July 22, 2024 Meeting Minutes

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

July 22, 2024


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Alcona EMS Building on M72 at 7:05pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman/Treasurer

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Judy French, Trustee

William Sickner, Trustee


Danica Jamieson, Junior Trustee

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

Andy Jamieson, Trustee


Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Gary Wnuk.

Chairman’s Welcome & Updates

Carrie had a conference call with MI Fair Elections, specifically focusing on the Wayne and two other counties. These are the most populated counties that vote in Michigan. We need to stay vigilant in our own county. According to the US Census from 2020, we have 10489 residents in Alcona County, but somehow, we have 10579 registered voters. Please remember that the Census includes all men, women, and children. So it is not feasible to have so many registered voters in Alcona County, even if our population has grown since the 2020 Census.

It is imperative to audit your home address with CheckMyVote.org to ensure that we do our part in cleaning up our County voter rolls, because the State of Michigan, will not.

Also, there is a lawsuit you can join, which is an effort to overturn Prop 2, via cclmv.com. Please email shellylate13@gmail your name, county, address, phone number and email address to sign onto the lawsuit, so the Supreme Court will hear the case.

Be sure to go to TrumpForce47.com so you can be a poll challenger and volunteer to help with early voting.

Main Topics: Local Candidates

Julie Grubbs:

Julie is running for Caledonia Township Supervisor against Cyndi Apsey. She read from a prepared speech and wants to step up and help her local community. She feels that Caledonia Township needs an honest board and talked about why she felt that way. She also sees a lot of opportunities for improvement in the area, and wishes to help make those improvements happen. She’s also upset that the current Supervisor and Clerk for Caledonia are opposed to the AxeMITax Movement, as she feels no one should lose their home due to an inability to pay taxes. She then took questions.

Bob Turek asked Julie if she was a Republican and supported Donald Trump for president. He lamented that he was unable to attend the previous meeting in order to ask Cyndi Apsey these same questions. Julie affirmed that she is a Republican and supports Donald Trump for President. There were no other questions asked.

Frank Grubbs:

Frank is running for Caledonia Township Trustee, and did not want to speak at the meeting.

Craig Johnston:

Craig is running for County Commissioner of District 2, against Bill Thompson. This is the second time that he and Bill are running against one another for this position. Craig is not taking the Primary for granted again this time, having learned from the 2020 loss by 8 votes to Bill. 2015-2020 and then 2022-currently as County Commissioner. He wants to pay our officers a competitive rate, so he negotiated a new contract with the deputies when he got back in. Retention isn’t an issue anymore. Veteran’s Affairs Office two years ago was a mess. He was appointed as a liaison working with everyone to get everyone back on track. Helping them. Spoke on how he helped get the Equalization Office all squared away after losing two people there. Feels he can do a good job for the next four years.

Judy French asked Craig more about the Broadband push in Alcona County. Craig is excited for the Trunk Lines of Broadband that Obama brought into the county, will finally be finished and going from the Trunk Lines to the Homes now with Cherry Hill Capital. He said it should be about $64.99 a month for that access and internet.

Bob Turek asked Craig if he was voting for Trump. Craig affirmed that he was indeed voting for Trump.

Main Topics: Endorsement for Craig Johnston

Motion to create an Endorsement Resolution for Craig Johnston by Judy French, and seconded by William Sickner. Discussion: Craig asked that Bill Thompson not be mentioned in the resolution at all. Carrie asked that Jeff write the resolution.

Roll Call Vote:

Carrie Mullins: Yes

Jess Dobbs: Yes

Jeff Dobbs: Yes

Judy French: Yes

William Sickner: Yes

The motion passes. These are the Precinct Delegates that also voted to add their names to the Resolution:

Robert Turek: Yes

Lisa Turek: Yes

Gary Wnuk: Yes

Main Topics: 1st Congressional District Resolution

Sue Allor tried to regain her position as 1st Congressional District Chair. This resolution gives the timeline of her removal and why she was removed and why Daire Rendon should be recognized as the Chair of the 1st Congressional District by the MIGOP. (See attached.)

The RNC passed a new platform, 28 pages long. Carrie likes the new one, and she feels it’s very Trump oriented.

The appeals case for Kristina Karamo is slated for the end of August, Carrie thinks. Hopefully that’ll overturn Kent County’s ridiculous judicial decision and return the MIGOP back to the Grassroots.

Main Topics: Axe MI Tax Update

Unfortunately this did not meet the threshold to get onto the ballot sadly. However, they are already preparing to try once more! So, keep your eyes out.

Main Topics: August 6th Election

Be sure to look over your ballots for this election. There are tons of millages, county & township. Go to mi.gov/vote and then click on “your voter information” and it’ll show you your sample ballot. Jess will place the sample ballots on our website as well.

Main Topics: Alcona County Fair Staffing

The sign up sheet is being passed around, and Jess & Jeff Dobbs will fill in any time slots that remain.

Reports: Treasurer’s Report

See attachment.

Reports: Minutes

Can be found on the website.

New Business: Alcona GOP 2A Day Event

This event is unfortunately canceled. We officially had 3 tickets sell. Robert & Lisa Turek, and Carrie Mullins are the ones who bought tickets to the event. Refunds to ensue.

Jess Dobbs moves to reimburse those ticket sales, as well as to Carrie Mullins for her $100 deposit made to the caterer for the event, Judy French seconds the motion. No discussion. ($150 for Carrie’s ticket, $250 for Bob & Lisa Turek for tickets, and $100 for Carries deposit to the Caterer.)

Roll Call Vote:

Carrie Mullins: Yes

Jess Dobbs: Yes

Jeff Dobbs: Yes

Judy French: Yes

William Sickner: Yes

Motion Passes.

Jeff Dobbs moves to reimburse Carrie Mullins for the candy purchases for the parades, as well as the postage she had to pay to send out the calls to convention, Judy French seconds the motion. No discussion. ($79.78 for candy, $10 for postage.)

Roll Call Vote:

Carrie Mullins: Yes

Jess Dobbs: Yes

Jeff Dobbs: Yes

Judy French: Yes

William Sickner: Yes

Motion Passes.

Jeff Dobbs moves to reimburse Greg & Kris Anderson for their candy purchase for the parades, seconded by Judy French. No discussion. ($135.56 for candy.)

Roll Call Vote:

Carrie Mullins: Yes

Jess Dobbs: Yes

Jeff Dobbs: Yes

Judy French: Yes

William Sickner: Yes

Motion Passes.

Jess Dobbs moves to reimburse the Save Our Guns PAC their contribution of $1500 for our 2A event, and Carrie Mullins seconds. No discussion. ($1500 for their contribution.)

Roll Call Vote:

Carrie Mullins: Yes

Jess Dobbs: Yes

Jeff Dobbs: Yes

Judy French: Yes

William Sickner: Yes

Motion Passes.

New Business: Endorsement for Julie Grubbs

Jeff Dobbs motions to endorse Julie Grubbs for Caledonia Township Supervisor, and William Sickner seconds the motion.


Jeff Dobbs: I have 2 reasons for this motion. First, because of her ardent support of Todd Smalenberg and his campaign. The second, is because he has been looking into her opponent Cyndi Apsey, and has noticed that Cyndi does not support Trump for President. Jeff knows that Julie does without even asking due to her actions and the unmistakable Trump for President shirt she wore to the meeting today. Jeff also mentions that he will be happy to write up this resolution as well.

End discussion.

Roll Call Vote:

Carrie Mullins: Abstain

Jess Dobbs: Yes

Jeff Dobbs: Yes

Judy French: Yes

William Sickner: Yes

Motion Passes.

Good of the Order (Public Comment)

Gary Wnuk:

  • Read through the RNC Platform, disagrees with the education thing. He wants states to take care of their own education. AXE MI TAX, as a school board member, he voted against the millage against the un-homesteaded properties.

Robert Turek:

  • Wishes the Grubbs’ the best of luck on their campaigns.

Rachel Jamieson:

  • Here to represent Danica & Andy, and she’s been doing door knockers for Todd Smalenberg, and encourages to vote for him. Jeff has some signs in his car for Todd Smalenberg.


Motion to adjourn, called by Jeff, seconded by Judy at 8:42pm. Next open meeting to be held on August 26, 2024 at 7pm at the Alcona County EMS Building on M72. (2600 E. M-72, Harrisville, MI 48740.)

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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