Alcona County Republicans
Meeting Minutes
April 22, 2024
The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Alcona EMS Building on M72 at 7:03pm.
Carrie Mullins, Chairman
Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman
Jessica Dobbs, Secretary
Judy French, Trustee
William Sickner, Trustee
Danica Jamieson, Junior Trustee
Andy Jamieson, Trustee
Greg Anderson, Sergeant At Arms
Kris Anderson, Trustee
Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation Given
To start the meeting, we stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance, and an Invocation was given by Danica Jamieson.
Chairman’s Welcome & Updates
Carrie went over some news about the MIGOP, and how they’re doing some fundraising in Florida.
Poll Workers are needed for all upcoming elections. Please check out if you’d like to get involved.
Carrie discussed both petitions, AxMITax & Citizen’s for Local Choice. Be sure to sign both!
Jeff Dobbs is officially the treasurer, as Carrie filed the appropriate paperwork with the Bureau of Elections. (Statement of Organization)
Carrie also discussed Precinct Delegate allotments. There are now a total of 36 Precinct Delegate allotments, compared to 49 from the last two years. Sign up to become a Precinct Delegate today!
Main Topics: Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup Update
Jess Dobbs gave an update on the Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup that happened on April 18th.
Main Topics: Next Election: May 7, 2024
May 7th for Oscoda Area Schools. Only Curtis, Greenbush, Gustin, and Mikado townships have to vote in this election. Earl Lackie from Iosco County GOP was in attendance, and spoke a little on this millage.
Main Topics: Special Election in Detroit Area Update
Democrats won the majority.
Main Topics: Michigan 11 Legislatures Lawsuit Update
11 Michigan legislatures are appealing Prop 2, and other Props passed in 2022. A Biden judge has declined their suit federally already. The case was apparently dismissed because legislatures don’t have a say in the matter. Michigan Fair Elections is sponsoring the lawsuit.
Main Topics: Rescuing America’s Freedom Event in Gaylord
This is for learning more about the Convention of States, and will be held on May 11.
Main Topics: Michele Hoitenga Update
Carrie talked with Michele, and Michele said she’s not taking any sides regarding the MIGOP fiasco. She is also 100% against the housing push from Target Alpena and other entities.
Main Topics: MIGOP Updates
The Hoekstra team are finally starting to reach out to Carrie via email, using their email address. They sent some updates, and one of which we can all stand behind, is their resolution passed on April 9th about Justice for the Republican Presidential Electors. One of those electors lives part time in Alcona County. (Cliff Frost) The other resolution was one to Halt the Invasion at the Border.
They provided meeting minutes to her from the March 2nd meeting, but she’s still waiting on seeing the meeting minutes from January 6th and January 20th.
For their next meeting, they’ll be going over the rules for the August 15th County Conventions and the August 24th State Convention.
To our knowledge, the Hoekstra team refuses to recognize Daire Rendon as the Chairwoman of the 1st Congressional District Republicans, and are still utilizing Sue Allor to do business.
Carrie went over some races to watch for Supreme Court in Michigan, and the lack of names for State Board of Education.
Main Topics: David Chandler’s Letter to Hoekstra & Company
David Chandler, Chairman of Iosco County GOP, wrote a letter to Hoekstra & Company, and CC’d it to the RNC and the 1CD. The letter demands that the chair and all property be given back to the rightful Chair, Kristina Karamo. To withdraw their court case in Kent County. And to have the RNC recognize Kristina Karamo as the rightful and duly elected chairwoman. Conditions are to be met by April 30th.
Jeff Dobbs moves to sign the Alcona GOP onto the letter from David Chandler, and William Sickner seconds the motion. Roll Call Vote asked for:
Roll Call:
William: Yes
Carrie: Yes
Judy: Yes
Jeff: Yes
Jess: Yes
Danica: Yes
All unanimous, motion passes.
Main Topics: Alcona County Library Donation Request Letter
The Alcona County Library sent a letter to the Alcona GOP, asking for donations. Lisa Turek spoke on why she opposes supporting them for now. William Sickner commented as well, about the Library’s behavior during the pandemic. The Library may also be asking the voters of Alcona County for another millage come August or November this year too.
Reports: Treasurer’s Report
See Attached.
Reports: Minutes
Can be found on the website.
New Business: LRT Dinner
We were thinking of pairing up with Montmorency County & Alpena County, but they’ve went their separate ways for their dinners. They are interested in teaming up for debates however.
Jess is taking over the planning of the event, and recommends maybe a BBQ in July and maybe a smaller, more intimate dinner in September. There will be no LRT dinner this year.
New Business: Alcona County Fair Sponsorship
Carrie did send off $100 for the sponsorship of the Fair. The deadline is the 26th to get our name into the booklet that the fair passes out. This makes us Red Ribbon Sponsors. She also sent a $35 check for our booth., and $40 worth of extra passes for volunteers.
Motion by Jeff Dobbs to retroactively approve the sponsorship and fair booth expense for the 2024 Alcona County Fair, seconded by Judy.
Roll Call vote requested.
Roll Call:
William: Yes
Carrie: Yes
Judy: Yes
Jeff: Yes
Jess: Yes
All unanimous, motion passed. (Danica did not vote, due to being a junior member, and this being a vote on finances.)
New Business: Todd Smalenberg Endorsement Letter/Resolution
See attached resolution/letter. Jess read it aloud to everyone in attendance. William moves to adopt the resolution as presented, and Judy seconds the motion.
The discussion on the motion turned to what the stances are for both Todd & Cam, regarding the housing push from Target Alpena. Carrie wants to hold back on the resolution for a month to see what those stances are too.
The Motion was amended to push back the vote on the resolution until the next meeting, when we have more information from the Candidates on their stance for this issue. This motion passed, and the resolution and letter will be voted on at the next monthly meeting.
Good of the Order (Public Comment)
Earl Lackie:
- Talked a little to everyone gathered about what he saw at our meeting and what he enjoyed. He’s going around to different counties, putting his name out there, as he contemplates running for office. Told everyone to start talking to people, and go to the polls, especially if those you talk to are feeling “why bother?” about voting.
- He thanked Danica for joining and gave her some tips on potentially having other junior members join her in our group.
- He really thinks we’re doing great things in our group, from information talked about and action on that information.
- If he runs for Governor, he would like to make our state a National Constitutional Carry State should he win office.
Jess Dobbs:
- Announced she has petitions for Josh Saul to get onto the ballot. He is running against Jack Bergman.
Tentative Agenda for the Next Meeting:
Todd Smalenberg Endorsement Letter/Resolution
July Event Planning Updates
MIGOP Updates
Alcona County Fair Booth Volunteers Needed
Adopt-a-Highway Summer Cleanup (July 13-21) Final Date Needed
Other Agenda Items to be Added as Needed
Motion to adjourn, called by Jeff, seconded by Judy at 8:54pm. Next open meeting to be held on June 24, 2024 at 7pm at the Alcona County EMS Building on M72. (2600 E. M-72, Harrisville, MI 48740.)
Minutes submitted by: Jessica Dobbs