This committee shall be known as the Alcona County Republican Committee (henceforth referred to as the “Executive Board”). Further, Alcona County Republicans refers to residents of Alcona County who identify as a Republican (henceforth referred to as “ACR”.)


The main purpose and objective of the Executive Board shall be to get Republicans elected. The secondary (but not final) objective is to perform all duties provided by law and such other duties not prohibited by law, as will benefit the general welfare of the ACR and to conduct the political affairs and business of the ACR.


(a) – Alcona County Republican (ACR):

Precinct Delegates, dues-paying members, and members of the community who wish to support the ACR. The Executive Board reserves the right to refuse or revoke membership should a member of the ACR violate ethical standards of the ACR.

(b) – Alcona County Republican Executive Board

The membership of the Executive Board shall consist of Precinct Delegate Elected Members, Nominee Elected Members, Ex-officio Members, and Appointed Precinct Delegate Members who choose to serve on the Executive Board. Members of the Executive Board are elected by the measures under Article III.

(c) – Duly Elected Precinct Delegates

These members, having been elected by the citizens of Alcona County in the precinct in which they reside in the Primary Election of even numbered years, will have a vote at County Conventions regardless of paid membership status.

(d) – Appointed & Permanently Appointed Precinct Delegates

Precinct Delegates may be appointed by a vote of 50% +1 majority of the Executive Board present at any Meeting (as defined in Article V). Appointed Precinct Delegates have a vote starting at the next meeting, which follows the meeting at which they were appointed.

Appointed precinct delegates become Permanent (for the remainder of the term) after their information is submitted to the Michigan Republican Party and the County Clerk, which can only be done at the Convention to Elect Executive Board members and at County Conventions (as defined in Article III) only after the election of the Executive Committee Officers has concluded and/or should vacancies exist.

Appointed Precinct Delegates and Alternates are one step under the Duly Elected Precinct Delegates in the Order of Preference for electing Voting Delegates and Alternates to Michigan Republican Party Conventions. Permanently Appointed Precinct Delegates are regarded as the same as Duly Elected Precinct Delegates in the Order of Preference for electing Voting Delegates and Alternates to Michigan Republican Party Conventions.

(e) – Nominee Elected Members

Nominee Elected Members: Nominee members are those persons residing in Alcona County, on the Republican ballot, for County Offices, and State Legislative Offices at the last primary elections (whose districts are located in part, or in whole, in Alcona County) When a new nomination is made, the new member replaces the previous nominee as a member of the Committee. These members have a voice, but not a vote.

(f) – Ex-officio Members

These persons are those who reside in Alcona County and who have held the following positions from the previous two year election cycle of the current Board: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee, or any other Board position, members of the Republican State Committee, State Party officers, Republican Congressmen, Congressional District Chair, Chairs of any other Alcona County Republican Organizations, and any committee chairs appointed by the county chair. These members have a voice, but not a vote.

(g) – Hardworking Republicans

Hardworking Republicans are members of the ACR who have shown notable effort in assisting the ACR with their objectives. These are trusted individuals who the ACR sees as worthy of leadership roles and provide initiative necessary to the long term growth of the ACR.

These members live within Alcona County, and can be elected or appointed at regular meetings. Anyone from the Executive Committee can nominate someone to become a Hardworking Republican. Alcona County is allotted two Hardworking Republicans.

(h) – Youth Vice Chair

Shall serve as ex-officio as a member of all youth-related committees, and shall supervise and direct all youth activities of the ACR. Youth Vice Chair shall also perform the duties found in Article VI, Section 6.

(i) – Trustee

Republicans elected to the Executive Board, who choose to take on a greater role within the ACR.

(j) – Junior Trustee

Republicans 18 years of age or younger, and recognized by the Executive Board, who choose to take on a greater role within the ACR. Shall serve ex-officio as a member of all committees, shall serve as a voting member on all youth-related committees, and shall work with the Youth Vice Chair for Youth Outreach. These members have a voice, and can vote upon proposed Letters & Resolutions. These members are prohibited from voting at Conventions, and are prohibited from Closed Session Meetings.




There shall be an Executive Board of the ACR which shall be established and provided by law, and the Bylaws of the Michigan Republican Party. The Executive Board and Precinct Delegates shall elect Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and any other Executive Board positions as may come up for election.


See Article I Section 2 and Article VI.


See Article I Section 3b.


Any member of the Executive Board who fails to pay his/her annual dues by May 1st of each year, may be considered to have resigned from the Executive Board, and the position will be filled per Article II Section 6. All Executive Board members must pay their dues in order to have a vote regardless of their precinct delegate status.

Dues are as follows:

  • $20 per individual
  • $35 per couple
  • $10 per student of non-voting age.

Dues for ACR members (non-Executive Board members) may be paid at any time. However, until dues are paid, members shall have no vote.


The fiscal year for the ACR shall be from the Fourth Monday in March until the Fourth Sunday in March of each year.

Should a member pay their dues after the Fourth Monday in October, their membership shall not expire until the end of the second fiscal year, because of the three-month hiatus as defined in Article IV.


A vacancy shall occur in the position of an Executive Board member upon the following events:

  • a) By resignation from the Executive Board by the member
  • b) By death of the member
  • c) By the removal of legal residence from Alcona County by the member
  • d) By the members’ removal from elected office as per Article IX.

Vacancies shall be filled at a Special County Convention by a special election by the Executive Board not less than 15 days after and not more than 45 days after the vacancy occurs. Election of the successor will be by 50% + 1 of the Executive Board and precinct delegates present at the Special County Convention.

Until the vacancy can be filled, the Chair may appoint a member to the vacant office for temporary approval by the vote of the Executive Board with 2/3 vote of those present at an emergency vote, to fill the space until the special election can be held. Unless specified otherwise in these bylaws. These appointed persons, after having taken their Oath of Office, will have a vote, as long as they are a dues-paying member.

All Executive Board Members must be notified within 24 hours when an Executive Board office becomes vacant.


Any officer who shall fail to be present, either in person, via an approved Conference Call program, or by proxy, without an excused absence, for more than three (3) monthly meetings per calendar year, will be considered to have resigned from their position on the Executive Board, and shall be filled as provided in Article II Section 6.

Any absence that is to be excused, must be presented to the Chair or Secretary before the next meeting.




This is a special convention that must be held within thirty (30) days of the November General election of even numbered years. Only the most recent duly elected precinct delegates, permanently appointed precinct delegates, temporarily appointed precinct delegates, and hardworking republicans (as defined in Article I Section 3g), may run for an Executive Board position. An Executive Board member is elected when they receive 50% + 1 vote of those present or by an official proxy.

It is recommended that in addition to the Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary, that there are a number of persons equal to the number of county offices and state legislative offices for which candidates were nominated at the last two (2) preceding fall primary elections to act as Trustees for the party.

The term of office for the Executive Board shall immediately commence upon their election and qualification at the Special Convention. The term shall end when their successors are elected and qualified at the Convention held in the next even-numbered year.


County Conventions are called by the Executive Board Chair at the behest of the Michigan Republican Party to elect Voting Delegates and Alternates to State Conventions and conduct other business as may come before the Executive Board. Only the most recent Duly Elected Precinct Delegates, Permanently Appointed Precinct Delegates, and Executive Board Members may run for Voting Delegate or Alternate.

Appointed Precinct Delegates may be made Permanent by the submission of the appointee’s information to the Michigan Republican Party after business is conducted. Should vacancies exist, Precinct Delegates can be appointed only after Voting Delegates and Alternates have been elected. Proxy voting is prohibited. (Per the Michigan Republican Party’s Order of Preference.)


Precinct Delegates duly elected at the most recent August primary election of even-numbered years, shall be seated, given preference, and allowed a vote regardless of membership status. Appointed precinct delegates who filled vacancies permanently at the most recent November County Convention to elect the Executive Board, of even-numbered years (these vacancies must have been reported to the County Clerk) and the most recent Republican nominees for Alcona County where such person resides in the county in question, will be considered eligible to vote at this convention.




Monthly meetings will be held the fourth (4th) Monday of each month. These meetings are open to the public. Winter hiatus months are December, January, and February of each year. Meetings and conventions may be held during the hiatus months, at the behest of the Chair, Executive Board, or the Michigan Republican Party. The day and times may be changed as necessary by a quorum vote of 50% + 1 of the Executive Board. The vote may be held in person, by phone, by email, or by other means of communication.




Core Team meetings for the Executive Board (also known as CTM) shall be held as frequently as necessary to carry out its duties at times and places within Alcona County, to be determined by the Chair with input from the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall meet at least four (4) times each calendar year. All precinct delegates and dues-paying members may attend these Core Team Meetings and offer input when recognized by the Chair. Please see Article VIII, Section 8 for more details about when precinct delegates and dues-paying members may vote.


(a) – Quorum Defined:

A quorum consists of 50% + 1 majority of the entire Executive Board. Unless otherwise specified.

(b) – 50% + 1 Majority

This is the minimal majority needed for voting approval on all basic items, of those present within the quorum.

(c) – 66% (2/3)

This is the majority needed on subjects of greater importance, of those present within the quorum.

(d) – 75% (¾) Majority

In the case of removing an Executive Board member from his/her position, a 75% majority of the entire Executive Board is needed. In the case of Censure, a 75% majority of the entire Executive Board is needed.

(e) – Attendance

Without the required quorum for the vote at a meeting, the vote will either be rescheduled or sent for a digital vote, at the discretion of the Chair, as allowed.

(f) – Members Present

Once a quorum has been established, items may be voted on to the satisfactory majority.

(g) – Digital Voting

This includes, email, or approved conference call meeting. This excludes methods such as messenger, social media, text messaging, etc. Digital votes must be recorded in the next available public meeting minutes, under Old Business, if they took place outside of an open meeting.


Any member of the Executive Board may designate, in writing, a person to represent him/her at any meeting where proxies are allowed. Exceptions: No person shall hold more than one vote. A proxy voter must reside in and be a registered voter of Alcona County. (A proxy may not vote upon the bylaws and county conventions.)


An agenda and preliminary notice of the meeting of the Executive Board shall be forwarded by the Chair or Secretary to each member of the Executive Board, with the time and place of the meeting, not less than seven (7) days prior to each meeting.


(a) Special Meetings

Special Meetings may be called by the Chair when he/she deems it advisable. They may also be called when requested, in writing, by a 50% + 1 quorum of the Executive Board.

(b) Emergency Meetings

Emergency Meetings may be called by the Chair when he/she deems it necessary. They may also be called when requested, in writing, by a 50% + 1 quorum of the Executive Board.

(c) Closed Meetings/Sessions

In the event of a sensitive or confidential topic (examples: personnel, legal issues, disciplinary actions, etc.), a closed meeting or closed session, may be called by the Chair when he/she deems it necessary. They may also be called when requested, in writing, by a 50% + 1 quorum of the Executive Board.

(d) Notice

A preliminary notice of the subject matter to be considered at the special meetings of the Executive Board shall be forwarded by the Chair or Secretary to each member of the Executive Board with notice of the time and place of the meeting, no less than five (5) days, unless such notice is prevented by emergency. A minimum of twenty-four (24) hours’ notice shall be given of Emergency Meetings.




The duties of the Chair shall be those provided by law, and also, such other duties no prohibited by law as may be required by action of the Executive Board, including, but not limited to, the following:

(a) The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board.

(b) The Chair shall be an Ex-officio member of all standing committees.

(c) The Chair may appoint the chairpersons and members of all standing committees, with the exception of the Finance Committee, with input from the Executive Board.

(d) The Chair may remove the chairpersons and members of all standing committees, with the exception of the Finance Committee, with input and approval of the Executive Board.

(e) The Chair shall be responsible for directing the administration of the headquarters and staff, if any.

(f) The Chair shall be responsible for managing the day-to-day affairs of the Executive Board.

(g) The Chair shall coordinate the activities of the Republican Party organizations within the County.

(h) The Chair shall keep the Executive Board informed of Michigan Republican Party programs and activities.

(i) The Chair may hire or fire full-time or part-time personnel for positions with approval by the Executive Board.

(j) The Chair shall submit reports to the Executive Board as may be required by action of the Executive Board.

(k) The Chair may assign to other officers and standing committees such duties as may be necessary.

(l) The Chair is responsible for the Apportionment of the number of Precinct Delegate positions in each jurisdiction within Alcona County. This is done by the 1st of April in even numbered years. The allotment of precinct delegates to all precincts shall be made to ensure, as near as is practicable, equal apportionment based upon the total vote cast for the Republican candidate for either President of the United States or Secretary of State at the last general November election.


The Vice Chair shall preside at meetings of the Executive Board in the absence of, or at the request of, the Chair, and shall perform such other duties as directed by the Chair and/or the Executive Board. In the event the Chair is unable to act, the powers and duties of the Chair shall be assumed by the Vice Chair until such inability is removed or until the Chair shall again take up the duties of the office.


The Secretary shall perform all of the duties normally attributed to the office of Secretary, and in particular:

(a) The Secretary in particular shall keep a permanent record of the minutes and attendance of all meetings of the Executive Board.

(b) The Secretary shall make these records available, within two (2) weeks, for inspection and copying by any member of the Executive Board, where available.

(c) The Secretary shall furnish a copy of the most recent meeting minutes to any member of the Executive Board who requests the same.

(d) The Secretary shall see that all notices are duly given as required by law, and by these Bylaws.

(e) The Secretary shall submit typed minutes by email to the Executive Board and distribution list within two (2) weeks or until the next Executive Board Meeting.

(f) The Secretary may submit these minutes within five (5) days of the next meeting in which they are to be approved.


The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of all monies paid to the Alcona County Republican Committee and shall deposit the same in the name of the Alcona County Republican Committee in a bank designated by the Executive Board and shall pay all duly authorized bills. The Treasurer shall serve as Chairperson of the Finance Committee and shall be responsible for the proper and timely filing of all financial reports required by law. Bills may be authorized for payment by vote of the Executive Board. All checks shall require one signature either from the Treasurer or Chair.

(a) The Corporate or Administrative Account is titled Alcona County Republicans (henceforth known as the “ACR Account”). The monies in this account have limited spending and are not required to be reported to the Michigan State Bureau of Elections. They cannot be used to influence elections.

(b) The Working or State Account is titled Alcona County Republican Committee (henceforth known as the “ACRC Account”). The monies in this account are to be used for anything designed to influence elections as well as any and all expenses.

(c) Bank Accounts with Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union

  • 1) The Chair and the Treasurer will both have access to the accounts, with the Chair being the primary on one, and the Treasurer being the primary on the other. Only one signature will be needed on any documents related to the accounts
  • 2) Starter funds to come from the State account
  • 3) Otherwise, no money is to be spent from this account unless approved by the Executive Board (either verbally, electronically, written or an in-person vote)

(d) Debit Card (Currently attached to the ACRC Account)

  • 1) Have the Chair be the signer (if only one signer is allowed)
  • 2) Automatic renewals, such as for the website hosting and domain name should come from this card
  • 3) Otherwise, the card is not to be used unless approved by the Executive Board (either verbally, electronically, written or in-person vote)
  • 4) $100 should be kept in the account for automatic renewal of the website and domain name
  • 5) This card is to be held and kept securely by the Treasurer

(e) PayPal account (

  • The Treasurer shall also be responsible for documenting all PayPal account monies.
    1. The Chair and Treasurer shall both have access to the account.
    2. The PayPal account shall be attached to the ACRC account.
    3. Any other digital banking system(s) (IE: Venmo, Apple Pay, Square, Stripe, etc.) and/or fundraising platform(s) used in an official capacity for the ACR, shall fall under these guidelines as well, unless otherwise specified.

The Treasurer shall keep, or cause to be kept, an accurate account, in permanent records, of all receipts and disbursements of funds of the Executive Board using proper and orderly methods of keeping records; and said records, upon reasonable request (within two weeks), shall be open to inspection by any member of the Executive Board and shall render statements of the revenues, expenditures, outstanding obligations, and cash balance of the account(s) to the Executive Board at each regular meeting.

At the close of each calendar year, the Treasurer shall obtain from an auditor (the Treasurer may be that auditor) an annual statement and report as of December 31st of each year setting forth the financial condition of the Alcona County Republican Committee and summarizing its income and expenditures. The Treasurer shall forward the reports to the officers by the first day of March (or the first monthly meeting in March) of the year following.

The Treasurer shall furnish to his/her successor all funds, accounts, and other property pertaining to the affairs of the Treasurer upon leaving office.


The Deputy Treasurer shall assume the powers and duties of the Treasurer, as defined in Section 4 of this Article, in the event of the absence or inability of the Treasurer to do so.


The Youth Vice Chairperson shall be responsible for organizing Teenage Republican Club chapters and College Republican clubs and carrying out such other duties as shall be assigned by the Chair or the Executive Board.


Other such Vice Chair positions as Coalitions, Outreach, Ethnic, etc. will have similar responsibilities per their special title.


Duties of Trustees include, but are not limited to: providing oversight and/or guidance to the Executive Board’s decisions and votes, attending meetings, events, and promoting the Party.


All records and materials received or prepared by the officers or employees of the Executive Board in discharge of their duties, shall be the property of the Executive Board. And each such officer or employee at the conclusion of his/her term of service shall deliver all such records and materials to his/her successor, or to the Chair.




The following committees (if there are enough members to form a committee) shall be the standing committees of the Executive Board:

(a) Finance Committee

There may be a Finance Committee, which shall consist of the Treasurer, who shall serve as the chairperson, the Deputy Treasurer, the County Chair, and up to four (4) persons to be appointed by the County Chair with the approval of the Executive Board. The Finance Committee shall be responsible for developing and implementing the fundraiser plan of the Executive Board.

The Finance Committee shall propose an annual budget, which shall be submitted to the Executive Board who may approve or modify the budget with a majority vote by the 1st monthly meeting in April of each year.

The Finance Committee shall meet at least quarterly and shall regularly report to the Executive Board the current status of the financial policies and programs of the Executive Board. The Finance Committee shall recommend such changes and alterations in the budget as are necessary when actual revenues and revised revenue projections are not adequate to support budgeted expenditures. Recommendations of the Finance Committee with reference to the budget shall be presented to the Executive Board for acceptance or modification at the next Executive Board meeting.

(b) Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall develop and implement a membership program to maintain and increase the number of dues-paying members of the Alcona County Republicans. The membership and officers of the Membership Committee shall be determined by the Chair, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board.

(c) Communications Committee

The Communications Committee shall develop and implement a variety of action plans for the Alcona County Republicans, including but not limited to, letter to the editor programs, volunteer recruitment, political and issues forums, political interest mailings, and preparation of a newsletter. The membership and officers of the Communications Committee shall be determined by the Chair, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board.

(d) Events, Hospitality, and Recognition Committee

The Events, Hospitality, and Recognition Committee shall develop and implement a variety of events and programs, including but not limited to, all fundraising events and county conventions, a visitor/guest welcoming program, volunteer programs, a recognition letter program, and an Alcona County Republican recognition program. The membership and officers of the Events, Hospitality, and Recognition Committee shall be determined by the Chair, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board.

(e) Campaign Committee

The Campaign Committee shall develop and implement programs to recruit and train reliable party workers, precinct delegates, and qualified Republican candidates. The membership and officers of the Campaign Committee shall be determined by the Chair, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board.

(f) Social Media/Internet Committee

This Committee (even if it’s one person; the Chair or Secretary as example) shall be in charge of the website (, email (, and any communications from such online resources. This Committee shall also inform the Executive Board of the due date of any bills in relation to any and all online, internet, website, domain name, social media, etc. accounts at least one month prior to the due date.


The Chair may appoint such other committees as deemed necessary.



All resolutions, with the exception of resolutions honoring an individual for special service to the Party or community, shall be submitted to the County Chair at least five (5) days prior to the meeting at which they are proposed to be introduced.


The Chair shall cause a copy of each proposed resolution to be mailed, physically or digitally, to each member of the Executive Board with the notice of the meeting of the Executive Board.


It shall be the policy of the Executive Board not to endorse or support individual candidates in contested Republican primary elections, except as provided in Section 4 below.


(a) In the exceptional circumstances where an endorsement will benefit the Republican Party in Alcona County, the Executive Board may endorse, support, or disavow an individual candidate in a contested Republican primary election; provided that a resolution to endorse or disavow a particular candidate be adopted by two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Board present and voting, and provided notice of the resolution is given as provided in this Article, with the consent of the candidate to be endorsed where an endorsement is proposed.

(b) While it is desirable that officers maintain the official position of the Executive Committee regarding issues and candidates, nothing in these Bylaws shall be interpreted to prohibit individual rights or prerogatives contrary to the organization. Additionally, no county committee resources or county committee titles may be expended to assist a candidate who has not been endorsed by the body.


The resources of the Alcona County Republicans shall not be used to endorse or support individual candidates in contested elections unless the Executive Board has endorsed the candidate as provided in Section 4; provided that Executive Board resources may be made available on an equal access basis to all announced candidates in Republican primary elections where no candidate has been endorsed.

Out-of-pocket costs shall be reimbursed to the Executive Board by candidates using Executive Board resources, and the use of such resources shall not interfere with the operation of headquarters, if any, nor with the functioning of the Executive Board.


It is the policy of the Executive Board that the officers of the Executive Board in their official capacity shall not endorse partisan candidates in a contested primary election, except where the candidate has received Executive Board endorsement.


Upon 3/4 approval of the Executive Board, an elected Republican official who has violated conduct, as that of, but not limited to the above section, may be presented with an official Letter of Censure from the Alcona County Republican Committee.


If the Executive Board approves a letter, resolution or censure, Duly Elected and Appointed Precinct Delegates may vote on and choose to add their name to such documents; Paid Members can choose to add their individual names to such documents.




Any Executive Board Member may be removed from the Executive Board, by the Executive Board itself. Executive Board Member removal requires the approval of a 75% vote of the Executive Board members, provided 75% of the entire Executive Board is present, as specified under Article V, Section 2d, under Quorum & Voting Majority. There can be no vote for removal without an in-person vote, as it is the right of the accused to face their accuser. Votes must be made in person, and not by proxy (or other remote options) in order to facilitate a vote of removal.

Such reasons for removal include but, are not limited to:

  • 1) felony conviction
  • 2) abuse of title
  • 3) egregious conduct
  • 4) absenteeism


In order to initiate a vote for the removal of an Executive Board Member, a written petition with no less than 50% of the Executive Board Members signing is required. The petition absolutely requires original signatures of actual Executive Board Members, proxy signing is absolutely not permitted. After the petition requirements are met, the petition must be filed with the Chair. If the Chair is the member in question, then such petition shall be filed with the Secretary. This must be filed no later than ten (10) days prior to the next meeting when the vote is to occur.

If removal is successful, the vacancy shall be filled as per Article II, Section 6.




Should the Alcona County Republican committee disband, all physical properties and monies, whether in cash or held in any account, shall be divided equally among the current Veterans organizations serving Alcona County or any part thereof.



“Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised” shall govern the Executive Board, it’s standing committees, meetings, and in all cases where said rules, are not in conflict with these Bylaws.




These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (⅔) majority of the total membership of the Executive Board; provided that notice of any proposed amendment shall have been furnished with the meeting notice to each member of the Executive Board. These Bylaws should be reviewed and adopted bi-annually and may be amended as needed. Amendments do not take effect until officially adopted by a two-thirds (⅔) majority vote by the entire Executive Board.




These Bylaws shall govern the conduct of the Executive Board and its officers and other formed committees upon adoption by the Executive Board. When adopted, these Bylaws shall remain in force and in effect during the term of the Executive Board, which shall have adopted them, and until 24 hours after the first meeting of the Executive Board elected to replace it. The Chair or Secretary shall deliver to each member of the Executive Board a copy of these Bylaws (digitally and/or printed copy).

The Alcona County Republican Committee finalized and adopted these new Bylaws on January 26, 2023.