September 25, 2023 Meeting Minutes

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

September 25, 2023


The meeting was called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Alcona EMS building on M72 at 7:05pm.


Carrie Mullins

Jeff Dobbs

Andy Jaimeson

Judy French

Danica Jaimeson

William Sickner


Jess Dobbs

Greg Anderson

Kris Anderson

Call to Order:



Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Gary Wnuk.

Chairman’s Welcome

Carrie gave an update on her health issues.

Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference

Carrie talked about the different things she heard and saw at the annual Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference. She heard from Vivek, Rob Steele, Rylee Linting, Andy Duff, and so many more. There was talk about a concerted effort to clean up the QVF, the Good Neighbor Program, the open borders, the Great Reset and so much more. There was also a straw poll taken in which Trump dominated. All in all, it was a great leadership conference.

2024 Elections & the MRP Announcement

We have 25 Trump yard signs left. They are $10 each and can be purchased from Carrie at her home. Please call 989-916-4119 to talk with her about ordering yours, and you can pick them up at her home in Mikado. Carrie would like to unite with the local counties to get the word out and start acting as a whole area, instead of individual counties.

Facebook Hacks

Carrie’s personal Facebook account was hacked. However, Jess quickly noticed this and removed her account from the Alcona GOP Facebook page, so it is safe. Jess will add Carrie’s new profile to the Alcona GOP Facebook page if/when one is made.


Greg & Kris have this taken care of this week. A huge shout out to both of them for spearheading this amazing clean up!

Treasurer’s Report:

Made some money at the Alcona County Fair. John & Sandy Scanlon with Phoenix Composites donated $500 for a Platinum Membership!

Minutes: None

New Business:

New Presidential Primary Date – Democratic Tomfoolery

The Democrats in office voted to move the GOP Presidential Primary up to February of 2024. This is against our RNC rules. Kristina Karamo has come up with a binding resolution to counter this move by the Democrats so we can retain all of our delegates.

County Convention Announcement

The County Convention to elect 4 delegates and 4 alternates for the State Convention will be held on February 15, 2024. The State Convention will be held on March 2, 2024. All Precinct Delegates need to confirm that they’ve received the Call to Convention no later than January 17, 2024 at 5pm.

RNC Convention Announcement

The RNC Convention will be held in Wisconsin next year. We may elect to cover the costs for any of our delegates who may attend. All delegates should be prepared however, to cover their own costs in case we are unable to do so.

Good of the Order:

Gary Wnuk

Gary mentioned that Kelly Shackleford offered some help. Gary would love to have people to start acting now!

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

  • Website Updates

  • Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Jeff, seconded by William at 8:17pm. Next open meeting to be held on October 23, 2023 at 7pm at the Alcona County EMS building on M72. (2600 E. M-72, Harrisville, MI 48740.)

Minutes submitted by: Jeffrey Dobbs

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