September 27, 2021 Meeting Minutes

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September 27, 2021 Monthly Meeting

4th Monday of the Month

Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

September 27, 2021


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 7:04pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Chris Wagener, Treasurer

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

William Sickner, Trustee


Jaynee Germond, Trustee

Larry Brozowski, Trustee

Molly Adkins, Trustee


Mackinaw Leadership Republican Conference Update – Carrie Mullins

Carrie attended the Mackinaw Leadership Republican Conference of 2021. She said there was a lot of good speakers. Meshawn Maddock spoke and said that for anyone who is running for School Board positions will receive a donation to their campaign from her. Carrie learned about Woke-ism at this conference and some points were made. Such as, the Left’s view on Afghanistan, economy inflation, etc. She also learned some tips on how to defeat the left in this next election cycle. They recommended to attendees that we should focus on defeating the left, while leaving those on the right alone for now.

They said that those who support Trump and his message, are more likely to be voted into office. And of course, it’s best to campaign early for your positions. They also mentioned a curious fact… Did you know that ever since the pandemic started, standardized testing for students in schools has almost completely vanished? The reason for this is because they don’t people/parents to know just how bad the lock-downs and forced masked and forced virtual learning has stunted the growth of children. Sean Spicer was there and signed books for everyone. And Kristie Noem was there, and Carrie said her speech was amazing. So much so that Carrie will place the video of Kristie Noem’s speech online for everyone to be able to watch as well.

Full Forensic Audit Packet to Michigan Legislators

We are presenting a packet intended to be sent to a majority of the State of Michigan’s governmental workers, and so we went over everything in it’s entirety, and these are the following notes upon this subject. This will be long, and I’ll (Jessica) do my best to make them as concise as possible.

  • ● Opening Letter/Cover Letter (from Carrie Mullins)
    • • Talks about the items to be covered in the packet.
    • • It is a personal letter from Carrie.
    • • It covers some details from each Addendum 1-5
  • ● Addendum 1
    • • Read aloud to those who attended the meeting by Carrie.
    • • This demands a Full Forensic Audit of the Michigan Democratic Party, Michigan
      Republican Party, and all the legislators of the House of Representatives and the Senate, as
      well as, the Governor, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General of Michigan.
    • • William suggested a change to the second paragraph to say the following: “If free and fair
      elections are the stated objective of the MRP, MDP, Legislators and the Executive Branch,
      then the patent reticence to support the most succinct means of providing incontrovertible
      transparency on this topic is intolerable.”
    • • Carrie will remove the “P.S.” at the bottom of this addendum
    • • Kris moves to accept this addendum with the above changes
    • • Greg seconds this motion
    • • Roll Call Vote:
      • 1. Will: Aye
      • 2. Kris: Aye
      • 3. Chris: Aye
      • 4. Carrie: Aye
      • 5. Greg: Aye
      • 6. Jeff: Aye
      • 7. Jess: Aye
    • • Motion passes
  • ● Addendum 2
    • • Defines what a Full Forensic Audit is
    • • read aloud to the meeting
    • • Must define “AVCB” before it is used at the end of the addendum
    • • Will change “A hand recount of all the paper ballots in Wayne County, or more counties as
      needed examining voting machines to determine if there was any error and reviewing voter
      information for potential fraud”
    • • “Aforementioned” is one word
    • • Jessica moves to accept Addendum 2 with the above corrections
    • • Kris seconds this motion
    • • Roll Call Vote:
      • 1. Will: Aye
      • 2. Kris: Aye
      • 3. Chris: Aye
      • 4. Carrie: Aye
      • 5. Greg: Aye
      • 6. Jeff: Aye
      • 7. Jess: Aye
    • • Motion passes
  • ● Addendum 3
    • • Resolution Demanding a FFA (full forensic audit)
    • • Read aloud to the meeting
    • • Jim White suggested we add something to emphasize canvassing
    • • Under the conclusion, add “A full forensic audit, as well as physical canvassing, performed
      by an impartial third party must be conducted”
    • • “Please note, for future reference, we will NOT go away.” With “!” at the end instead of the
    • period.
    • • Kris motions to accept this addendum with the above changes
    • • Chris seconds this motion
    • • Roll Call Vote:
      • 1. Will: Aye
      • 2. Kris: Aye
      • 3. Chris: Aye
      • 4. Carrie: Aye
      • 5. Greg: Aye
      • 6. Jeff: Aye
      • 7. Jess: Aye
      • • Motion passes
  • ● Addendum 4 (Censure Resolution)
    • • Good to go and approved from last meeting
  • ● Addendum 5 (Resolution to Withhold Monetary and Provisional Support from GOP)
    • • This is a resolution to withhold physical and material support from the republican party and
      legislators in the state of Michigan
    • • Was read aloud to the meeting
    • • Needs to add commas after each “Whereas” statement
    • • Needs to update the MI Star Link to a URL instead of a “title”
    • • Fix this “Whereas, Rudy Giuliani, Patrick Colbeck, Mellissa Carone, and others presented
      irrefutable evidence of election fraud to the State Senate on December 2nd, 2020 and the
      State House of Representatives in November.

      • To this: “Whereas, Rudy Giuliani, Patrick Colbeck, Mellissa Carone, and others
        presented irrefutable evidence of election fraud to the State House of Representatives in
        November 2020, and the State Senate on December 2nd, 2020,
    • • Jess Motions to accept with above amendments
    • • Jeff Seconds
    • • Roll Call Vote:
      • 1. Will: Aye
      • 2. Kris: Aye
      • 3. Chris: Aye
      • 4. Carrie: Aye
      • 5. Greg: Aye
      • 6. Jeff: Aye
      • 7. Jess: Aye
    • • Motion passes
  • ● Addendum 6 (Censure of Michigan Senate and House of Representatives)
    • • A Resolution to Censure Michigan Senate and Michigan House of Representatives
    • • Will be made separate from the overall packet, because it covers something different (not
      audit related), and would also need full Executive Board approval for a digital Board vote.

Motion to Nominate Bob & Lisa Turek as Precinct Delegates
Carrie motioned to nominate Bob Turek and Lisa Turek as Precinct Delegates of Harrisville Township.
Greg seconds this motion. Bob and Lisa both accept the nomination.

    • • Roll Call Vote:
      • 1. Will: Aye
      • 2. Kris: Aye
      • 3. Chris: Aye
      • 4. Carrie: Aye
      • 5. Greg: Aye
      • 6. Jeff: Aye
      • 7. Jess: Aye
    • • Motion passes

Carrie swears them both in with the Oath of Office. Congratulations!
Lincoln-Reagan-Trump 2021 Dinner

Canceled for 2021, as it would put us over our $1000 waiver. So, we are moving it to next year (2022). There is a County Convention and State Convention in April. So probably looking at May 14th or May 21st (those weekends) for the LRT Dinner. Carrie and Jeff will start calling around for speakers to attend.

Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup

To be held on September 30, 2021 at 10am. Meet at Bugg Road and M-65 ready to clean!

Bylaws Overhaul

The bylaws were overhauled by the Executive Board recently, and you can find updated copies printed out today, as well as online.

Treasurer’s Report

A quick note, Kathy McLean has officially submitted her resignation letter. You’ll find the Treasurer’s Report attached to these minutes as “ACR Treasurers Report 09 23 2021.pdf”.

Minutes from Last Meeting Approval

Motion to approve minutes as they will be presented on the website, made by Jess, seconded by William.

  • • Roll Call Vote:
  • 1. Will: Aye
  • 2. Kris: Aye
  • 3. Chris: Aye
  • 4. Carrie: Aye
  • 5. Greg: Aye
  • 6. Jeff: Aye
  • 7. Jess: Aye
  • • Motion passes

Labor Day Parade Update

It went great! Lots of fun for everyone.

Redistricting Commission

District 5 for the Commissioners will be expanded into District 4. This will likely be the only change.

CRCC Rent for August – November

We need to pay the rent for our use of the CRCC building. It is $200 total for the months of August – November. Greg motions that we pay this rent. Kris seconds this motion.

  • • Roll Call Vote:
  • 1. Will: Aye
  • 2. Kris: Aye
  • 3. Chris: Aye
  • 4. Carrie: Aye
  • 5. Greg: Aye
  • 6. Jeff: Aye
  • 7. Jess: Aye
  • • Motion passes

Special Election – County Convention

Carrie is calling a Special Election, or County Convention, for the following positions: Secretary, Vice Chair, and Treasurer. Anyone who is interested in these positions should expect to receive more information about how to run in an upcoming email from Carrie.

Bob Turek – New Censure Discussion

Based on Addendum 6, and he wanted to know why it’s not geared towards our individual senator and representative? He also wondered how the group felt about the County Commissioners, should they not vote on the Resolution for Medical Autonomy for a third time, especially if a majority of the Townships vote for it? Should there be a set course of action in this case? Would censure apply to them? Carrie mentioned that she is worried Censure may become overused, but isn’t saying she wouldn’t support it.

Public Comments

Jim White wants to write a letter to be sent from the Alcona Republican Party to the 1st Congressional District, Jack Bergman, and the MI GOP, to tell them how disgusted we are with them trying to force James Craig as the defacto nominee for the Governor 2022 race. Jeff volunteered to work with Jim to write this up. Jim also wanted to remind everyone about the “Audit Michigan Rally” on October 9th between 1-4pm in Alpena at the Aplex. Speaking at that rally will be Matt DePerno, Patrick Colebeck, and Mike Detmer. Jess has been tasked to place this rally information onto the website.

Lisa Turek also had some comments. She mentioned that she FOIA’d the voter rolls from the County, and they do not have them… So, she is now trying to ascertain if the Townships have them instead. Once she obtains the voter rolls, she wishes to start a canvassing effort. She also mentioned that two parents have filed lawsuits against the Alcona County School Board for their mask mandates on the student body.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

– Update: Lincoln-Reagan-Trump 2022 Dinner (Need a Date Planned Now)

– Update on Packet to be Sent to Lansing, etc.

– Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup Update

– Special Election – County Convention Update

– Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Greg, seconded by Kris at 9:20pm. Next open meeting to be held on October 25, 2021 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs



Account Balances as of September 23, 2021


Beginning Balance ACRC Checking Account (Share Draft) as of August 23, 2021 $421.04


8/26 hats, art donations, and Dave D membership $490.00

Total Income $490.00

ACRC Checking Account Balance before Debits: $911.04


Total Debits

Total Available Cash Assets ACRC Checking Account 938-040 $911.04

Beginning Balance ACRC Savings Account (Regular Shares) as of August 23, 2021 $335.89

Income: (interest)

Total Income:

ACRC Savings Account Balance before Debits: $335.89


Sub Total: Cash (Savings) Assets $335.89

*Held in escrow of Oscoda County, not included in totals ($208.47)

Total Available Cash Assets ACRC Savings Account 938-000* $127.42

Total Available Cash Assets ACRC Account as of September 23, 2021 $1,038.46


Corporate checking account beginning balance on September 23, 2021 $15.05

Income: Deposit $90.00

Total cash assets corporate checking account 058-040 $105.05

Corporate Savings account balance on September 23, 2021 $5.00

Total cash assets corporate savings account 058-000 $5.00

Corporate account total assets as of September 23, 2021 $110.05

Submitted by Christine Wagener–Treasurer


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