February 21, 2022 Core Team Meeting Minutes

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February 21, 2022 Core Team Meeting

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Alcona County Republicans

Core Team Meeting Minutes

February 21, 2022


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 1:09pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Chris Wagener, Treasurer

Drew Wagener, Deputy Treasurer

Jaynee Germond, Youth Vice Chair

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

Molly Adkins, Trustee

Jim White, Trustee

Rich Germond, Trustee


William Sickner, Trustee

Larry Brozowski, Trustee


Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given.

Endorsement Letters – Matt DePerno for MI Attorney General

Carrie edited the letter a little bit and will add the date onto the letter as well. (Placed the letter onto the letterhead as well.)

Motion to approve the letter via a roll call vote, made by Carrie, seconded by Jess.

Roll Call Vote:

  • Carrie Mullins – Yes
  • Jeff Dobbs – Yes
  • Jess Dobbs – Yes
  • Kris Anderson – Yes
  • Greg Anderson – Yes
  • Chris Wagener – Yes
  • Drew Wagener – Yes
  • Jaynee Germond – No
  • Rich Germond – Abstain
  • Molly Atkins – No
  • Jim White – Yes
  • William Sickner – Absent
  • Larry Brozowski – Absent

Precinct delegates that were present voted as well. As such, the motion passed. Precinct delegates will be added to the letter as well, and it will be sent out to Matt DePerno, County Chairs, and the MIGOP.

Attorney General Debate on February 18, 2022

This went great, and Matt totally rocked this out!

Log Cabin Resolution / Censure of Ronna & the RNC

Jess asked to strike line 8, which talked about Conversion Therapy. This one is different than what Gary Wnuk had presented to the group. He also inferred that he would leave the party should this not pass. Motion to pass this resolution, via a roll call vote, was made by Carrie, and seconded by Drew.

Roll Call Vote:

  • Carrie Mullins – Yes
  • Jeff Dobbs – Yes
  • Jess Dobbs – Yes
  • Kris Anderson – Yes
  • Greg Anderson – Yes
  • Chris Wagener – Yes
  • Drew Wagener – Yes
  • Jaynee Germond – No
  • Rich Germond – No
  • Molly Atkins – No
  • Jim White – No
  • William Sickner – Absent
  • Larry Brozowski – Absent

Precinct Delegates that were present voted as well. After the votes were tallied, the motion did not pass.

Secure MI Vote Petitions

Carrie has the updated petitions available for signing.

Unlock Michigan 2 Petitions

Carrie has these available for signing.

Let My Kids Learn (2 Part Petition)

This is a petition that will allow scholarships for kids in grades K-12, to let the money follow the child, can be used for tutoring to full tuition. Gives an incentive for companies and individuals who donate to the scholarship fund. Helps kids, especially those in poor learning environments. Would also help pay for homeschooling books and materials. More information can be found here: https://www.letmikidslearn.com/

Lincoln-Reagan-Trump Dinner Announcement

The 2022 LRT Dinner will be held on April 2, 2022 at the Lost Lake Woods Golf Club. Doors open at 5pm, with dinner starting at 6pm. There will be a silent and a live auction. Tickets are $45 each. Big thanks to Kevin Fiddle from Lost Lake Woods for sponsoring our fund-raising event!

Convention Information

4 Delegates and 4 Alternates will be going to the State Convention. Grand Rapids (Endorsement Convention) is on April 23, 2022 at the DeVoss Center. They have the Amway Grand and the Marriott Hotel reserved at discounted rates.

Carrie will provide more details as they reach her.

April 11, 2022 at 7pm, we will decide who gets to go to the state convention mentioned above.


Carrie will be doing the apportionment today after the meeting for anyone who wishes to see her in person, figuring out how many precinct delegates our county has.

Good of the Order

These are comments by those in attendance:

  • Jim White:
    Asked if the letter regarding James Craig was ever sent out. Carrie said she emailed it, but never heard anything back from anyone.
    We all agreed that it was time to mail them out.
    Jaynee motioned for the letter to be sent via certified, return receipt requested mail, to those who needs it sent to. Unanimously approved.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

  • Discussing Items From Winter Break
  • Planning LRT Dinner
  • Discussing April Endorsing Convention
  • Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Jaynee, seconded by Carrie at 2:11pm. Next open meeting to be held on March 28, 2022 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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