Alcona County Republicans
Meeting Minutes
May 23, 2022
The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 7:10pm.
Carrie Mullins, Chairman
Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman
Jessica Dobbs, Secretary
Chris Wagener, Treasurer
Drew Wagener, Deputy Treasurer
Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms
Kris Anderson, Trustee
Larry Brozowski, Trustee
William Sickner, Trustee
Jaynee Germond, Youth Vice Chair
Rich Germond, Trustee
Molly Adkins, Trustee
Jim White, Trustee
Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given
To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Ralph Rebandt.
Ralph Rebandt – MI Governor Candidate Speech
Ralph Rebandt came to our small group and talked with us. You can see the entire speech with question and answers here:
Alcona County Fair
Booth at fair is already paid for. It was $35. We will have two tables to set up our booth with. We need silent auction item donations for the booth. We will want some volunteers to work the front gate collecting tickets and directing traffic. More information on this coming soon. Our booth at the fair will be on August 9-13th, Noon to 6pm everyday.
“2000 Mules” Movie Night?
Alcona County Grassroots Conservatives group might work with the ACR to host a viewing of “2000 Mules” at their meeting place. We would love to get an event together for Mid June or the beginning of July. Would love to have some candidates there as well for a meet and greet opportunity.
Resolution to Extend Election Records Retention for 2020 Election Past 22/24 Months
Carrie reached out to our County Clerk as well as some of the Township Clerks, and some of the township clerks have their ballots and others do not. Our County Clerk will attempt to retain her records for four years as she has in the past.
This resolution originally came from St. Joseph County.
Carrie read it aloud for all in attendance. You can find a copy of it attached below.
Jess Dobbs motioned to approve this resolution with the corrections that were mentioned during the live reading. Kris Anderson seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote:
- Carrie Mullins – YES
- Jeff Dobbs – YES
- Jess Dobbs – YES
- Kris Anderson – YES
- Greg Anderson – YES
- Chris Wagener – YES
- Molly Adkins – ABSENT
- Rich Germond – ABSENT
- Drew Wagener – YES
- Jim White – ABSENT
- William Sickner – YES
- Jaynee Germond – ABSENT
- Larry Brozowski – YES
Resolution passed unanimously and will be sent out after the corrections have been made.
Announcement: Decertify Michigan Petitions
Carrie has these petitions to sign today.
Announcement: Secure MI Vote Petitions
Carrie has these petitions to sign today.
Announcement: Write-In Precinct Delegate Deadline: July 29, 2022 @ 4pm
If you missed your opportunity to be on the ballot for your position as a Precinct Delegate, you can file to be a write-in candidate with the County Clerk. Simply fill out a Declaration of Intent with the County Clerk.
Treasurer’s Report
Drew Wagener read aloud the report. You can find it attached below. Motioned and seconded to approve the report, all voted in favor of approving this report.
Meeting Minutes (April 25 and May 13, 2022)
These minutes are found on the Alcona County Republican’s website. Motioned and seconded to approve these minutes, all voted in favor of approving these minutes.
List of Candidates from County Clerk
Following is the list of Candidates from the County Clerk and the position they are running for in the Midterms elections:
- County Road Commissioner: Theodore R. Summers (R) – running unopposed
- District 1 County Commissioner: David Jagst (R) – running unopposed.
- District 2 County Commissioner: William Thompson (NPA) and Craig Johnson (R) and Robert J. Turek (R)
- District 3 County Commissioner: Carolyn N. Brummund (R) and Joseph Lukasiewicz (D)
- District 4 County Commissioner: Adam Brege (R) – running unopposed.
- District 5 County Commissioner: John Terry Small (R) and Gary R. Wnuk (R)
We would like to invite all the Republican candidates to come to speak to our group. Perhaps even have a debate between District 2 and District 5 candidates. After debates we will discuss potential candidate endorsements by the party.
Good of the Order
These are comments by those in attendance:
- Gary Wnuk, the Grassroots group will be doing endorsements. Constitution Alive course is mandatory for an endorsement from them. They can get the course materials from Gary. They want to help with the debate too.
- Ralph Rebandt, Mike Lindell endorsed him. He says she has a big announcement coming up on either Saturday May 28th or June 2nd.
- Breaking Update on Governor Candidates: Craig, Johnson, Brandonburg, Markey, and Brown did not have enough signatures to qualify to be on the August 2nd ballot.
Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:
- Debates & Endorsements
- Alcona County Fair
- Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed
Motion to adjourn, called by Jess, seconded by Greg at 8:31pm. Next open meeting to be held on June 27, 2022 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.
Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs
Resolution Extending the 22-Month Retention Requirement
of the November 2020 General Election Records
WHEREAS, the Michigan Constitution, Article 2, Section 4, 1(h), and 2 establishes the people’s “right to have the results of statewide elections audited;”
AND WHEREAS, a satisfactory statewide audit of the November 2020 General Election has yet to be conducted in the state of Michigan;
AND WHEREAS, the mandated 22-month requirement for retention of the November 2020 General Election records will expire September 2022;
AND WHEREAS, these records are critical to adequately audit the November 2020 General Election;
AND WHEREAS, the documentary ‘2000 Mules’ ( ) has shown us even more evidence that warrants further investigation and that will take time to legally pursue;
AND WHEREAS, 52 United States Code 20701 states that records pertaining to “… any general, special, or primary election of which candidates for the office of President, Vice President, presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives,… are voted for,” “…shall be retained and preserved, for a period of twenty-two (22) months…”;
AND WHEREAS, Michigan Compiled Law, 168.811 is confusing and states that
“All election returns, including poll lists, statements, tally sheets, absent voters’ return envelopes …, absent voters’ records …, and other returns made by the inspectors of election of the several precincts must be carefully preserved and may be destroyed after the expiration of 2 years following the primary or election at which the same were used. All applications …, all voter registration …, and all absent voters’ applications must be carefully preserved and may be destroyed after the expiration of 6 years … All ballots used at any primary or election may be destroyed after 30 days following the final determination of the board of canvassers … or unless their destruction is stayed by an order of a court.”;
AND WHEREAS, here in Alcona County, our clerk has retained the county records from the November 2020 General Election, and just to be safe, she’s keeping them until she runs out of room (in fact, she still has 2018);
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alcona County Michigan Republican Party hereby requests the contradictions in MCL 168.811 be clarified and remedied to the fullest extent of time possible;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alcona County Michigan Republican Party respectfully requests that the Michigan Legislature, the Senate, and the House, jointly resolve to extend the 22-month retention period to the fullest extent possible; by court order if necessary;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Alcona County Michigan Republican Party strongly encourages any and all bodies with standing to pursue the same legal remedy to extend the 22-month retention period requirement for the November 2020 General Election, and that this resolution be distributed to members of the Michigan Legislature, Michigan Republican Party officers and governing body, all Michigan County Republican chairs, the Michigan Township Association, the Michigan Association of Counties, the Michigan Association of Municipal Clerks, the Michigan Association of County Clerks, and the Michigan Association of Prosecutors (MAAP).
Approved by the Alcona County Michigan Republican Party May 23, 2022
/S/ Carrie Mullins, Alcona County Republicans – Chair
/S/ Jessica Dobbs, Alcona County Republicans – Secretary
Resolution Addendum 1
168.811 Election returns, records, and applications; preservation; destruction; time.
Sec. 811.
All election returns, including poll lists, statements, tally sheets, absent voters’ return envelopes bearing the statement required by section 761, absent voters’ records required by section 760, and other returns made by the inspectors of election of the several precincts must be carefully preserved and may be destroyed after the expiration of 2 years following the primary or election at which the same were used. All applications executed under section 523, all voter registration applications executed by applicants under section 497(3) and (4), and all absent voters’ applications must be carefully preserved and may be destroyed after the expiration of 6 years following the primary or election at which those applications were executed. All ballots used at any primary or election may be destroyed after 30 days following the final determination of the board of canvassers with respect to the primary or election unless a petition for recount has been filed and not completed or unless their destruction is stayed by an order of a court.
52 USC 20701: §20701. Retention and preservation of records and papers by officers of elections; deposit with custodian; penalty for violation. 0701:
Every officer of election shall retain and preserve, for a period of twenty-two months from the date of any general, special, or primary election of which candidates for the office of President, Vice President, presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, or Resident Commissioner from the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico are voted for, all records and papers which come into his possession relating to any application, registration, payment of poll tax, or other act requisite to voting in such election, except that, when required by law, such records and papers may be delivered to another officer of election and except that, if a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico designates a custodian to retain and preserve these records and papers at a specified place, then such records and papers may be deposited with such custodian, and the duty to retain and preserve any record or paper so deposited shall devolve upon such custodian. Any officer of election or custodian who willfully fails to comply with this section shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
(Pub. L. 86–449,title III, §301, May 6, 1960,74 Stat. 88.)