32nd Biennial Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference - 2017
Local Events cover things that occur in and around Alcona County, Michigan.

We got to meet John James at the Michigan GOP State Convention.
John James is exactly who we need in a Senator. A decent human being who listens to his constituents.
Replace do-nothing Debbie Stabenow and Vote John James on November 6th.
Listed below are all of our great Conservative candidates and the links to find out more about them.
--Governor and Lieutenant Governor--
Bill Schuette
Lisa Pothsumus Lyons
--Secretary of State--
Mary Treder Lang
--Attorney General for Michigan--
Tom Leonard
--United States Senator--
John James
--Representative in Congress MI-01--
Jack Bergman
--State Senator for the 36th--
Jim Stamas
--State Representative for the 106th--
Sue Allor
--Member of the State Board of Education--
Tami Carlone - tamicarlone.com/
Richard Zeile - www.facebook.com/FrZeile
--Regent of the University of Michigan--
Andrea Fischer Newman - www.facebook.com/MichiganAndi/
Andrew Richner - www.facebook.com/andrew.richner.54
--Trustee of Michigan State University--
David Dutch - gogreenvotedutch.com/
Mike Miller - mikemillerformsu.com/
--Governor of Wayne State University--
Diane Dunaskiss - www.facebook.com/DunaskissForWSU/
David Nicholson - bog.wayne.edu/members/nicholson
--Justice of the Supreme Court of Michigan--
Elizabeth Clement - clementforjustice.com/ - see below for commentary
Kurtis T. Wilder - ballotpedia.org/Kurtis_Wilder

We feel obliged to inform you about this so you can make a thoroughly informed decision. There has been contention about Elizabeth Clement and her straying from the Republican platform and the Constitution.
Although this is a non-partisan position, political affiliation does come into play.
She was at the Michigan Republican Convention for the nomination. She did end up getting it, but not without a fight.
Many are upset with her specifically about Proposition 18-2 and the Michigan Supreme court case that her swing vote ultimately allowed it on the ballot.
There is an alternative to Clement, Kerry Lee Morgan.
Learn more about him. He's a Libertarian.
ACR Vice Chair Jaynee Germond, ACR Secretary Carrie Mullins and ACR Trustee Kris Anderson all got to go to the MRLC on Mackinac Island. It was a whirlwind event. Lots of speakers, lots of topics and a ton of interaction. So much was learned and much fun was had.
Thanks to LG Brian Calley for covering our hotel, our credentials, and our ferry. We could never had been there without you.

Here's a list of all the candidates for the 1st Congressional District to be voted on at the Caucus on Friday night. Followed by a list of candidates to be voted on at the Convention on Saturday.

As you may be aware, the Michigan Republican Party is electing their party leaders on February 10th and 11th, 2017 in Lansing. The Credentials Committee unanimously agreed and seated 2,048 State Convention Delegates and 1,039 State Convention Alternates. There are a lot of candidates running for positions at the Congressional District level (there are 14 Congressional Districts in Michigan). At the February 10th Caucuses, we will be electing:
- 14 Congressional District Chairs (1 per congressional district) and the other officers (Secretary, Treasurer, 3 State Committeeman, 3 State Committeewoman, Executive Committee Members)
- 98 members of the Michigan Republican Party State Committee (14 of whom shall be the Congressional District Chairs) (7 per congressional district)
- 14 Convention Vice Chairs (1 per congressional district)
- 14 Assistant Secretaries (1 per congressional district)
- Carrie Mullins (the Alcona County Republicans Secretary) is one of them. Here's her speech.
Contention in the 1st Congressional District
If the Caucus Rules are adopted, this is the only Slate that is complete enough to meet the party rules. Otherwise you'll have to vote for individuals. Slates were created as time savers. Jason Allen was unable to form a complete slate before the deadline, and may try to throw out the caucus rules which will make for a long night.
Osmer Slate:
Chairman - Jesse Osmer
Treasurer - Cathy Jacobs
Secretary - Casey Rhodes
35th Senate District - Jennifer Smeltzer
36th Senate District - Beverly Bodem
37th Senate District - Rob Most
38th Senate District - Barb Kramer
State Committee:
John Haggard, Stephen Yoder, and Kirk Schott
Kim MacMaster, Sandy Call, and Judi Schwalbach
Executive Committee:
101st District - Penny Nelson
103rd District - Danielle McPherson
105th District - Ethan Miracle and Jim Wise
106th District - Carrie Mullins
107th District - Michael Sullivan and Abby Bell
108th District - Paul Neumeier and Leon Felch
109th District - Paul Walker and Kevin Flohe
110th District - Patty Ashcraft and Janelle Putala
We are not running anyone in the 104th (2) - Allen's territory.
NO MORE RECOUNT IN MICHIGAN - It is officially over.
Good Evening, 5:00 PM on 12-8-16
Judge Goldsmith just lifted the Temporary Restraining Order from the Michigan Recount. The federal decision coupled with the Michigan Court of Appeals decision and the Board of Canvassers directive to the Michigan Elections Director to end the recount makes this recount officially over.
Thank you especially to the thousands of people who volunteered during this recount. You should all be extremely proud of what we accomplished together!
Please note: You DO NOT need to report to your recount location tomorrow.
This is a victory for the taxpayers and voters of Michigan who can be assured that their vote will count when the state’s electors meet on December 19th. The courts have affirmed the stance the campaign has maintained from day one: Jill Stein, who received only 1.07% of the vote in Michigan, is not legally entitled to hijack the will of voters and drag them into an arduous and expensive publicity stunt. Jill Stein’s 1% temper tantrum cost Michigan taxpayers millions of dollars and would have cost them additional millions of dollars if not for the actions of President-elect Trump, the Michigan Republican Party, and Attorney General Bill Schuette.
I imagine many of you are as exhausted as I am. Please get some much needed and deserved rest if you can.
Thank you all,
Ronna Romney McDaniel
Chairman, Michigan Republican Party
RECOUNT CONTINUES IN MICHIGAN - 6:39 AM on December 7, 2016.
RECOUNT UPDATE: There are still legal proceedings going on. Until all legal battles are resolved, the recount will continue. If you have signed up for a shift, please go to that shift.
Looks like there will NOT be a recount in Michigan. There is a potential for Stein to pull some other crap, but for all tense and purposes, the Michigan State Appeals Court voted 2 to 1 to stop the recount.
See the Detroit Free Press story here:

Looks like Jill Stein won over a liberal judge (U.S. District Judge Mark Goldsmith) who ordered the recount to start NOW. As there are legal proceedings currently in the works, the recount may be halted if a higher court rules in our favor. But, we have to begin the recount now to make the Dec. 13 deadline that will allow Michigan's 16 Electoral Votes to count on Dec. 19 when the Electors meet to cast their ballots for Trump.
A friend of mine wrote this:
It's also illegal! I guess state law means nothing? Missing the deadline would be her [Jill Stein's] fault! We have deadlines for a reason.
"Under Michigan law, state officials must wait two business days after hearing an objection to a recount before they can start counting, in order to allow a court review of how the state election officials ruled on the objection. The state board of canvassers voted 2-2 on President-elect Donald Trump’s objection to Stein’s recount, meaning that Wednesday morning was the earliest that a recount could start — but the judge’s ruling changed that.
The judge’s decision means that Stein’s attorneys have shown “a credible threat exists and that the recount were delayed, would not be completed by Dec. 13,” which is the federal safe harbor deadline to guarantee Michigan’s electoral votes are counted on Dec. 19."
Refer to this article for more detailed info: http://www.westernjournalism.com/judge-orders-michigan-begin-vote-recount-noon-monday/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=PostUp&utm_campaign=WJBreaking&utm_content=2016-12-05
We need volunteers to monitor the recount. Full shift, part shift, whatever you can do would be SUPER! Please sign up for shifts here:
From here you can sign up for any county you feel comfortable with. Go Here: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/sos/MISchedule_543896_7.pdf . The Michigan SOS (Secretary of State) will help you chose where to go and what dates to sign up for; it has all the information about where and when the recounts will be taking place. THE RECOUNTS ARE ALREADY UNDERWAY.
You can download the Trump Recount Team Manual by clicking this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wkz8j8jze00ayva/Trump%20Recount%20Team%20Manual_Final_12.2.2016.pdf?dl=0 . You do NOT have to sign up for an account. At the bottom of the window that pops up, just click no thanks, continue to document. This will give you an overview of what to expect and what's expected of you.
TRAINING: There is an online training seminar that the Michigan Republican Party is offering.
PLEASE HELP and PASS THIS TO OTHERS YOU KNOW. We need to get slots filled ASAP.
ANY QUESTIONS? Please Contact: James Hogge - Regional Deputy Chair - 1-517-331-5743 / jhogge@migop.org
You can also use our Contact Us page and I will reply to you as soon as I can.
Carrie Mullins
Alcona County Republicans - Secretary

Robert Kennedy contacted me in order to return the Jack Bergman sign (per police request) without having to contact Jack or his campaign. He wanted to take care of this locally. I agreed to accept the sign on behalf of the Bergman campaign. The sign showed signs of being crumpled. It was folded when Kennedy handed it to me. He was with his wife, who had a clipboard, a pen, and a printed form for Kennedy and myself to sign indicating the return. There were no wires returned with any of the signs. The signs were NOT placed illegally (lie #1). There was NO agreement between Sue Allor and Kennedy to remove and return signs that were “illegally” placed (lie #2). Sue and Kennedy are mere acquaintances, not friends (lie #3) as I doubt either would invite the other to dinner.
The fact that Robert Kennedy removed a Bergman sign (absolutely, unquestionably no agreement between these two) indicates intent to me. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.
This news story has certainly made the rounds, and rightfully so. The details show intent and the lies after being caught... The whole thing shows bad judgement at best and the willingness to commit crimes at the worst. Do you really want someone with such bad judgement to represent you? Tampering with signs is at least a misdemeanor.
http://www.thealpenanews.com/page/content.detail/id/560051/Kennedy-caught-removing-opponent-s-sign.html?nav=5004 - Original News Story:
October 17, 2016
Alpena News
Democratic candidate for the 106th state House Robert Kennedy was investigated for removing campaign signs from various locations in Presque Isle County Saturday afternoon. Kennedy admitted he had removed signs that were in support of his opponent Sue Allor, who has chosen not to press charges.
According to the police report obtained by The Alpena News from Presque Isle County Sheriff Department, a motorist noticed a man removing Allor signs on US-23 North in the Ocquueoc area and placing them in his trunk. Plath stopped and confronted the man, who turned out to be Kennedy, and took a picture of the him as well as his vehicle and its license plate and went to the sheriff's department to report the incident. The Presque Isle and Alcona sheriffs' departments began an investigation thereafter.
The report states while being interviewed Kennedy admitted removing Allor signs and at least one sign of 1st Congressional Republican candidate Jack Bergman.
Kennedy told law enforcement that he and Allor were friends and had an agreement to remove each others signs if they were in an area illegal to display them.
In her interview with police Allor said the two were acquaintances from the campaign trail, but not friends. She also told police there was no such agreement in place to remove each others signs.
Kennedy has returned the signs to Allor, who has indicated she will not press charges.
Links to the various news stories:

UPDATE: Rep. Peter Pettalia was wearing helmet when his motorcycle collided with truck
LANSING, MI -- Rep. Peter Pettalia, R-Presque Isle, died in a motorcycle accident Monday, a spokesman for House Speaker Kevin Cotter, R-Mt. Pleasant, confirmed.
Pettalia, a former township supervisor and co-owner of an auto shop, was first elected in 2010 and was serving his third term. He served as chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
House Speaker Kevin Cotter, R-Mt. Pleasant, said Pettalia was deeply involved in his local community. He was also respected within the legislature.
"We are all devastated to hear the news today about Rep. Pettalia. Pete was a dear friend and long-time colleague who was well-known for his expertise, his hard work, and his love for the great outdoors. His fellow Republican representatives elected him last year into a leadership position in our caucus, and everyone from both parties looked up to him as a senior member of the state House," Cotter said.
Pettalia leaves behind his wife, Karen, and two children.
Gov. Rick Snyder said he would order flags lowered for Pettalia at the appropriate time, and issued a statement.
"Sue and I were heartbroken to hear of the death of Representative Pettalia and send condolences on behalf of the entire state to his family, colleagues and friends. Peter's wife, Karen, their children and grandchildren are in our thoughts and prayers especially as they deal with this tragedy," Snyder said.
"Peter had a long career committed to helping the people he represented and served, whether as a volunteer firefighter, a township supervisor, or a state representative. He will be missed by many people here in Lansing as well as in his long-time home of Presque Isle and throughout his district."
Michigan Republican Party Chairman Ronna Romney McDaniel also issued a statement regarding Pettalia's death.
"Representative Pettalia was a tremendous public servant during his far too short time in the Michigan House. He was a tireless advocate for the people of his district and their interests in Lansing. His commitment to his constituents cannot be overstated. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones during this difficult time," Romney McDaniel said.
Capitol news service MIRS News reports that both the Montmorency County Sheriff and Michigan State Police are working the accident scene.
UPDATE: The guidelines passed by a vote of 6 to 2.
The Michigan State Board of Education passed these ridiculous GUIDELINES (not laws, GUIDELINES)
It was a 6 - 2 vote along party lines. This is a real blow to the moral fabric of our society. Just a reminder to all school districts (principals, parents, teachers, etc.) these are just guidelines. These are not laws and you are NOT required to enforce them. And how are small school districts supposed to pay for the enactment of all these "guidelines?"
Here are the Guidelines summarized --- explained and translated.
1) Adopt, Implement and enforce... enumerated nondiscrimination, anti-bullying, and anti-harassment policies ---- these policies are already in place. But, I guess we need to re-establish them for the LGBTQIA community.
2) All schools are now guided to provide "professional development opportunities" for district staff and board members. --- Even the janitor has to take the "How to Deal with LGBTQIA Students" class.
3) Provide extra curricular activities for the LGBTQ students in middle and high school. --- Gay Rights Club will now be an acceptable after school activity.
4) ) Provide appropriate and meaningful family engagement and support. --- Pay for a new staff member to deal solely with this issue.
5) Encourage respect for the human and civil rights of all people, including those who are LGBTQ ---- Basically, teach the kids how to be LGBTQIA so everyone can empathize with them.
6) Provide developmentally-appropriate information about LGBTQ issues in school libraries and in student and faculty resource centers. --- Make the Gender Unicorn available to everyone, everywhere. Hand out pamphlets and be sure to stock up on "Jack and Jill and Mary and Tom went up the Hill" books.
7) Collect and review data to identify disparities that create barriers to a safe and successful learning experience for LGBTQ students. --- Have students fill out daily surveys, read their diaries, and put bugs in backpacks. You'll have lots of data on them to review.
8) Designate a building-level staff member who is conversant in issues related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. --- Pay for yet another LGBTQIA staff member to stand guard at bathrooms and answer questions.
Here's an article about this: Detroit Free Press Article
By the Way... it's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning (or Queer), Intersex, and Asexual (or Ally of the LGBTQIA community).
August 29, 2016 - Resolution to Ensure the Civil Rights of all Alcona County Students
Basically, this it the Transgender issue. The Alcona County Republicans have submitted Resolutions and signed petitions to the necessary government officials. Nearly 200 people have signed these Petitions and Resolutions.

Courtesy of the Obama Administration
Starting in Kindergarten this is the new Barney. By 3rd grade, they want your kids to color their own unicorn. It will teach your children all about their gender preference. Per Obama’s "Dear Colleague Letter on Transgender Students", if schools don’t teach this or something like it, they will lose their funding. This is a threat and is Un-Constitutional. Hillary plans to continue this policy.
H.U.N.T. will be on the November 8th, 2016 Ballot. We need to pass this. It is a non-partisan issue. It's not about marijuana, it's about drug trafficking in Alcona County and surrounding counties. If you don't think this is a problem, you would be wrong. Meth, Heroin, and Prescription Drugs are a serious problem. Even in this rural area.
Learn about the Huron Undercover Narcotics Team (HUNT). There will be a HUNT millage on the November ballot in Alcona County, MI. This will essentially fund the placement of an officer from Alcona county on HUNT.
If you think that the rural county of Alcona (population 10,900) does not have a drug trafficking problem, you would be wrong. Watch this video to learn all about it. It's a little less than 1 hour long. This was the main focus of our meeting on May 23, 2016.
Big thanks to Detective Lt. Stuart Sharp and Prosecuting Attorney Tom Weichel.