The most recent Alcona County Republicans meeting had a lot of things going on, and this resolution is one of the actions our party unanimously took to bring awareness to and to fight against the schemes of those who wish to further destroy our beautiful area’s economy.
The Executive Committee and all Precinct Delegates who were present, unanimously passed the Resolution Against NEMHA Plan to Bring “New Housing” to Our Region. You will find attached to this post the Resolution itself, along with the Shaw Survey showing the lack of demand for housing in our area, along with the Target Alpena “plan” for Region E (Northeast Michigan, 11 counties).
Don’t sit idly by, get involved in your local community today! The more we allow NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) and big government to dictate to us how our communities should behave and grow, the tougher it will be to fight back against their schemes and destruction.
#AlconaGOP #SayNOtoRegionEHousingPlan #TargetAlpena #AlpenaChamberofCommerce #HousingPush #Resolution #MAGA #AlconaCounty #AlpenaCounty #CheboyganCounty #CrawfordCounty #IoscoCounty #MontmorencyCounty #OgemawCounty #OtsegoCounty #RoscommonCounty #PresqueIsleCounty