July 25, 2022 Meeting Minutes

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Alcona County Republicans

Meeting Minutes

July 25, 2022


The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 7:09pm.


Carrie Mullins, Chairman

Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman

Jessica Dobbs, Secretary

Chris Wagener, Treasurer

Drew Wagener, Deputy Treasurer

Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms

Kris Anderson, Trustee

Larry Brozowski, Trustee

William Sickner, Trustee

Jim White, Trustee


Molly Adkins, Trustee


Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given

To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Gary Wnuk.

Geyer Balog – MI 106th District Representative Candidate Speech

Geyer Balog came to our small group and talked with us. You can see the entire speech with question and answers here: https://fb.watch/ev-uE62n3L/

Platinum Donation Thank You Card

Sandy from Phoenix Composites donated $500 to our party, and sent along a card. Carrie read aloud the card and also passed around a card from us, to sign so we can send it back as a small thank you for Sandy’s generous donation.

Preparing for the August 2nd Primary

Carrie made up a small guide to the candidates that will be running on August 2nd for the primary. She printed them out and you can find it attached below.

Ballot Differences by Township

Every ballot will have the same candidates aside from the Precinct Delegates. Also, Millages will be different from township to township. There is no County Millage to vote on this time around.

Precinct Delegate via Write-In Ballot Option

If you wish to run as a Precinct Delegate for your Township, you can still do so via two methods. The first is to fill out an Affidavit of Intent and turn it into the County or Township Clerk by July 29th at 4pm. The second method is to fill out the same Affidavit of Intent and bring it with you to the polls and turn it in there. Just be sure to write yourself in and vote for yourself if you do!

Alcona County Fair – Friday Night

We need volunteers for the Alcona County Fair to work the front gate from 5:45-9pm. Please talk with Carrie if you are able to help out in this manner.

ACR Convention August 11th at 7pm at the CRCC

This is to send four delegates and four alternates (from the newly elected August 2nd primary pool of Precinct Delegates) to Lansing for the MIGOP Nominating Convention that is to be held on August 27th.

MRSC August 27th in Lansing

This is the nominating convention that is held to confirm the results of the 2022 Primary Election. The Endorsement Convention that was held earlier in the year, was a new convention for the MIGOP.

Treasurer’s Report

Drew Wagener read aloud the report. You can find it attached below. Motioned and seconded to approve the report, all voted in favor of approving this report.

Meeting Minutes (June 27, 2022)

There were no minutes from this meeting as it was the County Commissioner Debate.


Jaynee and Richard Germond resigned from the Alcona County Republican Executive Board as of June 29, 2022. We wish them the best with their endeavors moving forward. Jessica Dobbs read aloud their resignation letters and you can find them attached below.

Resolution to Reject the Certified Results of the 2020 Presidential Election

This resolution was sent out to the Executive Board on July 22, 2022. Motioned and seconded to accept this resolution as presented. (Resolution will be attached below.) Roll Call Vote:

  • Carrie Mullins – YES
  • Jeff Dobbs – YES
  • Jess Dobbs – YES
  • Kris Anderson – YES
  • Greg Anderson – YES
  • Chris Wagener – YES
  • Molly Adkins – ABSENT
  • Drew Wagener – YES
  • Jim White – YES
  • William Sickner – YES
  • Larry Brozowski – YES

The Resolution is accepted by unanimous vote. Jessica will send it out to the respective parties.

Reimbursement for Ink

Carrie needs to be reimbursed for ink. Jess motions, Jim seconds. Roll Call Vote:

  • Carrie Mullins – YES
  • Jeff Dobbs – YES
  • Jess Dobbs – YES
  • Kris Anderson – YES
  • Greg Anderson – YES
  • Chris Wagener – YES
  • Molly Adkins – ABSENT
  • Drew Wagener – YES
  • Jim White – YES
  • William Sickner – YES
  • Larry Brozowski – YES

Carrie will be reimbursed for the ink she has used.

Fair Schedule for Staffing the ACR Booth

Carrie passed around a sign up sheet for the ACR Fair Booth.

Annual 1st District Dues – $100 Owed

Larry motioned that we pay our dues owed. Jim seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote:

  • Carrie Mullins – YES
  • Jeff Dobbs – YES
  • Jess Dobbs – YES
  • Kris Anderson – YES
  • Greg Anderson – YES
  • Chris Wagener – YES
  • Molly Adkins – ABSENT
  • Drew Wagener – YES
  • Jim White – YES
  • William Sickner – YES
  • Larry Brozowski – YES

Approved. Chris Wagener will write a check to pay these dues.

July 4th Parade Updates

Parades went great, handed out tons of materials and candy. Jeff motions that we reimburse Greg and Kris for their purchase of the candy that was handed out. Larry seconds. Roll Call Vote:

  • Carrie Mullins – YES
  • Jeff Dobbs – YES
  • Jess Dobbs – YES
  • Kris Anderson – YES
  • Greg Anderson – YES
  • Chris Wagener – YES
  • Molly Adkins – ABSENT
  • Drew Wagener – YES
  • Jim White – YES
  • William Sickner – YES
  • Larry Brozowski – YES

Approved. Kris and Greg will be reimbursed for their purchase of the candy for the parades.

Good of the Order

These are comments by those in attendance:

  • Jeffrey Dobbs, to create a resolution that is to be voted on digitally to enforce MCL 168.736b, which pertains to using only Black and Blue Ink Pens (not sharpies) for ballots at the polls.
  • If you wish to run against any current Executive Board member in the Upcoming Election to be held within 30 days of November 8th (date still to be determined), please email Carrie about your desire to run.

Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:

  • Alcona County Fair Updates
  • Core Team Meeting Updates
  • County & State Convention Updates
  • August Primary Updates
  • Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed


Motion to adjourn, called by Jess, seconded by Jeff at 8:12pm. Next open meeting to be held on August 22, 2022 at 7pm at the Chosen Ranch Community Center.

Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs

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