October 17, 2022 Meeting Minutes

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

October 17, 2022


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 7:08pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Chris Wagener, Treasurer

Drew Wagener, Deputy Treasurer

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

William Sickner, Trustee

Larry Brozowski, Trustee


Molly Adkins, Trustee

Jim White, Trustee


Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Gary Wnuk.

Approval of Agenda

Chris moves, Jeff seconds, all ayes to approve the agenda. Agenda approved.


Jess Dobbs was kind enough to make some designs for us to order. She made a sign for Tudor Dixon, as well as a sign for Voting NO on Props 1, 2, & 3. The Dixon sign is similar to the official signs, but still different enough to not infringe on it, and both signs have the correct disclaimer on them about how they were paid for. We want them ordered tonight so we can pass them out at the October 24th meeting.

Motion to allow Carrie, with help from Jess, to order signs within the next 24 hours, and not to spend more than $800 on signs and stands by Kris, and seconded by Larry.

Roll Call Vote as follows:

  • Drew – Yes
  • Chris – Yes
  • William – Yes
  • Kris – Yes
  • Jeff – Yes
  • Greg – Yes
  • Jess – Yes
  • Larry – Yes
  • Carrie – Yes

Unanimous yes, motion passes.

Larry Brozowski also donated $100 in cash to assist with sign purchases. Thank you Larry!

The sign designs will be attached to these minutes.

Meet & Greet Northern Michigan Event for Republican Candidates

We would like the final event for the Midterms Election to be a Meet & Greet event, where candidates are welcome to come and speak to those of us “up north” one final time before the Midterms. We’re looking at October 28th or 29th at the Fairview Fairgrounds, which would be around $350 to rent. We would like to have the candidates show up and speak, while also streaming the event live. Carrie would like the event to run from Noon until 7pm, and would need staff there that entire time.

Looks like Michele Hoitenga is happy to come along, and Carrie is hoping to get Tudor Dixon there, along with Cam Cavitt and others. Carrie did a quick (unofficial) poll to see if anyone was against the event, but the ayes had it. (From Executive Board members and Precinct Delegates that are in attendance.)

Resolutions: ACCOA

Gary wrote up a resolution and Carrie is thinking about signing onto it to lend it more support. This will be brought up again at the October 24th meeting.

Resolutions: Supporting Matt Maddock for Michigan House Speaker

Geyer Balog wrote this and is asking other counties to do the same. Carrie read it aloud for all in attendance (you can find it attached to these minutes).

Motion to accept the resolution as written by William and seconded by Jeff.

Roll Call Vote as follows:

  • Drew – Yes
  • Chris – Yes
  • William – Yes
  • Kris – Yes
  • Jeff – Yes
  • Greg – Yes
  • Jess – Yes
  • Larry – Yes
  • Carrie – Yes

Unanimous yes, motion passes.

The resolution will be attached to these minutes.

Announcement: Midterms

October 24th is the last meeting before the midterms. We need people on the ground, talking to their friends and family about the proposals on the ballot as well as Republican candidates to stand behind at this election. Get the word out!

Announcement: School Board Debate

October 20th, from 7-9pm at the Greenbush Township Hall, the League of Women Voters of Northeast Michigan is hosting a debate between local candidates for school board and county commissioner.

Here are the candidates that will be in attendance:

  • Alcona School Board Candidates:
    Lisa Turek, Charlie Calkins, Vicky Hansen and Steven Yokom
  • District 2 Commissioner Candidates:
    Craig Johnston and William Thompson
  • District 3 Commissioner Candidates:
    Carolyn Brummund and Joe Lukasiewicz

The address is:

5039 E. Campbell Street, Greenbush, MI 48738

Good of the Order

  • Gary Wnuk:
    Dearborn downstate is getting exciting, because the Muslims down there are fighting against the sexualization of their children and are being put down pretty harshly for it.
  • No other comments.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

  • Resolutions Updates
  • Meet & Greet Event Updates
  • Signs Updates
  • Good of the Order
  • Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Gary, seconded by Jeff at 8:16pm. Next open meeting to be held on October 24, 2022 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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