November 28, 2022 Meeting Minutes

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

November 28, 2022


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 7:24pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Chris Wagener, Treasurer

Drew Wagener, Deputy Treasurer

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

William Sickner, Trustee

Larry Brozowski, Trustee


Molly Adkins, Trustee


Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Lena Epstein.

Potluck Party

We started the potluck party. Wanted everyone to get their food before continuing on with business.

Updates from Carrie on Past Election (Midterms)

We need to start litigating to start making any sort of progress on saving our elections and state. We had 55% turnout in Alcona County, which was great. The EMS Millage passed in our county. All township millages passed in the county. We need to focus more on homeschooling, and also, insert ourselves into Social Media more than we currently are doing. We also need to push for cleaning the voter rolls.

Craig Johnston

Thanked everyone for turning out and voting for him. He hopes we continue to do so.

County Convention – Election of Executive Committee

Precinct Delegates and current Executive Committee able to vote. Carrie was nominated as Temporary Chair for the Convention. Jessica was nominated for Temporary Secretary for the Convention.

Floor Nominations

Larry Brozowski nominates himself for Trustee. William Sickner nominates himself for Trustee. Judy Schlicker-French was nominated and seconded to be a Trustee. She accepted the nomination. Kris Anderson was nominated and seconded to be a Trustee. She accepted the nomination.

Vote Tallies

Carrie Mullins for Chair: 14 votes out of 15 ballots cast.

Jeff Dobbs for Vice Chair: 15 votes out of 15 ballots cast.

Jess Dobbs for Secretary: 15 votes out of 15 ballots cast.

Chris Wagener: 10 votes out of 15 ballots cast for Deputy Treasurer position. 5 votes out of 15 ballots cast for Treasurer position.

Drew Wagener: 10 votes out of 15 ballots cast for Treasurer position. 5 votes out of 15 ballots cast for Deputy Treasurer position.

Greg Anderson for Sergeant-At-Arms: 13 votes out of 15 ballots cast.

Larry Brozowski for Trustee: 14 votes out of 15 ballots cast.

William Sickner for Trustee: 12 votes out of 15 ballots cast.

Judy Schlicker-French for Trustee: 13 votes out of 15 ballots cast.

Andy Jamieson for Trustee: 14 votes out of 15 ballots cast.

Gary Wnuk for Vice Youth Chair: 15 votes out of 15 ballots cast.

Kris Anderson for Trustee: Was nominated for the position after ballots cast. Seconded and accepted. Roll call vote:

  • Craig: Yes
  • Larry: Yes
  • Andy: Yes
  • Chris: Yes
  • Drew: Yes
  • Gary: Yes
  • Judy: Yes
  • William: Yes
  • Jeff: Yes
  • Jess: Yes
  • Carrie: Yes
  • Greg: Yes
  • Bob: Yes
  • Lisa: Yes
  • Motion passes, Kris Anderson is also a Trustee now. (Added to this section to keep every new Executive Board member vote in one place.)

Oaths were given to every member of the assembly.

New ACR Executive Board Committee

Here are the new members of the ACR Executive Board Committee:

Carrie Mullins – Chair

Jeff Dobbs – Vice Chair

Jess Dobbs – Secretary

Drew Wagener – Treasurer

Chris Wagener – Deputy Treasurer

Gary Wnuk – Youth Vice Chair

Greg Anderson – Sergeant-At-Arms

Kris Anderson – Trustee

Larry Brozowski – Trustee

William Sickner – Trustee

Judy Schlicker-French – Trustee

Andy Jamieson – Trustee

Danica Jamieson – Junior Trustee (See below for her nomination, etc.)

Bylaw Committee

Jess Dobbs motioned to form a committee to go over the Bylaws, and recommend to the new Executive Committee Board any changes or updates by the next public meeting. Gary Wnuk seconds. The ayes have it, and so the motion passes. (There were no nays.) Carrie appoints Jess, Jeff, Drew, and William to the committee, and she herself will be an Ex-Officio member of the committee as well.

Shorter Winter Hiatus

Carrie motions to have a shorter winter hiatus this year, due to the MIGOP convention for elections being held in February, and to have a regular meeting in January. Seconded and approved by all members present. Next regular meeting will be held in January 2023.


Jeff moves to adjourn the meeting. Carrie seconds. The ayes have it, and it is moved to adjourn at 8:29pm.

Opening the Meeting Again

Due to interest by our youth member, Danica Jamieson, Carrie is opening the meeting again, to appoint Danica as a Junior Trustee to the Executive Board. Jeff moves that we appoint Danica as a Junior Trustee to the board, Drew seconds. Danica accepts the nomination.

Roll call vote:

  • Craig: Yes
  • Larry: Yes
  • Andy: Yes
  • Chris: Yes
  • Drew: Yes
  • Gary: Yes
  • Judy: Yes
  • William: Yes
  • Jeff: Yes
  • Jess: Yes
  • Carrie: Yes
  • Greg: Yes
  • Bob: Yes
  • Lisa: Yes
  • Kris: Yes
  • Approved. OATH GIVEN.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

MIGOP Convention

Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Carrie, seconded by Jeff at 8:34pm. Next open meeting to be held on January 23, 2022 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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