June 26, 2023 Meeting Minutes

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

June 26, 2023


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Alcona EMS Building on M72 at 7:08pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Gary Wnuk, Youth Vice Chair

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

Judy French, Trustee

William Sickner, Trustee


Andy Jamieson, Trustee

Danica Jamieson, Junior Trustee

Larry Brozowski, Trustee


Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Gary Wnuk.


Gary Wnuk lead us in prayer.

Speaker: Todd Smalenberg – State Rep for 106th Candidate

Todd Smalenberg is running against Cam Cavitt for the 106th District. Cam knows this and has offered Todd good luck in his campaign. Todd is a retired Marine, thinks HB4474 is asinine, and feels we need better election integrity. You can learn more about him here:

Main Topics: L/R Dinner – Gun

We purchased a gun to auction off at the Lincoln Reagan Dinner. However, due to needing to cancel the dinner, we will instead auction it off at the Alcona County Fair. The auction will start at $450, and Carrie will happily engrave it for free.

Main Topics: 4th of July Parades

It’s that time of the year again. Fourth of July parades in Glennie and Barton City will have us walking with them again. Lineup for Barton City is at 10am with the parade beginning at 11am. And Glennie, lineup begins at 1pm, with the parade starting at 2pm. Lunch at the Lunch Box between the two parades will happen as well.

Main Topics: Alcona County Fair August 8-12th

We need volunteers to help man the booth we will have at the fair, and there will also be a banner on the fence advertising our party!

Main Topics: HB4474 – Hate Speech Bill passed in the House

It passed the house, it’s onto the senate.

Announcement – New Website: www.AlconaGOP.com

We have a new website, designed and donated to us by Jessica & Jeffrey Dobbs!

Announcement – February 27, 2024 Primary & MIGOP Response

See attached handout with these minutes.

Reports: Treasurer’s Report

No official report.

Reports: Minutes

Jess was not at the last meeting, and so there are no official minutes from the secretary.

New Business: New Banners with the New Website

Carrie wants to create new banners for parades and fair booths that better match the new brand of the website. Jess will design these banners and bring it forth for approval of the designs before the banners are ordered.

New Business: Trump Signs

There have been two requests for Trump Signs. We’re looking into designing some of our own.

Good of the Order (Public Comment)


  • Talked about the Good Neighbor program sent to her by Kristina Karamo. She also talked about CheckMyVote.org.
  • Board of Canvassers: Carrie will nominate Jeff & Jess Dobbs to replace Jaynee Germond and Drew Wagner.
  • Adopt-a-Highway: July 15-23rd. Greg will pick a date and send it to us to gather and clean M-65!

Gary Wnuk:

  • Sent a copy of a resolution and it passed in the Board of Commissioners meeting. Only Small voted no on it. Mentioned that the Senior Center having a big meeting tomorrow.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

  • Website Updates

  • Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Jeff, seconded by Jess at 8:39pm. Next open meeting to be held on July 24, 2023 at 7pm at the Alcona County EMS Building on M72. (2600 E. M-72, Harrisville, MI 48740.)

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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