out. 8-9am and then again from 12-1pm.
  • He’s considering running for the Youth Chair of the ACR.

No other comments.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

  • Cam Cavitt, Candidate for the 106th State Representative to Speak
  • Voter Guide Handouts
  • Door Knocking/Phone Banking with Campaign Sidekick App
  • Propositions 1, 2, & 3 Information
  • Poll Challengers & Poll Workers Needed
  • Talking Points Handouts
  • Signs to Handout
  • Call to November Convention for the Election of the Executive Committee
  • Potential Multi-County Event
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Minutes
  • September 6th Labor Day Parade & Curran Black Bear Festival Updates
  • Reimbursement for Parade Candy
  • Set Dates for November Convention/Potluck Party
  • Good of the Order
  • Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Carrie, seconded by Jeff at 12:28pm. Next open meeting to be held on September 26, 2022 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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