Precinct Delegate
Become the Backbone of the Republican Party

What is a Precinct Delegate?
A Precinct Delegate is a person elected directly by the voters in each Precinct, for a two-year term. During this term, that person will serve as a direct liaison between the Republican Party and the voters in their Precinct who elected them. This includes directly at County & State Conventions, as well as at the monthly County Republican meetings.
How to Become a Precinct Delegate
Anyone who wishes to serve their fellow neighbors in this capacity, will start a journey with which they will gain the tools and knowledge of the inner workings of their Precinct, and the Republican Party as a whole. This journey will mold them into a person who is to become the very backbone of local, state, and national politics.
To become a Precinct Delegate, the interested person must be a registered voter within the very Precinct that they live in, and are a candidate for. The candidate is required to fill out an Affidavit of Identity, and turn it into the Alcona County Clerk's Office before the deadline listed on the affidavit form. You can view the 2022 Affidavit of Identity here, as an example. After the affidavit has been filled out, you will also need to ensure that it has been properly notarized. The Alcona County Clerk will be able to do this for you when you turn your form in.
Once this process has been completed, you will be placed upon the next ballot for the August Primary in your Precinct, under the “Delegate to County Convention” heading. These ballots are on even years only, and if it is not an election year, there is always a possibility of being appointed as a Precinct Delegate within one of our County Conventions, prior to a State Convention.

The Responsibilities and Role of a Precinct Delegate
There are a few responsibilities for the role of Precinct Delegate, and they include, but are not limited to:
Being a liaison between the Republican Party and the Precinct in which they reside;
Assisting the Alcona GOP with Voter Turnout on Election Day;
Assisting the Alcona GOP with Registering People to Vote;
Distributing literature and information to their Precinct;
Identifying Republican supporters within their Precinct;
Attending County & State Conventions;
Attending Republican Events.
Every Precinct Delegate is different, and we encourage everyone who wants to help out, to become involved in the Precinct Delegate process. Remember, the Founding Fathers were also Delegates for their own respective geographical areas, and this is a proud calling for everyone to partake in.