2023 Homepage Information

This is the information that was on our homepage in early 2023, before we moved to the new website. 

Trump's Mugshot 😉

We were told Trump got indicted because "Nobody was Above the Law." But Alvin Bragg has lowered 52% of violent felonies to a misdemeanor. This is pure political persecution. #DisbarBragg

This is our first official meeting back from winter hiatus. We have a lot of business to conduct. There will be things to vote on. I'll have some handouts.

Our 7th Annual Potluck Party went very well. As did our County Convention whereupon, we elected our Executive Committee for the 2023-2024 cycle.

Carrie Mullins – Chair
Jeff Dobbs – Vice Chair
Jess Dobbs – Secretary
Drew Wagener – Treasurer
Chris Wagener – Deputy Treasurer
Gary Wnuk – Youth Vice Chair
Greg Anderson – Sergeant-At-Arms
Kris Anderson – Trustee
Larry Brozowski – Trustee
William Sickner – Trustee
Judy Schlicker-French – Trustee
Andy Jamieson – Trustee
Danica Jamieson – Junior Trustee

WE NEED EVERYONE TO STEP UP. WE HAVE TO GET REPUBLICANS ELECTED and WE HAVE TO DEFEAT THE PROPOSALS (particularly 2 and 3) - Please Volunteer, reply and I'll hook you up and answer questions.


VOTER GUIDE (pictured below)

Print, email, text, etc. this to any and everyone. Post it on bulletin boards. Leave a stack with friendly businesses.


Poll Workers (there's still time)

Poll Inspector Application https://www.michigan.gov/-/media/Project/Websites/sos/01vanderroest/Elec_InspecAppl.pdf - Fill this out and turn it in to your Township Clerk. Here in Alcona County, you can find that info here: https://alconacountymi.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/County-Directory-2021.pdf

Similarly, all the counties have a website where you should be able to find that information if you don't already know it.


Campaign Sidekick for Door Knocking, Walk Lists, Phone Banking

I'm the Alcona County Admin. I can add you to the volunteer list and provide you with login info. There is a smart phone app and a website.

Google Play or other app store: Campaign Sidekick (pictured below)

Go here after you receive your login info to utilize the online version: https://michigan.campaignsidekick.vote/

I can also create Walk Lists/Books for you if you prefer paper. For example, I have broken up Mikado Township (my precinct) into 6 manageable days of door knocking. I can print the lists, or use them in the app.


We had a good meeting last night. It was very nice to hear from Cam Cavitt, candidate for the 106th. We also heard from Rick with the Proposal 3 Initiative. The entire meeting can be viewed here: https://www.facebook.com/AlconaCountyRepublicans

I have Postcard Mailers to warn people of the DANGER of Proposition 3 (images below). The post cards are ingenious. Family, a friend, a fellow Michigander... the cost of a stamp. Send it and let them know Prop 3 is a deadly lie. 

If you want any, please let me know and I'll make sure you get some. Or, you can stop off at our "headquarters" - 3650 South F-41, Mikado, MI 48745. I also have some yard signs available.


Any Questions, Want to Volunteer, Please Reach Out to Me,
Carrie Mullins
3650 South F-41
Mikado, MI 48745
Alcona County Republicans - Chair
989-736-8558 (landline, no texts)
989-916-4119 (cell phone)

Vote NO Proposals 2 and 3


Vote NO on both proposals for the November General Election. Vote NO to late term abortions (Reproduction Freedom Proposal = dismemberment abortions). Vote NO to elitists controlling our elections (Promote the Vote Proposal = no ID voting, allows illegals to vote, elites can buy elections). As usual, Democrats are great at branding lies.

https://www.facebook.com/minextgov/videos/649714336095288 - Ryan Kelley is with the grassroots and is still fighting.

Vote Lisa Turek for Alcona Community School Board

Results of the primary can be viewed here. It updates every 10 minutes as more precincts report.


Alcona County's Results usually get posted late tonight, or early tomorrow.

https://alconacountymi.com/?page_id=241 - Looks like our county clerk, Stephany Eller already has the results up: http://alconacountymi.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/2022-Primary-Spreadsheet-final.pdf

106th State Representative Debates (Larry Hull, Geyer Balog, Cameron Cavitt)


Commissioner Debate (Craig Johnston, Robert Turek, Gary Wnuk)


The debate is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Xnpciax3us0

Declaration of Intent to be a Write-In for Delegate


The latest Gubernatorial Debates can be viewed here:



Please keep in mind that the Alcona County Republicans have endorsed Ryan Kelley. But we do want you to make an informed decision.

If you have any questions about Ryan Kelley's sham of an arrest.

Please watch the following videos:

Our response to the FBI raid of our endorsed candidate for governor, Ryan Kelley. (rumble.com) - https://rumble.com/v17xdwg-our-response-to-the-fbi-raid.html - from Stand Up Michigan

https://www.facebook.com/100063968463149/posts/405489611593318/?d=n - Ryan released on personal bond. Matt DePerno appears in this one.

https://www.facebook.com/therealcindiholland2022/videos/434020491529890/ - different perspective at release

***The Truth About January 6th Documentary (rumble.com) - https://rumble.com/v17h6qx-the-truth-of-january-6th.html - j6truth.org 

Gubernatorial Debate from Livingston County.

Candidates: Tudor Dixon, Kevin Rinke, Ryan Kelley, Perry Johnson, Mike Brown, Ralph Rebandt, Garrett Soldano, Michael Markey Jr. 


NOTE: Only Ryan Kelley, Tudor Dixon, Ralph Rebandt, Kevin Rinke, and Garrett Soldano are still in the race for Governor. 

#TrueTheVote #2000Mules

Watch this and help us fight. Come to a meeting. Our next one is May 23rd at 7:00pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center in Lincoln. 

You can no longer view it on bitchute for free. To view 2000 Mules, you now need to order it or sign up on Locals: https://2000mules.com

We'll see how long this link lasts. Watch the full documentary here: https://tv.gab.com/channel/constitution1a/view/2000-mules-virtual-premiere-6277da77683e90915ca69e83

106th State Representative Debate held at Alpena Community College on May 3rd. Big thanks to Rick Warzywak of the Michigan Coalition for Freedom and Dawn Mantis of United Conservative Voice. https://www.facebook.com/dawn.sherilee/videos/667102971243717

We watched the movie "Rigged" at our last meeting. I highly recommend it. Keep in mind the Dems used many tactics to steal the election at all levels up and down the ticket. https://citizensunitedmovies.com

The Michigan State Endorsement Convention in Grand Rapids is in the history books. Here are your candidates:

Attorney General

🔴Matt DePerno

Secretary of State

🔴Kristina Karamo

Supreme Court Justices

🔴Brian Zahra

🔴Paul Hudson

State Board of Education

🔴Tamara "Tami" Carlone

🔴Linda Lee Tarver

MSU Trustee

🔴Mike Balow

🔴Travis Menge

UofM Regent

🔴Lena Epstein

🔴Sevag Vartanian

Wayne State University Board of Governors

🔴Craig Wilsher

🔴Christa Murphy

The hand count audit went well. All of the numbers matched the tabulators. I stayed till about 10pm when the final numbers for the 2nd round came out. 

LRT Dinner April 2, 2022 is in the books.

This was the most successful fundraising dinner in ACR history. The program went smoothly. Big Shout Outs To:

  • US Congressman Jack Bergman
  • Jaynee and Rich Germond - who sponsored a table for Veterans
  • Ed Beckley for his Silver level donation
  • Lena Epstein and her representatives for a Silver level donation
  • Jessica and Jeff Dobbs (Secretary and Vice Chair)
  • Chris and Drew Wagener (Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer)
  • Greg and Kris Anderson (Sgt. at Arms and Trustee)

All our wonderful speakers:

  • Captain Mike Brown for Governor
  • Michele Hoitenga for 36th Senate
  • Lena Epstein for UofM Regeant
  • Cameron Cavitt for 106th Rep
  • Larry Hull for 106th Rep
  • Beau LaFave for SoS got stuck in the UP as they closed the bridge, I didn't work well, but we held a cell phone up to the microphone and got a few words from him.

Our home town elected officials:

  • Tom Weichel, Alcona County Prosecutor
  • Scott Stephenson, Alcona County Sheriff
  • John Small, Alcona County Commissioner

Special Thanks to: 

  • Lisa Turek for the Patriotic Quilt
  • Jim Slawinski for the Bronzed Cast Iron Lincoln Bookends
  • Jess and Jeff Dobbs for the Family Portrait Photo Session
  • Carrie Mullins for the Declaration of Independence on Parchment and the Republican Presidential Signatures from Lincoln to Trump artwork
  • Cameron Cavitt for a Flat Screen TV
  • All the Bidders and Winners

The silent auction and live auction went well. The food was, oh my God, so good. Also a Thank you to Lost Lake Woods Club. We're so using them again.

Alcona County Board of Commissioners had the opportunity to Declare their support of Freedom, but it failed by a margin of 2 to 3.

Thank you to Carolyn Brummund and Dan Gauthier. William Thompson, Adam Brege and John Terry Small were the three commissioners who voted No. Such a shame.

"Our commissioners have failed to uphold their oaths... again. They can’t even proclaim to their own constituents that they will take the lead for right of conscience and freedom to choose what we put into our own bodies.

Only Brummond & Gauthier voted to support medical freedom." Jeff Dobbs, Vice Chair

We had an excellent meeting on the 22nd of March. The first video contains the Chair's opening speech about Realism and Optimism. The second video is the Precinct Delegate presentation for Alcona County. EVERYTHING BEGINS WITH THE PRECINCT DELEGATE. Let's fill those slots.

It was a good meeting. We had some good discussion. Key points:

1️⃣Go to your Township Meetings - https://alconacountymi.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/County-Directory-2019-WIP1.pdf

2️⃣Go to your Board of Commissioners Meetings - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm - you'll find the Zoom link here: https://alconacountymi.com/?page_id=2202

3️⃣Get familiar with your local elected officials and the issues that are put before them. It's easier to get an ordinance passed when you have a rapport.

4️⃣Join Alcona County Bill of Rights - https://www.facebook.com/groups/512678289602346

5️⃣Sign up on Gab.com and join Alcona Constitutional Strong - https://gab.com/groups/25130

Also, we talked about becoming a Precinct Delegate - Come to our March 22nd meeting at 7:00 PM at the Chosen Ranch Community Center to find out more. We will be appointing PD's at that time. -->>>

February 27, 2021 at 2:00 PM at the Chosen Ranch Community Center

-- Alcona Bill of Rights Group --

We will be presenting and discussing an Ordinance that will allow our County Law Enforcement to protect the citizen's God given rights.

As you may know, we already passed a County-wide Resolution making Alcona County a Constitutional Second Amendment Sanctuary County. This ordinance is the next step to insuring our rights. Resolution #2020-15, passed October 21, 2020 (pictured below).

I Condemn Violence; As We All Should – Commentary by Carrie Mullins, ACR Chair

“In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America.” - @realDonaldTrump

The MSM needs to stop the "Trump and all his supporters are racist, bigots, etc...." WRONG! Their opinion is neither fact nor news worthy. Saying something over and over and over again doesn't make it true, but the hateful followers buy it hook line and sinker. It's a play right out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

Too many Americans have fallen for the long term tactics, and I fear we are getting closer and closer to the end game. Liberals and Conservatives used to have a lot more in common 50+ years ago. Now, we are so divided and it's infecting our youth. The hate is bleeding over into violence. And let's face facts; it's the Liberal Extremists who make up the majority of the politically and socially violent.

We have to stop the hating, the name calling, the mud slinging. We have to at least agree to be Americans. One thing we should always have in common is a country we can be proud of. There's always room for improvement, but the fundamentals shouldn't change. The USA is a Constitutional Republic; a country where we are free to strive for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I am proud to be an American citizen. And I formally condemn the violence. There is no reason to encourage or commit harm to others. I feel that hate, the lack of respect for life, the loss of the family unit and the steady decline of a civil society have been embraced by the Radicals, and that acceptance has taken us to this point. Hopefully we can use reality, honesty and truth to correct this mentality and restore sanity and respect for others.


Rules for Radicals by Saul Alynski - full text. Know Thy Enemy (in this case, Socialism)


Video is now available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAh50lyZ3Sw&t=1766s

Sheriff Scott Stephenson of Alcona County was at our July 22nd meeting.

We have stream-lined the meetings and Scott was introduced right after the invocation. So, be a bit early. Remember, we open at 6:30 pm, and the meeting starts at 7:00 pm.

We won Best Float at the Alcona County Fair. We also have Uniquely Designed Trump Signs at the Fair for a $10 Donation to help us get good conservative Republicans elected. http://alconacountyfair.com/

We had a wonderful time at the 4 County Lincoln / Reagan Dinner.

Very rarely do you see this many Chairs all in one spot:

MRP Administrative Vice Chair Gerry Hildenbrand
Carrie Mullins - Alcona
Doug Cady - Montmorency
Kevin Osbourne - Alpena
Geri Szymanski - Emmet
Cathy Stone - Cheboygan

Calendar of Events 2023

In Person:

Alcona EMS Building
2600 E. M-72
Harrisville, MI 18740

Via Conference Call:

Call In #: 667-700-1025
Access Code: 106201#
Online: join.freeconferencecall.com/alconacountyrepublicans

  • April 24, 2023 - Monthly Meeting 7pm at the EMS building
  • May 22, 2023 - Monthly Meeting 7pm at the EMS building
  • June 26, 2023 - Monthly Meeting 7pm at the EMS building
  • July 24, 2023 - Monthly Meeting 7pm at the EMS building
  • August 8 thru 12 - Alcona County Fair
  • August 28, 2023 - Monthly Meeting 7pm at the EMS building
  • September 25, 2023 - Monthly Meeting 7pm at the EMS building
  • October 23, 2023 - Monthly Meeting 7pm at the EMS building
  • November 27, 2023 - Monthly Meeting 7pm at the EMS building

***** Check your voter status, your polling place and see your sample ballot by clicking this link: michigan.gov/vote ******

  • WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO KEEP AMERICA, AMERICA - This election is less about candidates and more about Americanism versus Socialism. VOTE REPUBLICAN

The Alcona County Republicans are devoted to educating the public through civil discourse and we support Trump. We are for the Constitution, limited government, and freedom.

What You Can Do

  • Talk to your Family and Friends
  • Refer people to this site
  • Phone Calls
  • Door Knocking
  • Election day operations
  • Contact Us if you're interested


Call, email, send a fax, or send a letter.

We must let these people know we want Border Security, including a WALL / BARRIER. We want an end to this partial shutdown. Their number one job is to keep Americans safe. They MUST work with President Trump to do that.

Contact ALL of the U.S. Legislators. Border Security is a National issue. Their votes effect us all.

After the Michigan State Nominating Convention on August 27, 2022 our very own Chair, Carrie Mullins, was a guest on Your Founding Fathers radio show with Izzy Lyman. Take a listen.


#RedWave #UNIFIED #VoteRepublican

On this site, you will learn about the Constitution, the Candidates, and current voting information. There is also a blog to help you stay current. You can always fill in the Contact Us form and ask questions.

Frank Dimercurio is Executive of the Chosen Ranch. www.chosenranch.org. We support this organization and the great work they do for our children.

UPDATE: April 13, 2021 at Noon

MaryAnn has had a setback and is back on the ventilator. They're having a hard time clearing the gunk out of her lungs. Larry is with her now. He's had a lot to do (insurance, contractors, inspections, etc.). But by the grace of God, he's alive to do it.

Continued Prayers are much Appreciated!

The donations have been extremely helpful. The Brozowski Family is so grateful for the outpouring of support. 

UPDATE April 4, 2021

While MaryAnn is doing better than she was yesterday, they have not been able to remove the tube and she remains sedated. They are still suctioning black "gunk" from her lungs. Larry is doing better, up and talking. His family will be bringing him a cell phone tonight. I'm sure he'll love being able to call out to family and friends.

Kim (a daughter) was in the house at the time too. She got out unscathed with her little dog. It's her car that's seen in the previous pictures burned into the pavement, and she lost everything too.

They did find Molly and were able to bury her. She was curled up on the bed. She's their dog who alerted Larry to the fire. Still no sign of Sammy, their Yorkie. The house isn't really safe to walk through all the way.

The GoFundMe is doing good and the Brozowski's would like to thank everyone. Also the ones who donated in person or sent in money. https://gofund.me/96c7d5a2

You can send a check made payable to: FHBC

Family Heritage Baptist Church

4260 E M-72

Harrisville, MI 48740

For: the Brozowski's

And they also started an Amazon wish list:

Amazon Custom Gift List

Tragedy has struck the ACR family.

One of my dearest friends lost everything in a fire this morning. Larry (our previous Chair, my mentor) and his wife, MaryAnn were taken to the burn center in Flint. MaryAnn is in critical condition and Larry is being treated for smoke inhalation (MaryAnn was asleep with her oxygen tank which apparently caught fire, but he was able to get her out).

Their two dogs (Sam and Molly) perished in the fire, as did their fish (it was such a cool setup with Angelfish, Tetras and Algae Eaters). I would go over and trim Molly and Sam's nails from time to time.