Understanding the Electoral College in Regards to the Republican Nominee
Our goal is to get a Republican in the White House. The alternative will be disastrous to this country. I think we can all agree on that.
It is the opinion of the Alcona County Republicans that Kasich does not have a chance at the nomination because of his lack of delegates. That leaves Trump and Cruz. The first to reach 1,237 delegates is the Republican nominee. If that number is not reached by either candidate, there will be a contested nomination or a brokered one; of which the RNC officials choose.
A contested convention begins the 1st round with duly elected precinct delegates (PD's) casting their committed votes based on primary or caucus results in their respective states. This will result (officially) with the exact numbers that have been previously predicted. The 2nd round releases the PD's from party rules and allows them to cast votes for one of the 3 remaining candidates. This process continues round after round until a candidate reaches the 1,237 PD threshold.
A brokered convention is far too complicated to go into detail here. Just know that this passes along a lot of the decision power to the RNC as they bring delegates to a consensus in back rooms. Brokered conventions can possibly even bring in a candidate of the RNC's choosing. Please visit What is a Brokered Convention? to find out more. This will probably splinter the Republican Party if the RNC tries a brokered convention.
This will all be determined by the Electoral College at the Republican National Committee Convention, July 18 - 21st, 2016, in Cleveland Ohio at the Quicken Loans Arena. The state conventions (of which Michigan's is April 8th and 9th) will determine which Precinct Delegates will attend the RNC Convention.
Whoever wins the nomination must be supported by all Republicans, Conservatives, Tea Partiers, etc. in order to beat Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. God is not running, Jesus is not running, so no candidate will be perfect. We must support them anyway because a Democrat as the President of the United States of America will infringe on our freedoms provided for us by the Constitution for decades to come.

March 8th Presidential Primary.
Here's a sample ballot for Michigan with added information. The 4 candidates you should be choosing from are: Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio and Donald Trump. The other candidates have either dropped out or "suspended" their campaigns (which means they have no clear path to the GOP nomination). Voting for them is a waste of a vote.
Please know that the deadline for removing their names from the ballot has already passed. That's why their names will still appear. There may be an added annotation next to the candidates who have dropped out making things easier.

2016 Declared Presidential Candidates, Alphabetically:
Lincoln Chafee - Gov. of Rhode Is. 2011 - 14
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Career Politician
Martin O'Malley - Gov. of Maryland 2007 - 15
Bernie Sanders - Senator from Vermont
Jim Webb - Author, Journalist, Film Maker, Senator from Virginia 2007 - 13
Jeb Bush - Governor of Florida, 1999 - 2007
Ben Carson - Retired Johns Hopkins Neurosurgeon
Chris Christie - Governor of New Jersey since 2010
Ted Cruz - Junior Senator from Texas
Carly Fiorina - CEO of Hewlett-Packard 1999 - 2005
Lindsey Graham - Senior Senator from South Carolina
Jim Gilmore - Governor of Virginia 1998 - 2002
Mike Huckabee - Governor of Arkansas 1996 - 2007
Bobby Jindal - Governor of Louisiana
John Kasich - Governor of Ohio since 2010
Rand Paul - Senator from Kentucky & Eye Surgeon
Rick Perry - Governor of Texas 2000 - 2015
Marco Rubio - Lawyer & Junior Senator from Florida
Rick Santorum - Attorney & Senator from Pennsylvania
George Pataki - Lawyer & Former Gov. of New York
Donald Trump - Businessman & TV Personality
Scott Walker - Governor of Wisconsin

Does this not sound like a great plan? Click the link and sign the petition.
I stand with Rand in his fight to defeat the Washington Machine and drive a stake through the heart of the IRS by:
Ending the workers tax: This plan will end the FICA payroll tax, the largest tax for many working Americans. It goes to zero.
Eliminating the headaches and complications in filing federal taxes by allowing every taxpayer to file a simple, one-page return with a low and fair tax rate of 14.5%, saving American families over $2 TRILLION in the first 10 years;
Eliminating payroll taxes, which incentivizes employers to hire more workers and raises after-tax income by 15% over ten years;
Ending corporate welfare and special tax breaks, eliminating the army of lobbyists and tax lawyers gaming the system. That means no more mom and pop small businesses paying 40% of their income in taxes, while big corporations -- armed with armies of slick lawyers -- pay zero;
Providing a real economic stimulus to our economy by exploding the GDP by almost 10% over the first 10 years.

As of May 8, 2015, polls show our top five Republican Candidates as:
- Marco Rubio
- Rand Paul
- Chris Christie
- Paul Ryan
- Rick Santorum
Polls in different states may have different numbers, but when added all together, statistics show these five candidates the most.
November 8th, 2016 we will be voting for a new President. Many have thrown their hats into the ring for the opportunity to defeat a Democrat in 2016.